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Beiträge, die mit CYBERSECURITY getaggt sind

The Jerusalem Post: Iranian hackers broadcast rocket sirens, pro-terror songs at 20 Israeli kindergartens…

The Iranian hacker group Handala claimed responsibility for breaching the emergency systems of Maager-Tec at 20 kindergartens... #israel #iran #handala #hackers #cybersecurity


190 million people in America were affected by last year’s ransomware attack on UnitedHealth — nearly double previous estimates. @Techcrunch has more:


#Tech #UnitedHealthCare #Technology #Ransonware #CyberSecurity

How Barcelona became an unlikely hub for spyware startups

Having Barcelona become a crucial regional outpost for offensive cybersecurity companies puts the spyware problem squarely on the doorstep of Europe, which has a fractious relationship with surveillance tech, due to scandals in Cyprus, Greece, Hungary, and Poland — all involving Israeli spyware makers.

#Barcelona #spain #israel #spyware #startups #business #malware #security #cybersecurity #privacy #surveillance


#Canada - Tech firms look to Europe for direction after prorogation wipes parliamentary bills

> When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau prorogued Parliament until March 24, that automatically wiped tabled cybersecurity, privacy, artificial intelligence, data and online harms bills from the agenda. https://www.princegeorgecitizen.com/politics/tech-firms-look-to-europe-for-direction-after-prorogation-wipes-parliamentary-bills-10090121 #CDNpoli #CANpoli #JustinTrudeau #cybersecurity #security #AI #artificialintelligence #privacy #tech #GDPR @floofloof
Canadian tech companies say they are patching together their own standards, mostly borrowed from European laws, to guide them through the limbo of prorogation. Hands type on a computer keyboard in Toronto in this Sunday, Oct. 9 photo illustration. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Graeme Roy

Browser (Firefox): Bitwarden, CanvasBlocker, Decentraleyes, D̶i̶s̶a̶b̶l̶e̶ ̶J̶a̶v̶a̶S̶c̶r̶i̶p̶t̶,̶ ̶D̶o̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶T̶r̶a̶c̶k̶ ̶M̶e̶ ̶G̶o̶o̶g̶l̶e̶,̶, Containers, P̶r̶i̶v̶a̶c̶y̶ ̶B̶a̶d̶g̶e̶r̶, uBlock Origin, S̶e̶a̶r̶c̶h̶ ̶b̶y̶ ̶I̶m̶a̶g̶e̶.

Self-hosted: SearXNG, Redlib, NextCloud, Immich.

Network: Pi-hole + Unbound DNS, VPN, DNS leak tests.

Email: ProtonMail, alias sign-ups.

What am I missing? Any tips?
Just go Tor 24/7 at this point?

added strike-through

#Privacy #Anonymity #Infosec #CyberSecurity

Die Trump-Regierung entlässt wichtige Cybersicherheitsexperten des DHS. Betroffen ist auch das Cyber Safety Review Board, das gerade chinesische Hackerangriffe untersuchte. #Cybersecurity #Trump https://winfuture.de/news,148383.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

"Government must stop restricting website access with laws requiring age verification.

Some advocates of these censorship schemes argue we can nerd our way out of the many harms they cause to speech, equity, privacy, and infosec. Their silver bullet? “Age estimation” technology that scans our faces, applies an algorithm, and guesses how old we are – before letting us access online content and opportunities to communicate with others. But when confronted with age estimation face scans, many people will refrain from accessing restricted websites, even when they have a legal right to use them. Why?

Because quite simply, age estimation face scans are creepy AF – and harmful. First, age estimation is inaccurate and discriminatory. Second, its underlying technology can be used to try to estimate our other demographics, like ethnicity and gender, as well as our names. Third, law enforcement wants to use its underlying technology to guess our emotions and honesty, which in the hands of jumpy officers is likely to endanger innocent people. Fourth, age estimation face scans create privacy and infosec threats for the people scanned. In short, government should be restraining this hazardous technology, not normalizing it through age verification mandates."


#USA #AgeVerification #AgeEstimation #Surveillance #Privacy #CyberSecurity #FaceScans

"Parents, students, teachers, and administrators throughout North America are smarting from what could be the biggest data breach of 2025: an intrusion into the network of a cloud-based service storing detailed data of millions of pupils and school personnel.

The hack, which came to light earlier this month, hit PowerSchool, a Folsom, California, firm that provides cloud-based software to some 16,000 K–12 schools worldwide. The schools serve 60 million students and employ an unknown number of teachers. Besides providing software for administration, grades, and other functions, PowerSchool stores personal data for students and teachers, with much of that data including Social Security numbers, medical information, and home addresses."


#USA #CyberSecurity #DataBreaches #Schools #CloudComputing

"This decision sheds light on the government’s liberal use of what is essential a “finders keepers” rule regarding your communication data. As a legal authority, FISA Section 702 allows the intelligence community to collect a massive amount of communications data from overseas in the name of “national security.” But, in cases where one side of that conversation is a person on US soil, that data is still collected and retained in large databases searchable by federal law enforcement. Because the US-side of these communications is already collected and just sitting there, the government has claimed that law enforcement agencies do not need a warrant to sift through them. EFF argued for over a decade that this is unconstitutional, and now a federal court agrees with us."


#USA #Surveillance #PoliceState #Section702 #Backdoors #CyberSecurity #Privacy

Mastercard entkam knapp einem Sicherheits-GAU: Ein DNS-Fehler blieb fast 5 Jahre unentdeckt. Ein Forscher verhinderte Schlimmeres mit der Registrierung einer fehlerhaften Domain. #Mastercard #Cybersecurity https://winfuture.de/news,148335.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

Gaaaanz toll !
Jemand, den ich gar nicht kenne ( die #Gemini KI) erfährt also, welche #Wochenendaktivitäten ich plane und auch noch, mit wem. Das ist sowas von #Anti-#Privacy.

#cybersecurity #datenkrakegoogle

I’m a #Seattle #community #organizer and #activist, #developer, and #cybersecurity expert… + a queer, neurodivergent Black parent heavily impacted by #racism—including stalking, #housing insecurity, + a #racist #lynchmob.

I’ve spoken at #DEFCON, organized to #recall a mayor, and I help run the #partyon server + a local #hackerspace.

#Support my work, #activism, + #family here:

venmo/cashapp: @nullagent

#BlackMastodon #MutualAid

Andrei Petre, Romanian journalists, writes about the data breaches of 2024 that the Romanian government reufses to acknowledge, talk about or address (in terms of remedying the structural weaknesses in their infrastructure).


#gdpr #cybersecurity

Über 1 Milliarde Passwörter wurden 2024 durch #Malware gestohlen. Selbst komplexe Passwörter mit Sonderzeichen boten keinen Schutz. Zeit, unsere Sicherheitsstrategien zu überdenken. #Cybersecurity https://winfuture.de/news,148309.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

15-jähriger Hacker manipuliert Schulnoten und Schiffsrouten: Italienischer Schüler dringt in Systeme ein und verändert Mittelmeer-Routen von Frachtschiffen. Polizei ermittelt. #Cybersecurity #Hacking https://winfuture.de/news,148281.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

Hi 👋, I’m new to Mastodon! I’m a full-stack developer passionate about privacy and cybersecurity. I recently got into self-hosting/homelab. Looking forward to connecting with like-minded folks!

#introduction #privacy #cybersecurity #selfhosting #homelab #proxmox

In my latest #blog I explore the world of #docker and common mistakes when it comes to securing your #containers both in your #homelab and at #enterprise level.

#cybersecurity #blogging #technology #tech

Read my blog today:

Travel routers are one of my favorite pieces of tech away from home. Here's a breakdown of what travel routers do and whether or not you may benefit from using one.


#Blog #CyberSecurity #Travel

Kritische Sicherheitslücke in Windows OLE alarmiert das BSI. Die Behörde stuft die IT-Bedrohungslage auf Gelb hoch. Nutzer sind schon durch Betrachten einer E-Mail in Outlook gefährdet. #Windows #Cybersecurity https://winfuture.de/news,148250.html?utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=ManualStatus&utm_campaign=SocialMedia

"In this article I will briefly discuss the history of CAPTCHAs and how the most innovative tech companies are using them."

How #CAPTCHAs are Powering the Future’s Cars… and Drones #cybersec #cybersecurity #domesticspying

Nagwall. Click the X: https://medium.com/@alec.mccabe93/how-captchas-are-powering-your-next-car-9ecb15d62994

"Apart from Palm Beach Networks (as it was known at the time), Barcelona is home to several other exploit and spyware makers that are also making the most of the city’s sunny, temperate weather, fresh seafood, and vibrant expat community.

Among them are Paradigm Shift, which was founded by former employees of Variston in the aftermath of the company’s collapse last year; and Epsilon, which is led by Jeremy Fetiveau, an industry veteran who used to work for a division within U.S. defense giant L3Harris that was created after the company acquired the Australian startup Azimuth. Fetiveau did not return a request for comment.

The city is said to also be home to an unnamed group of Israeli researchers who moved to Barcelona from Singapore to work on developing zero-day exploits. The existence of this unnamed team as well as Epsilon’s presence in Barcelona was first reported by Israeli newspaper Haaretz, whose article sparked coverage in local newspapers and news websites.

Other cybersecurity companies have a presence in Barcelona, even if they are not headquartered there. Andrijana Šekularac, the chief executive of Austrian cybersecurity company SAFA, lives in the city, according to her public LinkedIn profile. SAFA has sponsored offensive cybersecurity conferences, including OffensiveCon and Hexacon, and employs at least two security researchers with past experience at spyware companies, according to their public LinkedIn profiles. Šekularac also did not respond to a request for comment.

These zero-day and spyware companies are part of a broader cybersecurity and startup ecosystem in Barcelona. As of last year, according to the Catalan regional government, there were more than 10,000 people working for more than 500 cybersecurity companies in Barcelona, or around 50% more workers than five years earlier."


#EU #Spain #Barcelona #CyberSecurity #Spyware #israel #ZeroDay #StartUps

"TL;DR — Email addresses in stealer logs can now be queried in HIBP to discover which websites they've had credentials exposed against. Individuals can see this by verifying their address using the notification service and organisations monitoring domains can pull a list back via a new API."


#CyberSecurity #StealerLogs #Privacy #DataBreaches

#Cybersecurity & #Privacy For Beginners: #AdBlocking



This morning LA fire officials indicate that they have become aware of false evacuation orders circulating that appear to come from the official emergency management text warning system. This maybe a cyber security incident but it's not know yet exactly how these texts were sent.

#LAFires #cybersecurity #LAFD

Un investigador de seguridad logró acceder a datos confidenciales del proveedor de software para guarderías #KigaRoo. Una vez notificado, el proveedor actuó de manera ejemplar y cerró la brecha de inmediato. El caso muestra que el “hacking ético” puede mejorar la seguridad informática y por qué hace falta una reforma del derecho penal informático. - https://netzpolitik.org/2025/ueber-zwei-millionen-kita-daten-im-netz/ #ciberdelincuencia #ciberseguridad #cybersecurity

As the year wrapped up, I spent some time reflecting on my transition from a CyberSecurity engineer to Principal engineer which inspired me to write a blog about the steep learning curve of writing quality coding and—how I used #rust to reinforce my skills. Check it out and let me know what you think!


#RustLang, #Rust, #SoftwareEngineering, #CodingJourney, #CareerChange, #CyberSecurity, #OpenSource, #TechBlog, #blog

"Hackers claim to have compromised Gravy Analytics, the parent company of Venntel which has sold masses of smartphone location data to the U.S. government. The hackers said they have stolen a massive amount of data, including customer lists, information on the broader industry, and even location data harvested from smartphones which show peoples’ precise movements, and they are threatening to publish the data publicly.

The news is a crystalizing moment for the location data industry. For years, companies have harvested location information from smartphones, either through ordinary apps or the advertising ecosystem, and then built products based on that data or sold it to others. In many cases, those customers include the U.S. government, with arms of the military, DHS, the IRS, and FBI using it for various purposes. But collecting that data presents an attractive target to hackers.

“A location data broker like Gravy Analytics getting hacked is the nightmare scenario all privacy advocates have feared and warned about. The potential harms for individuals is haunting, and if all the bulk location data of Americans ends up being sold on underground markets, this will create countless deanonymization risks and tracking concerns for high risk individuals and organizations,” Zach Edwards, senior threat analyst at cybersecurity firm Silent Push, and who has followed the location data industry closely, told 404 Media. “This may be the first major breach of a bulk location data provider, but it won't be the last.”"


#CyberSecurity #USA #Venntel #DataBreaches #LocationData #Surveillance #Privacy #DataProtection

"Some #Motorola automated #licenseplatereaders... are live-streaming video and car data to the unsecured internet where anyone can watch and scrape them... In a proof-of-concept, a privacy advocate then developed a tool that automatically scans... footage for license plates, and dumps that information into a spreadsheet, allowing someone to track... movements... in real time."

Researcher Turns Insecure License Plate Cams Into Open Source #Surveillance Tool
https://www.404media.co/researcher-turns-insecure-license-plate-cameras-into-open-source-surveillance-tool/ #CyberSecurity

"A global spy tool exposed the locations of billions of people to anyone willing to pay. A Catholic group bought location data about gay dating app users in an effort to out gay priests. A location data broker sold lists of people who attended political protests.

What do these privacy violations have in common? They share a source of data that’s shockingly pervasive and unregulated: the technology powering nearly every ad you see online.

Each time you see a targeted ad, your personal information is exposed to thousands of advertisers and data brokers through a process called “real-time bidding” (RTB). This process does more than deliver ads—it fuels government surveillance, poses national security risks, and gives data brokers easy access to your online activity. RTB might be the most privacy-invasive surveillance system that you’ve never heard of."


#Privacy #Surveillance #CyberSecurity #AdTargeting #DataProtection #DataBrokers #DataBrokerage #RTB

Since I more or less follow the news in #privacy and #cybersecurity a lot and already curate specific news items here, I figured I would round them up and post them on the website weekly. I’ll still post some items here, especially the ones that generate more buzz throughout the community.

One of my goals for 2025 is to publish more regularly on the site, but the catch is I don’t always have things I want to blog about week after week. So, enter the Privacy Roundup.

Note: people who subscribe to the RSS feed and/or the newsletter get it hot off the press usually. 😇

#privacymatters #security #blog


Newsletter, hosted by @buttondown, can be found at: https://buttondown.email/avoidthehack

The RSS feed is at: https://avoidthehack.com/home.rss

"In tumultuous times, we believe in being prepared, not scared. Sound digital security practice often involves forming and relying on good habits. Building these reflexes now will help keep you better protected. This is why we’ve distilled advice our trainers have shared with thousands of journalists over the years into the actionable, concrete steps below.

Before you dive in, know that there are many ways to shore up your safety and privacy. It’s OK to take them on slowly but surely, one at a time. If you run into any challenges, remember: the Digital Security Training team at Freedom of the Press Foundation (FPF) is here to help. Reach out here."


#USA #PressFreedom #Journalism #CyberSecurity #Privacy #DataProtection