Beiträge, die mit BIGTECH getaggt sind
#FediEltern #FediLZ #Medienkompetenz #BigTech #GAFAM
Na semana que vem, o Cade fará uma audiência pública para ouvir as big techs sobre a regulação de práticas comerciais
Há seis processos em análise no Cade envolvendo as big techs. O primeiro da fila, que tem previsão para entrar na pauta de julgamentos ainda neste semestre, segundo apurou a reportagem, é um recurso da Apple contra a proibição imposta pelo órgão à cobrança de desenvolvedores de aplicativos que estão na Apple Store.
A investigação constatou que a empresa cobra 30% dos desenvolvedores de apps a título de taxa de solução de pagamentos, o que a Apple nega."
#Brasil #RedesSociais #BigTech #Cade
Cade fecha cerco a big techs no que deve ser o 1º embate do Brasil com empresas dos EUA na era Trump
Na semana que vem, órgão de defesa da concorrência fará audiência pública para ouvir plataformas; Câmara Brasileira de Economia Digital, que representa as big techs, não se manifestouMariana Carneiro (Estadão)
"...the world is going to collapse, so get as rich as possible now, so that when the fall comes, you are among the richest billionaires who can then buy up all of the natural resources and live in an AI-powered enclave, safe from the starving masses"
#bigtech #inequality #capitalism #antifa #mediumcom #cliffberg #fediverse
I asked you whether you had switched from Big Tech. This is what you answered.
69% Switched a long time ago.
13% Just switched.
15% Are about to switch.
3% Do not want to switch and love Big Tech.
I guess this makes sense. You are here.
Now, please help you friends and family switch. For their sake, but also for all of us. The world is better with them joining us.
Have a wonderful day!
#fediverse #Mastodon #Windows #macos #Linux #Android #ios #Twitter #X #Facebook #BigTech #Politics
2004: Don’t be evil
2018: OK, be evil but at least don’t kill people
2025: Fuck it, kill people
#Google #BigTech #AI #SiliconValley #USA #capitalism #fascism
Google drops pledge not to use AI for weapons
The tech giant has unveiled an update to its AI principles, which removes references to not pursuing work on weapons and surveillance.Martyn Landi (The Independent)
Watch the talk here on #peertube :)
Demo of Castopod and Mastodon with Web Monetization support (FOSDEM 2025)
#fosdem2025 #fosdem #foss #podcasting #fediverse #activitypub
Demo of Castopod and Mastodon with Web Monetization support (FOSDEM 2025)
Demo of Castopod ActivityPub support and demo of Mastodon tip jar using Web Monetization, As the social networking landscape evolves, marked by moments of mass migration between platforms—often triggered by political or cultural shifts—open-source ec…/podlibre/video/
#Google #War #AI #Tech #BigTech #Palestine #Israel #Genocide
Google removes pledge to not use AI for weapons from website | TechCrunch
Google removed a pledge to not build AI for weapons or surveillance from its website this week. The change was first spotted by Bloomberg. The companyMaxwell Zeff (TechCrunch)
#fediverse #digitalcourage #demokratie #bigtechlobby #bigtech #unplugtrump
Spotify donated to Trump's inauguration, report finds
Swedish newspaper Dagens Nyheter reported that the streaming giant paid over $150,000 towards the presidential ceremony.Michael Lawson (Resident Advisor)
Die Mädels bekommen im Februar das Fediverse erklärt. ❤
Dann bin ich gespannt, ob sich mehr Künstlerinnen hier einfinden.
Frauenverachtende Inhalte haben laut Studie des Institutes für Diskriminierung um 4600%!!! zugenommen seit Trump die Wahlen gewonnen hat. 🤮
#feminismus #flinta #frauenrechte #fcktrump #bigtech #frauen #noafd
Ich will beweisen, dass sich das Fedi für Künstlerinnen lohnt. ❤
#neuhier #nichtmehrganzneuhier 😁
#comedy #bigtechmussweg #bigtech #kabarett #frauen #frauenpower
2978 mensen hebben deze oproep nu ondertekend. Daar moet meer in zitten, op Mastodon zullen vast meer mensen het ermee eens zijn
Het is belangrijk dat deze oproep met enig gewicht ook gehoord gaat worden bij mensen die nog wat minder hiermee bezig zijn.
Dus, als je dat nog niet gedaan hebt: teken deze oproep. En boost dit bericht.
#bigtech #bitsoffreedom
Erik Uden 🍑 (
Interestingly, two days before Oracle deleted my account and all servers associated with it, I publicly criticized Oracle's CEO in a viral post for promising dystopian AI surveillance technology to his investors. https://mastodon.MastodonDE
Man braucht nicht in die Hölle zu reisen, um den #Teufel zu bekämpfen - man kann in der noch freien Welt bleiben um ihm hier entgegenzuwirken.
JEDES einzelne Profil, das bei einer #SocialMedia- und #BigTech-Plattform angelegt wird - aus welchem Grund auch immer, macht diese stärker, einflussreicher und finanziell wertvoller - ein "Teufelskreis"!
JEDES einzelne Profil, das im #Fediverse angelegt wird, macht dessen föderale GEMEINSCHAFT stärker.

Europe must commit to strong enforcement of the #DSA, #DMA and other digital laws to protect people, our #democracy and #economy 💪🏾
Read our open letter ➡️
#twitter #SocialMedia #ElonMusk #elon #musk #media #tech #technology #BigTech
Vogt am Freitag: Entfesselt - Das Netz ist politisch
Abhängigkeit ist nie gut. Höchste Zeit, dass Medien ihre Budgets von grossen US-Plattformen abziehen und das Geld in eigene Kanäle investieren, meintReto Vogt (avongunten)
They start by discussing the recent upset of Big Tech by the release of DeepSeek but actually most of the discussion is about centralized surveillance capitalism vs. decentralized social media and the challenges faced by Mastodon (and Bluesky) being less user-friendly and lacking monetization.
#media #BigTech #capitalism #fediverse #mastodon #decentralization #news #ai #oligarchy
- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt
Der Digital Services Act, der Digital Markets Act und das EU-Wettbewerbsrecht sind für den Schutz unserer Demokratie und unserer Wirtschaft von entscheidender Bedeutung.
Die großen Tech-Konzerne versuchen, die Trump-Regierung zu aktivieren, um ihre Ausbeutung von Nutzern und abhängigen Unternehmen zu schützen. Ihre unkontrollierte Macht hat eine unfaire digitale Wirtschaft geschaffen, die uns allen schadet. Die EU darf dem Druck nicht nachgeben.
#BigTech #EU #DSA #DMA #Google #Musk #Meta #Adtech
Nach Trump-Antritt: NGOs fordern von der EU einen klaren Kurs gegen Einfluss der Tech-Konzerne - Rebalance Now
35 europäische NGOs fordern die EU-Kommission in einem offenen Brief auf, ihre Regeln gegen Tech-Konzerne strikt durchzusetzen.Ulrich Müller (Rebalance Now)
Trump-Vize: Tech-Konzerne zu mächtig und stehen unter Beobachtung
All die Anbiederung und die Millionen-Spenden an die neuen Machthaber in den USA scheinen den großen Tech-Konzernen wenig zu bringen. Donald Trumps Vize-Präsident hat deutlich gemacht, dass die sogenannte Big Tech viel zu einflussreich sei.Christian Kahle (
#Vivaldi #browser #Windows #Macos #Linux #Computer #Android #iOS #BigTech
Ten years of making new friends by building a browser for you, not Big Tech | Vivaldi Browser
Monday January 27th marks the ten year anniversary of our first ever public technical preview. We set out to make a powerful browser for our friends.Team Vivaldi (Vivaldi Technologies)
Fact-checkers under fire as Big Tech pulls back
Meta’s move to ditch fact-checking put a target on the back of fake-news fighters, they warn.Mathieu Pollet (POLITICO)
It’s OK, if you don’t like it, you can just simply not buy food.
#surveillance #capitalism #microsoft #BigTech #dystopia
Via @ErickaSimone & @broadwaybabyto
Automation in Retail Is Even Worse Than You Thought | The Nation
New technology is not just making shopping more challenging for workers and consumers—it’s poised to rip off the most vulnerable.The Nation
#europe #bigtech #usa #spain #democracy #oligarchy
Tech billionaires want to ‘overthrow democracy’ with social media, Spain PM Sánchez says
“The technology that was intended to free us has become the tool of our own oppression.”Aitor Hernández-Morales (POLITICO)
There are those who will say that this is good — that the corruption is happening in the open instead of the shadows. But public, open corruption allows even more rottenness to fester in secret. Consider all the strongman governments; besides their advances in bribery, what did they innovate? Silicon Valley’s leaders fashion themselves as titans of industry, but what they’re really building is a golden age of grift."
#USA #Trump #BigTech #TechRegulation #Billionaires #Plutocracy
Welcome to the era of gangster tech regulation
Mark Zuckerberg, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos are awfully cozy with Donald Trump, suddenly. It’s almost as though tech regulation is up for sale.Elizabeth Lopatto (The Verge)
If you have not done so already, download an alternative browser, such as Vivaldi as well. Consider whether you can move away from other Big Tech services. At Vivaldi, for example, we use Whereby for video conferences. Many of us have moved to Linux. Many of us use LibreOffice, instead of Microsoft office. There are options if you look for them. It is easy to go with Big Tech, but if you think the world would be better without them or if they had less power, know that you can make a difference.
#Vivaldi #fediverse #Mastodon #Windows #Microsoft #BigTech #Apple #Linux #Macos #Software #Regulation
Yet three things may yet check their dominance. The first is that competition is intensifying between the biggest tech companies themselves as they all make colossal bets on AI and try to disrupt each others’ business models. “Big Tech can no longer deliver growth by staying in their respective lanes,” says Richard Kramer, Arete’s founder. “We expect more Hunger Games-style competition between Big Tech, attacking each other’s ‘core’ business, in consumer tech hardware, cloud services, content and ecommerce.”
That competition is also increasingly acquiring a legal dimension as tech companies attack each other in court. Musk is suing OpenAI and Altman claiming that he, and others, were duped into investing in the AI start-up because of its “fake humanitarian mission”. He also trolled the Stargate announcement this week, posting on X: “They don’t actually have the money.”"
#USA #Trump #BigTech #Antitrust #Oligopolies #Competition
Trump is becoming the technoking of America
The president is surrounded by the leaders of the richest and most powerful companies in history — but their dominance may yet be checkedJohn Thornhill (Financial Times)
Want to know more about this? Listen to the newest episode of Talk Media to Me in which Roselinde Bon and I unpack the issue.
#bigtech #uspolitics #media #tiktok #meta #musk
S03E07: Strategic Unknowns in the US
Talk Media to Me · EpisodeS03E07: Strategic Unknowns in the US (Spotify)
That’s a big ask that feels insurmountable at this moment, but it’s a movement can start now with people who are fed up with our current de facto abusive tech business models. I think eventually we will get there anyway, because the I am not sure the current extractive model is sustainable without encountering massive social unrest within the next decade. The alternative to change, if taken to an extreme, may be the collapse of personal liberty for everyone.
In the meantime, while these lofty goals simmer and take shape, you can also continue to take personal steps to preserve your own tech liberty. Support nonprofits like the EFF that fight for privacy and user rights, strong encryption, open source, use local storage, and so on. I highly encourage it.
Ultimately I hope these thoughts can be a starting point for others to pick up the torch and build off of. I will also be thinking of constructive solutions for a future follow-up."
#USA #Privacy #BigTech #SurveillanceCapitalism #DMCA #RightToRepair #Oligopolies
The PC is Dead: It’s Time to Make Computing Personal Again
How surveillance capitalism and DRM turned home tech from friend to foe. For a while—in the '80s, '90s, and early 2000s—it felt like nerds were [...]
Leaked documents shed light on Microsoft's involvement.
"The Israeli military’s reliance on Microsoft’s cloud technology and artificial intelligence systems surged during the most intensive phase of its bombardment of Gaza"
#microsoft #openai #bigtech #gaza #genocide #freepalestine
The media has tended to focus on the net worth of this half dozen, using rusty words like “oligarchy,” in homage to their vast wealth. But their power penetrates much deeper than that. It is literally in my pocket as I write this: their host of apps that dominate our every waking hour, their dominance and control over the very appliance that most now get their news and entertainment from, where they do their banking, receive their advertisements, connect with their friends, date and buy stuff.
Oligarchs are nothing new, but these six men have a power over us that is more intimate than other billionaires. They collectively build, run, and control what can only be likened to an appendage of our own human bodies, a new organ that most can’t imagine losing or losing access to.
I call them the appistocracy.
The power these apps command is so awesome that not even their owners are fully in control. Attempts to rename the companies consistently fail. To any ordinary person, “X” remains Twitter; “Alphabet” remains Google; and “Meta” remains Facebook. The rebrands fail because these apps have lodged themselves so deeply in our minds that unlearning our conception of them is about as realistic as unlearning a native language. They exist in some timeless, platonic realm of ideas. These companies might as well try to rebrand the concept of a tree."
#USA #Trump #BigTech #Oligarchy #Appistocracy #Billionaires
Leaked memo reveals alarming German warnings over Trump – POLITICO
Michaelis describes Trump’s vision as one focused on the “maximum concentration of power with the president at the expense of Congress and the states.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)