Beiträge, die mit CYBERSECURITY getaggt sind
Ein tatverdächtiger Ukrainer wurde wegen Malware-Einsatz und Lösegeld-Erpressung angeklagt. Der Mann soll einer weltweit agierenden Cybercrime-Gruppe angehören.
#Cybercrime #Cybersecurity #Malware #Ransomware #news
The Iranian hacker group Handala claimed responsibility for breaching the emergency systems of Maager-Tec at 20 kindergartens... #israel #iran #handala #hackers #cybersecurity
The Jerusalem Post: Iranian hackers broadcast rocket sirens, pro-terror songs at 20 Israeli kindergartens…
The Iranian hacker group Handala claimed responsibility for breaching the emergency systems of Maager-Tec at 20 kindergartens… #israel #iran #handala #hackers #cybersecurityfor much deliberation
Teilen erbeten ‼️
#DSGVO #TDDDG #Datenschutz #Privatsphäre #sicherheit #Verschlüsselung
#encryption #WEtell #SoloKey #NitroKey #Email #Cybersecurity #Pixelfed #Massenűberwachung #Sicherheitspaket
#Google #Metadaten #WhatsApp #Threema #Cryptpad #Signal
#Hateaid #Cyberstalking #Messenger #Browser #Youtube #NewPipe #Chatkontrolle #nichtszuverbergen #ÜberwachungsKapitalismus #Microsoft #Appel #Windows #Linux #Matrix #Mastodon #Friendica #Fediverse #Mastodir #Loops #2FA #Ransomware #Foss #VeraCrypt #HateAid #Coreboot #Volksverpetzer #Netzpolitik #Digitalisierung #FragdenStaat #Shiftphone #OpenSource #GrapheneOS #CCC #Mail #Mullvad #PGP #GnuPG #DNS #Gaming #linuxgaming #Lutris #Protondb #eOS #Enshittification
#Bloatware #TPM #Murena #LiberaPay #GnuTaler #Taler #PreppingforFuture
#FediLZ #BlueLZ #InstaLZ #ThreatModel
#FLOSS #UEFI #Medienkompetenz
auch als PDF:
#Cybersecurity #Resist #Resistance #Protest #HumanRights #uspol
Subaru’s poor security left troves of vehicle data easily accessible
Security researchers hacked into an admin portal that also let them remotely control cars. They say Subaru is only one of many automakers tracking vehicles...Will Shanklin (Engadget)
#Tech #UnitedHealthCare #Technology #Ransonware #CyberSecurity
UnitedHealth confirms 190 million Americans affected by Change Healthcare data breach | TechCrunch
The number of individuals confirmed to be affected by the data breach is almost double the company's previous estimate.Zack Whittaker (TechCrunch)
Having Barcelona become a crucial regional outpost for offensive cybersecurity companies puts the spyware problem squarely on the doorstep of Europe, which has a fractious relationship with surveillance tech, due to scandals in Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, and Poland — all involving Israeli spyware makers.
#Barcelona #spain #israel #spyware #startups #business #malware #security #cybersecurity #privacy #surveillance
How Barcelona became an unlikely hub for spyware startups | TechCrunch
Barcelona's mix of affordable cost of living and quality of life has helped create a vibrant startup community — and become a hotbed for the creation of surveillance technologies.Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai (TechCrunch)
> When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau prorogued Parliament until March 24, that automatically wiped tabled cybersecurity, privacy, artificial intelligence, data and online harms bills from the agenda. #CDNpoli #CANpoli #JustinTrudeau #cybersecurity #security #AI #artificialintelligence #privacy #tech #GDPR @floofloof
Tech firms look to Europe for direction after prorogation wipes parliamentary bills
TORONTO — Canadian tech companies say they are patching together their own standards, mostly borrowed from European laws, to guide them through the limbo of prorogation.Tara Deschamps, The Canadian Press (Prince George Citizen)
Self-hosted: SearXNG, Redlib, NextCloud, Immich.
Network: Pi-hole + Unbound DNS, VPN, DNS leak tests.
Email: ProtonMail, alias sign-ups.
What am I missing? Any tips?
Just go Tor 24/7 at this point?
added strike-through
#Privacy #Anonymity #Infosec #CyberSecurity
Trump feuert auch die wichtigsten Cyber-Sicherheitsexperten der USA
Die Trump-Regierung säubert dieser Tage unliebsame Mitglieder der Vorgänger-Administration, und das betrifft auch das Cyber Safety Review Board.Witold Pryjda (
Some advocates of these censorship schemes argue we can nerd our way out of the many harms they cause to speech, equity, privacy, and infosec. Their silver bullet? “Age estimation” technology that scans our faces, applies an algorithm, and guesses how old we are – before letting us access online content and opportunities to communicate with others. But when confronted with age estimation face scans, many people will refrain from accessing restricted websites, even when they have a legal right to use them. Why?
Because quite simply, age estimation face scans are creepy AF – and harmful. First, age estimation is inaccurate and discriminatory. Second, its underlying technology can be used to try to estimate our other demographics, like ethnicity and gender, as well as our names. Third, law enforcement wants to use its underlying technology to guess our emotions and honesty, which in the hands of jumpy officers is likely to endanger innocent people. Fourth, age estimation face scans create privacy and infosec threats for the people scanned. In short, government should be restraining this hazardous technology, not normalizing it through age verification mandates."
#USA #AgeVerification #AgeEstimation #Surveillance #Privacy #CyberSecurity #FaceScans
Face Scans to Estimate Our Age: Creepy AF and Harmful
Government must stop restricting website access with laws requiring age verification. Some advocates of these censorship schemes argue we can nerd our way out of the many harms they cause to speech, equity, privacy, and infosec.Electronic Frontier Foundation
The hack, which came to light earlier this month, hit PowerSchool, a Folsom, California, firm that provides cloud-based software to some 16,000 K–12 schools worldwide. The schools serve 60 million students and employ an unknown number of teachers. Besides providing software for administration, grades, and other functions, PowerSchool stores personal data for students and teachers, with much of that data including Social Security numbers, medical information, and home addresses."
#USA #CyberSecurity #DataBreaches #Schools #CloudComputing
Data breach hitting PowerSchool looks very, very bad
Schools are now notifying families their data has been stolen.Dan Goodin (Ars Technica)
Sicherheitsforscher haben es geschafft, über das Internet die Kontrolle über Subaru-Fahrzeuge zu übernehmen. Entdeckt haben sie aber auch einen Datenschatz.
#Cybersecurity #Datenschutz #Hacking #Subaru #news
Seit Monaten beschäftigt ein massiver Cyberangriff auf Provider die USA. Eine Untersuchung durch ein Beratergremium wurde nun offenbar abrupt gestoppt.
#Cyberangriff #Cybersecurity #DonaldTrump #Provider #news
#USA #Surveillance #PoliceState #Section702 #Backdoors #CyberSecurity #Privacy
VICTORY! Federal Court (Finally) Rules Backdoor Searches of 702 Data Unconstitutional
Better late than never: last night a federal district court held that backdoor searches of databases full of Americans’ private communications collected under Section 702 ordinarily require a warrant.Electronic Frontier Foundation
Mastercard schrammt mit Glück an schwerem Security-Vorfall vorbei
Der Kreditkartenanbieter Mastercard ist mit Glück an einem gravierenden Sicherheits-Vorfall vorbeigeschrammt.Christian Kahle (
Jemand, den ich gar nicht kenne ( die #Gemini KI) erfährt also, welche #Wochenendaktivitäten ich plane und auch noch, mit wem. Das ist sowas von #Anti-#Privacy.
#cybersecurity #datenkrakegoogle
I’ve spoken at #DEFCON, organized to #recall a mayor, and I help run the #partyon server + a local #hackerspace.
#Support my work, #activism, + #family here:
venmo/cashapp: @nullagent
#BlackMastodon #MutualAid
Support a Black Protester Assaulted while Defending Housing Rights
As inflation, price gouging, and skyrocketing home prices have affected the nation, the city of Seattle has become increasingly hostile to low-income and middle-class populations.Chuffed
#gdpr #cybersecurity
Linia de front digitală a României, spartă de hackeri. Guvernul ascunde realitatea | context
În timp ce NATO și UE acuză Rusia că și-a intensificat atacurile cibernetice în țările membre, România arată că e în continuare nepregătită în fața hackerilor.Andrei Petre (
Sonderzeichen helfen nicht: 1 Mrd. Passwörter von Malware gestohlen
Obwohl immer wieder Alternativen angeschoben werden, beruhen Sicherheits-Konzepte weiterhin vor allem auf Passwörtern. Und diese werden in einem immer größeren Umfang von Kriminellen gestohlen, wie aktuelle Daten für das letzten Jahr zeigen.Christian Kahle (
15-jähriger Hacker veränderte Schulnoten - und Schifffahrts-Routen
Ein 15-jähriger Schüler aus dem italienischen Cesena hat es geschafft, sich in die Schlagzeilen der Medien zu hacken.Christian Kahle (
#introduction #privacy #cybersecurity #selfhosting #homelab #proxmox
#cybersecurity #blogging #technology #tech
Read my blog today:
Securing Docker Containers
Docker is a tool allowing administrators the ability to easily deploy applications and services. Used correctly, it can be a very powerful in allowing known configurations to be replicated and deployed quickly and easily in a consistent manner.Philip Marsh (Marsh Security)
#Blog #CyberSecurity #Travel
Should You Use a Travel Router?
Learn how travel routers enhance Wi-Fi security and performance on the go. Discover tips for choosing the right router and maximizing your connection.Rob Marshall (Rob Marshall | Cyber Security Engineer)
Windows-Dauersicherheitsproblem löst Bedrohungslage 2 beim BSI aus
Eine kritische Sicherheitslücke in Windows OLE alarmiert das BSI. Die Behörde hat die IT-Bedrohungslage auf Stufe Gelb hochgestuft. Nutzer sind allein durch das Betrachten einer E-Mail in Outlook gefährdet.Nadine Juliana Dressler (
Vor 35 Jahren markierte eine schlichte 5,25 Zoll-Diskette mit der Aufschrift "AIDS Information" den Beginn einer der größten Geißeln der vernetzten Menschheit.
#Cybercrime #Cybersecurity #MissingLink #Ransomware #Trojaner #news
GoDaddy schützt gehostete Kunden-Websites nicht ausreichend und betreibt irreführende Werbung zum Datenschutz, sagt die FTC. Sie fordert robuste IT-Sicherheit.
#Cybersecurity #Datenschutz #Datensicherheit #FederalTradeCommission #Hosting #Internet #Security #Verbraucherschutz #news
How #CAPTCHAs are Powering the Future’s Cars… and Drones #cybersec #cybersecurity #domesticspying
Nagwall. Click the X:
Among them are Paradigm Shift, which was founded by former employees of Variston in the aftermath of the company’s collapse last year; and Epsilon, which is led by Jeremy Fetiveau, an industry veteran who used to work for a division within U.S. defense giant L3Harris that was created after the company acquired the Australian startup Azimuth. Fetiveau did not return a request for comment.
The city is said to also be home to an unnamed group of Israeli researchers who moved to Barcelona from Singapore to work on developing zero-day exploits. The existence of this unnamed team as well as Epsilon’s presence in Barcelona was first reported by Israeli newspaper Haaretz, whose article sparked coverage in local newspapers and news websites.
Other cybersecurity companies have a presence in Barcelona, even if they are not headquartered there. Andrijana Šekularac, the chief executive of Austrian cybersecurity company SAFA, lives in the city, according to her public LinkedIn profile. SAFA has sponsored offensive cybersecurity conferences, including OffensiveCon and Hexacon, and employs at least two security researchers with past experience at spyware companies, according to their public LinkedIn profiles. Šekularac also did not respond to a request for comment.
These zero-day and spyware companies are part of a broader cybersecurity and startup ecosystem in Barcelona. As of last year, according to the Catalan regional government, there were more than 10,000 people working for more than 500 cybersecurity companies in Barcelona, or around 50% more workers than five years earlier."
#EU #Spain #Barcelona #CyberSecurity #Spyware #israel #ZeroDay #StartUps
How Barcelona became an unlikely hub for spyware startups | TechCrunch
Barcelona's mix of affordable cost of living and quality of life has helped create a vibrant startup community — and become a hotbed for the creation of surveillance technologies.Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai (TechCrunch)
#CyberSecurity #StealerLogs #Privacy #DataBreaches
Experimenting with Stealer Logs in Have I Been Pwned
TL;DR — Email addresses in stealer logs can now be queried in HIBP to discover which websites they've had credentials exposed against.Troy Hunt
Cybersecurity & Privacy For Beginners: Ad Blocking
Many of us know we can do better on the internet. We know that we’re not using good security practices, and many of us know we’re being t...The New Oil
#LAFires #cybersecurity #LAFD
Sicherheitsleck bei KigaRoo: Über zwei Millionen Kita-Daten im Netz
Einem Sicherheitsforscher ist es gelungen, auf sensible Daten des Kita-Software-Anbieters KigaRoo zuzugreifen. Einmal benachrichtigt, handelte der Anbieter vorbildlich und schloss die Lücke
#RustLang, #Rust, #SoftwareEngineering, #CodingJourney, #CareerChange, #CyberSecurity, #OpenSource, #TechBlog, #blog
The news is a crystalizing moment for the location data industry. For years, companies have harvested location information from smartphones, either through ordinary apps or the advertising ecosystem, and then built products based on that data or sold it to others. In many cases, those customers include the U.S. government, with arms of the military, DHS, the IRS, and FBI using it for various purposes. But collecting that data presents an attractive target to hackers.
“A location data broker like Gravy Analytics getting hacked is the nightmare scenario all privacy advocates have feared and warned about. The potential harms for individuals is haunting, and if all the bulk location data of Americans ends up being sold on underground markets, this will create countless deanonymization risks and tracking concerns for high risk individuals and organizations,” Zach Edwards, senior threat analyst at cybersecurity firm Silent Push, and who has followed the location data industry closely, told 404 Media. “This may be the first major breach of a bulk location data provider, but it won't be the last.”"
#CyberSecurity #USA #Venntel #DataBreaches #LocationData #Surveillance #Privacy #DataProtection
Hackers Claim Massive Breach of Location Data Giant, Threaten to Leak Data
Gravy Analytics has been one of the most important companies in the location data industry for years, collating smartphone location data from around the world selling some to the U.S. government. Hackers say they stole a mountain of data.Joseph Cox (404 Media)
Researcher Turns Insecure License Plate Cams Into Open Source #Surveillance Tool #CyberSecurity
Researcher Turns Insecure License Plate Cameras Into Open Source Surveillance Tool
Privacy advocate draws attention to the fact that hundreds of police surveillance cameras are streaming directly to the open internet.Jason Koebler (404 Media)
What do these privacy violations have in common? They share a source of data that’s shockingly pervasive and unregulated: the technology powering nearly every ad you see online.
Each time you see a targeted ad, your personal information is exposed to thousands of advertisers and data brokers through a process called “real-time bidding” (RTB). This process does more than deliver ads—it fuels government surveillance, poses national security risks, and gives data brokers easy access to your online activity. RTB might be the most privacy-invasive surveillance system that you’ve never heard of."
#Privacy #Surveillance #CyberSecurity #AdTargeting #DataProtection #DataBrokers #DataBrokerage #RTB
One of my goals for 2025 is to publish more regularly on the site, but the catch is I don’t always have things I want to blog about week after week. So, enter the Privacy Roundup.
Note: people who subscribe to the RSS feed and/or the newsletter get it hot off the press usually. 😇
#privacymatters #security #blog
Newsletter, hosted by @buttondown, can be found at:
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Privacy Roundup: Week 1 of Year 2025
Week 1 of 2025 of the Privacy Roundup. This edition includes news items covering: identity documents leaked to the public internet, Apple settling a privacy-related lawsuit concerning Siri, US Treasury hacked by China-connected APTs, and moreAvoid the Hack (avoidthehack!)
Before you dive in, know that there are many ways to shore up your safety and privacy. It’s OK to take them on slowly but surely, one at a time. If you run into any challenges, remember: the Digital Security Training team at Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF) is here to help. Reach out here."
#USA #PressFreedom #Journalism #CyberSecurity #Privacy #DataProtection
The 2025 journalist’s digital security checklist
Our digital security training team's checklist to help journalists secure their digital life.Freedom of the Press