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Beiträge, die mit BIGTECH getaggt sind

Pe Krieger tritt am 20.03 bei der Kaarster Comedy Night auf.
Sie und @FLOMB hatten Lust, die Kampagne #unplugtrump von @kuketzblog zu unterstützen.
Gerne die Instrumentalversion und den Text herunterladen, singen, übersetzen, und verlinkt mit #UnplugTrump und den Tipps von www.kuketz-blog.de/unplugtrump... teilen.🙂
Hier kommt eine weitere Version.
Lasst uns den BigTechs zusammen die Stecker ziehen!
#UnplugTrump #bigtech #usa #demokratie #truckfump #kabarett #musik #punk

Apple takes legal action in UK data privacy row




Amazon’s Drone Delivery Program Was So Annoying That Homeowners Begged It to Stop




"Karp and Zamiska’s basic historical claim that Silicon Valley owes its modern origins to Cold War defense spending is broadly true, even if the ethical mandate they derive from it—making the U.S. armed forces more lethal in order to uphold American global supremacy—is question-begging. Still, at times, their critique of the post–Cold War commercialization of Silicon Valley is surprisingly lacerating: “Far too much capital, intellectual and otherwise, has been dedicated to sating the often capricious and passing needs of late capitalism’s hordes,” they write, decrying a generation of software engineers for applying its prodigious talents to building the next food delivery or social media app.

But their critique of tech-enabled consumerism only goes so far. In one of the book’s many unintentionally funny moments, they single out the early retail website eToys, a darling of pre-dot-com-bubble Silicon Valley, and castigate it for the “shallowness” of its ambition and “abdication of everything beyond the light hedonism of the moment.” But they’re quick to clarify: “To desire, even a toy, is to be human.” The point of refashioning the government in the image of a Silicon Valley start-up, they write elsewhere, is to ensure it delivers “the goods and services that are essential to our lives.” How did we get from “late capitalism’s hordes” to “goods and services”? It helps to remember that Palantir also runs a commercial business accounting for nearly half of its revenue.
This tonal seesawing—for every Karpian truth-bomb, a lawyerly qualification; for each saber rattled, a pitch-deck cliché—is symptomatic of this book’s generic incoherence. [I]t reads as though you asked an AI chatbot to write a set of Gladwellian think pieces in defense of American techno-militarism, with as many smart-sounding yet ultimately vacuous quotes as possible."


#USA #Militarism #SiliconValley #Pentagon #TechnoMilitarism #BigTech

#OpenSource kan je niet zomaar als alternatief zien voor #BigTech. Er zijn wel bepaalde voorwaarden aan verbonden. Lees hier meer over in de #blog van @bert_hubert 👌

Offener, faktenbasierter Diskurses und der Schutz vor antidemokratischer Einflussnahme sind Grundpfeiler einer lebendigen und wehrhaften Demokratie!

Gemeinsam mit 78 Kirchen, Digitalunternehmen, Gewerkschaften sowie Organisationen aus Verbraucher:innenschutz und Zivilgesellschaft fordert @germanwatch:

Friedrich Merz, Markus Söder und Lars Klingbeil müssen die wirksame Kontrolle von digitalen Plattformen zur politischen Priorität machen.

Mehr in unserem offenen Brief: https://www.germanwatch.org/de/93066

#digitalisierung #digitalpolitik #plattformen #bigtech
ACT NOW! Über 75 Verbände, Zivilgesellschaft, Verbraucherschutz, Kirchen, Gewerkschaften und Unternehmen fordern: Demokratische Diskursräume - auch im Digitalen!

viele Anwender:innen haben keine Vorstellung (oder ihnen ist es egal) davon, was da alles auf ihren Geräten oder mit ihren Daten passiert, obwohl sie vermeintlich sicher in der EU liegen.
Die Optionen zu #bigtech müssen am Ende ähnlich niederschwellig sein/werden, wie es deren Angebote sind.

European democracy is not a bargaining chip. This needs to be clear in 🇪🇺🇺🇸negotiations.

The EU's Digital Services Act, Digital Markets Act, & AI Act are instruments to offer counterweight.

Europe should not sell the democratic and regulatory instruments in a deal!

#democracy #bigtech #media #DSA #trump #musk


Switching from Big Tech is not always easy. You get used to their ways and they make it hard to switch.

Are you ready to make the switch?

Are you ready to help your friends make the switch?

There are alternatives. One of them is @Vivaldi, the browser company I co-founded in 2012. I invite you to join us.


#Vivaldi #BigTech #browser #Mastodon #fediverse #Windows #macos #Linux #Android #ios

Kennst Du schon die Initiative UnplugTrump?

Nachdem die USA gestern die Ukraine und Europa vermutlich endgültig Russland zum Fraß vorgeworfen haben, müssen Deutschland und Europa sich auf vielerlei Ebenen unabhängig vom „großen Bruder“ machen. Digitale Souveränität ist ein Aspekt. Hier einige Möglichkeiten und Ideen, wie Dir das gelingen kann.

Post by @ulrichkelber View on Mastodon

UnplugTrump ist eine Sammlung von Möglichkeiten, die Dir Schritt für Schritt Deine digitale Souveränität ein Stück weit zurück gibt.

Wenn Du bereit bist, Bequemlichkeit gegen Verantwortung zu tauschen:

Schau rein,

probiere mal Sachen aus und

gib unter dem Schlagwort UnplugTrump gerne Rückmeldung, was bei Dir gut funktioniert und wo Du noch Hilfe benötigst.

Post by @kuketzblog View on Mastodon

Post by @kuketzblog View on Mastodon


Europäische Alternativen für digitale Produkte

Wir helfen Ihnen bei der Suche nach europäischen Alternativen für digitale Dienstleistungen und Produkte:


Gezeigt von ProScience

Post by @proscience View on Mastodon

Mehr dazu

Es wird höchste Zeit, dass wir uns bewusst von dieser Abhängigkeit befreien – doch der Weg dorthin ist alles andere als einfach.

Was als praktische Werkzeuge begann, hat sich zu einer umfassenden Kontrolle entwickelt, die nicht nur unsere digitalen, sondern auch unsere […]


#BigTech #Datenschutz #Fediverse #IT #Sicherheit #SlavaUkraini #Souveränität #UnplugTrump
Auf einem Holzbrett liegt eine leicht geöffnete Kneifzange mit einem rot isolierten Griff. Rechts davon ein schwarzer Adapterstecker Typ A sowie ein nicht eingesteckter Euro-Stecker

Digitalexpertin über Soziale Medien: „Was nützt den Menschen, was zaubert das Gute aus uns raus?“ - Social-Media-Plattformen haben einen schlechten Ruf. Ginge es nicht auch besser? Und wenn ja, wie? Die Digitalexpertin Leena Simon hat Antworten.
(Interview mit @reticuleena
Leena Simon
in der Wochentaz)

taz: Ist Social Media noch zu retten?

Foto: Frau /Demonstrierende? in Müllsäcken als Regenschutz - Ein Müllsack schützt nicht vor Tracking, Ein Wechsel ins Fediverse schon

Leena Simon: Wenn man mit Social Media das meint, was wir alle kennen, nämlich dass private Milliardäre und Tech-Bros unsere Kommunikation organisieren und das nicht mit der Frage verbinden, wie Kommunikation gut für alle und für die Demokratie sein kann, dann: nein. Das ist nicht zu retten. Es war von Anfang an ein schlechtes System, nur darauf ausgelegt, Profit zu machen. Und nun trägt es auch noch dazu bei, unsere Demokratie zu zerlegen. (...)

taz: Das heißt, wenn wir Hass und Hetze und die ganzen anderen problematischen Aspekte der Plattform abschaffen wollen, müssen wir gleich den Kapitalismus abschaffen.

Simon: Nein, notwendig ist das nicht. Es reicht fürs Erste, wenn wir dafür sorgen, dass unsere Kommunikation nicht mehr nach kapitalistischen Gesichtspunkten gestaltet wird, sondern nach der Frage: Was nützt den Menschen, was zaubert das Gute aus uns raus? (...) Das ist der Schlüssel. Und es ist ja nicht so, als gäbe es keine Alternativen. Mit dem Fediverse gibt es eine gute, offene Alternative zu den kommerziellen Plattformen von X bis Instagram."

In der Print-Ausgabe werden dann auch noch unter "Das können die Alternativen" nicht nur Mastodon, sondern auch #Pixelfed , #Peertube sowie @Signal und @Threema vorgestellt und auch Friendica ("eher vergleichbar mit Facebook"), Pleroma , Diaspora und @Tusky erwähnt :thumbs up: (online finde ich derzeit nur den Abschnitt zu Kurznachrichtendienste)

Ausschnitt aus der Printausgabe: Das können die Alternativen - Kurznachrichtendienste - Video-Netzwerk - Messenger - Foto-Netzwerk

#Netzkultur #Netzpolitik #BigTech #Fediverse #PushFediverse #Mastodon #Friendica #Pleroma #Diaspora #Bluesky #Tusky #UnplugTrump
@Netzkultur / Netzpolitik @taz @taz @taz (inoffiziell)

"Techno-fascism’s cold-blooded pursuit of efficiency quickly results in a state of alienation that may not be appealing to either side of the political spectrum. If Japan is any example, the collaboration between technocrats and right-wing politicians is unlikely to last forever. In 1940, the Japanese Prime Minister announced the New Order movement, which sought to overhaul the government’s structure to create a single-party state with absolute power. Mimura, the historian, said, “It reminds you a little bit of now: everything needs to be fixed, all at once. It is a little eerie to draw that historical comparison: this is the New Order in America.” Yet the power of Japan’s technocrats began to wane. When the country started faring poorly in the war, the military pushed to continue the campaign past the point that technocrats considered feasible. Kishi, the architect of technocratic Manchuria, left the government in 1944. Still, as Mimura explained, the bureaucrats had no political constituency or party to hold them accountable for their techno-fascistic program. When the U.S. sought to rebuild Japan, in part as a counterbalance to Soviet power in the region, Kishi and his colleagues were the ones who set about industrializing the nation once more. Their status as unelected officials meant, ironically, that they could stage a return to politics without “any blood on their hands,” Mimura said. In 1955, Kishi helped establish a new political party, and a few years later he became Prime Minister."


#TechnoFascism #USA #BigTech #SiliconValley #Japan #PoliticalEconomy

How to Protect Your Company from Consultant Espionage




Google’s Taara Hopes to Usher in a New Era of Internet Powered by Light


The Alphabet “moonshot” project is launching a new chip to deliver high-speed internet with light instead of radio waves.

#bigtech #internet #taara #press

Lesenswertes Papier zur Verteidigung von Europas digitaler Souveränität zu Zeiten Trumps, von der Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung gemeinsam mit dem European Policy Centre und Open Markets Institute.

Die EU sollte bei den Tech-Regeln nicht nachgeben und sogar zu härteren Maßnahmen bereit sein. Dazu könnte ein Bann für nicht regelkonforme Plattformen gehören, die Aufspaltung von Tech-Monopolen und die Anwendung des neuen Anti-Coercion Instruments.

Es ist wirklich zentral, dass wir die Dominanz der großen Tech-Konzerne als grundlegende Bedrohung der Demokratie begreifen. Die Union und SPD müssen das bei den Koalitionsverhandlungen aufgreifen.


#BigTech #Demokratie #Trump #KoaV #Union #SPD

Looking to get away from Big Tech? Here are some European alternatives you should check out! 🙏

🔍 @StartpageSearch – Search engine from the Netherlands
🔍 @Qwant – Search engine from France
🔍 #Ecosia – Search engine from Germany
🔒☁️ @protonprivacy – VPN & Cloud storage from Switzerland
🔒 #OctoVPN – VPN from Norway
☁️ #Cryptee – Cloud storage, based in Estonia
☁️ #Jottacloud – Cloud storage from Norway

… And we got you covered with a browser. ❤️

#Vivaldi #VivaldiBrowser #BigTech #Search #Cloud #VPN

Ireland is the Achilles Heel of the EU's fightback against #BigTech - European Digital Rights (EDRi) - https://edri.org/our-work/why-ireland-is-the-achilles-heel-of-the-eus-fightback-against-big-tech/

𝘏𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘰 𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘴𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦𝘭𝘧 𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘷𝘢𝘭𝘶𝘢𝘣𝘭𝘦 𝘵𝘰 𝘔𝘦𝘵𝘢…


#meta #facebook #instagram #SocialMedia #social #media #enshittification #tip #tips #MastoTips #FediTips #zuckerberg #MarkZuckerberg #tech #BigTech

El presidente de Estados Unidos, Donald #Trump, ataca la #regulación de las grandes empresas tecnológicas estadounidenses en el extranjero. También se centra en las normas digitales de la #UE y amenaza con #aranceles. https://netzpolitik.org/2025/dma-dsa-und-dsgvo-trump-droht-mit-zoellen-gegen-eu-regulierung-von-big-tech/ #bigtech

All 50 States Have Now Introduced Right to Repair Legislation




Analysts Notice Microsoft Quietly Cancelling Data Center Leases




I wrote this five years ago:

“Democracy or capitalism? Pick one.

If, like me, you grew up in the 80s, you probably unthinkingly accepted the neoliberal maxim that democracy and capitalism go hand-in-hand. This is one of the greatest lies ever told. Democracy and capitalism are polar opposites.

You cannot have a functional democracy and billionaires and trillion-dollar corporate interests and Silicon Valley’s Big Tech misinformation and exploitation machinery. What we’re seeing is the clash of capitalism and democracy and capitalism is winning.

Are we past a tipping point? I don’t know. Perhaps. But we can’t think like that.

Personally, I’m going to keep working to effect change where I feel I can be effective: in creating alternative technological infrastructure to support individual freedoms and democracy.

We’ve already laid the infrastructure of techno-fascism. We’ve already created (and are creating) the panopticons. All the fascists need to do is move in and take the controls. And they will do so democratically, before destroying democracy, just as Hitler did.

And if you think the 1930s and 40s were something, remember that the most advanced tools to amplify the destructive ideologies of the time were less powerful than the computers you have in your pockets today. Today we have machine learning and are on the brink of unlocking quantum computing.

We must ensure the 2030s are not like the 1930s. Because our advanced centralised systems of data capture, classification, and prediction plus a hundred years of exponential increase in processing power (note: I do not use the word “progress”) mean the 2030s will be exponentially worse.

Whoever you are, wherever you are, we have a common enemy: the nationalist international. The problems of our time transcend national borders. The solutions must also. The systems we build must be both local and global at once. The network we must build is one of solidarity.

We created the present. We will create the future. Let’s work together to ensure that that future is the one we want to live in ourselves.”

– In 2020 and beyond, the battle to save personhood and democracy requires a radical overhaul of mainstream technology


And that’s why I’m working on building the Small Web.


With ZERO funding from the EU and multiple rejections from NLNet/ngi (because they still don’t get it).


(That’s from 2022. We were also rejected in 2024 for my work on Kitten, Domain, and Place as outlined in my talk, linked below, but I was too tired to write about it again.)


So for fuck’s sake, if you agree with my vision for a technological (and thus societal) future different from the hellscape we currently inhabit, and want to help us explore one possible path towards it, please fund our damn work. (Because, clearly, the EU is adamant about not doing so.)


Other ways to help:

- If you know of folks that are ethically compatible who offer no strings funding, please try to secure some for us (my time is 100% spent on coding at the moment).

- If you know of conferences that pay their speakers, ask them to have me speak on the Small Web. It can be as technical or non-technical as you like and I won’t do it for free but I’m happy to accept, within reason, what they can afford (in addition to travel and accommodation being covered) and any fees received go to Small Technology Foundation, our not-for-profit.

- Help share this far and wide.

Once Domain is released and we have the first Small Web host running on small-web.org – hopefully the first of many that will be run by other folks in the future – and we start taking commercial sign-ups for Small Web places, we should eventually have the money problem solved (because apparently that’s a problem you have to solve to gain the privilege of working for the common good in our world because our system is unabashedly shortsighted).

So, yeah, anyway, g’morning! How’s your day going so far? :)

(You made it this far? You deserve a hug. And don’t worry, I’m just venting. Things will get better. It’s just frustrating swimming upstream all the time.)


#SmallWeb #SmallTech #humanRights #democracy #anarchy #BigWeb #BigTech #capitalism #neoliberalism #technoFascism #technology #fascism #society #freedom #personhood

Palantir’s Call to Arms Is Also a Sales Pitch


The Technological Republic is a terrible book: badly written, tedious, and — when they can be gleaned in between the jargon, clichés and repetitions — full of bad ideas, ranging from the merely dubious to the execrable and disturbing. This book is dismal on the level of both form and content. It heralds a dark and depressing future.


#Palantir #dystopia #future #bigtech #karp #war #thetechnologicalrepublic #press
Illustration: Deena So'Oteh for Bloomberg

Eine aktuelle #Recherche der New York Times zeigt, dass Facebook und Instagram Beiträge und Accounts zum Thema Abtreibungspillen ausblendeten oder sperrten, vor allem in den Wochen vor Trumps Amtsantritt. Das erweckt den Eindruck, dass Meta absichtlich Inhalte einschränkt, die eher einem progressiven Milieu zugeordnet werden."

https://krautreporter.de/internet-und-technologie/5726-tiktok-x-und-insta-sind-keine-sozialen-sondern-rechte-medien [€, Wdh] #bigtech #savesocial #demokratie #newsgierig

"For 37 years, Congress has completely failed to pass another consumer privacy law. Which is how we got here – to this moment where you can target ads to suicidal teens, gambling addicted soldiers in Minuteman silos, grannies with Alzheimer's, and every Congressional staffer on the Hill.

Some people think the problem with mass surveillance is a kind of machine-driven, automated mind-control ray. They believe the self-aggrandizing claims of tech bros to have finally perfected the elusive mind-control ray, using big data and machine learning.

But you don't need to accept these outlandish claims – which come from Big Tech's sales literature, wherein they boast to potential advertisers that surveillance ads are devastatingly effective – to understand how and why this is harmful. If you're struggling with opioid addiction and I target an ad to you for a fake cure or rehab center, I haven't brainwashed you – I've just tricked you. We don't have to believe in mind-control to believe that targeted lies can cause unlimited harms.

And those harms are indeed grave."


#USA #AdTech #DataBrokers #DataBrokerage #Privacy #BigTech #MassSurveillance #DataProtection

"If Europe hopes to safeguard its own sovereignty and values, it must strategically decouple and dramatically lessen its dependence on companies that are either seeking confrontation or are otherwise vulnerable to being weaponised by Washington.
Silicon Valley’s top brass have proven increasingly willing to bend the knee to Trump’s regime. Take Sam Altman of OpenAI. While Altman has voiced concerns about the dangers of artificial intelligence, he has also supported a deregulated tech environment under the new president — one that prioritises corporate interests over public safety.

Then, consider the actions of Google. In an apparent attempt to appease Trump’s revisionist worldview, Google quickly renamed the Gulf of Mexico as the “Gulf of America”. This gesture goes beyond mere corporate branding; it signals a deeper complicity with an administration that actively seeks to rewrite international norms.

Joel Kaplan, Meta’s global affairs chief, has publicly stated that the company counts on the White House to challenge European governments it felt discriminated by. Mark Zuckerberg, meanwhile, has lobbied Trump to fight European competition fines in a bid to cast them as punitive trade measures.

Alex Karp, chief executive of Palantir, is perhaps the most explicit in expressing his allegiance. While he backed Kamala Harris for president last year, he is proudly aligned with the US and happy to “scare enemies and on occasion kill them”. "


#EU #BigTech #USA #DigitalSovereignty

Google, Meta execs blast Europe over strict AI regulation as Big Tech ups the ante




Apple To Stop Full End-To-End Data Protection Tool For UK Users




Sweden investigates new underwater cable damage in Baltic Sea




Thanks to @shellsharks I discovered this fantastic blog post by @micahflee :

"Not only is Substack right-wing broligarchy garbage, it's way more expensive than #Ghost"


cc @dangillmor

#BigTech #publishing #blog

Genau wie Martin Andree in seinem Buch "Big Tech muss weg" schreibt: Zuerst werden die Analogen Medien platt gemacht, und anschliessend kann die #Propaganda ungehindert auf den Plattformen von #BigTech verbreitet werden, um unsere Demokratie zu untergraben. Wer was wann zu sehen bekommt, bestimmen die Algorithmen der Gatekeeper. Europa muss sich digital abnabeln und die Politik der EU sollte sich dringend für einen eigenen Suchindex stark machen.


"This troubling decision to potentially profit from high-tech warfare, which could have serious consequences for real lives and real people comes after criticism from EFF, human rights activists, and other international groups. Despite its pledges and vocal commitment to human rights, Google has faced criticism for its involvement in Project Nimbus, which provides advanced cloud and AI capabilities to the Israeli government, tools that an increasing number of credible reports suggest are being used to target civilians under pervasive surveillance in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. EFF said in 2024, “When a company makes a promise, the public should be able to rely on it.” Rather than fully living up to its previous human rights commitments, it seems Google has shifted its priorities.

Google is a company valued at $2.343 trillion that has global infrastructure and a massive legal department and appears to be leaning into the current anti-humanitarian moment. The fifth largest company in the world seems to have chosen to make the few extra bucks (relative to the company’s earnings and net worth) that will come from mass surveillance tools and AI-enhanced weapons systems."


#AI #AIWarfare #Google #BigTech #MassSurveillance

Dein Internet gehört heute den Techmilliardären?

🌍 Die #Meinungsfreiheit ist in Gefahr, weil wenige #TechGiganten die digitale Kommunikation dominieren.

🔒 #Plattformen wie #Facebook und #XTwitter kontrollieren den Zugang zu Informationen, sammeln Daten und steuern mit intransparenten Algorithmen, was Nutzer sehen.

📰 #Journalist .innen und unabhängige #Medien verlieren ihr Publikum und ihre Finanzierung, weil #BigTech den Werbemarkt beherrscht. (1/2)

Was hinter den Milliardengewinnen der US-Techkonzerne steckt

Apple, Amazon und Co. verbuchen Gewinne, die höher sind als die Gesamteinnahmen von Staaten. Wie kommen solche schwindelerregenden Summen zustande? Und was fangen die Konzerne mit dem Geld an? Von Alina Leimbach.

➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/wirtschaft/big-tech-erfolg-gewinne-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

#BigTech #Apple #META #Google #Alphabet #Amazon #Microsoft

"Already in 2023, air pollution related to powering U.S. data centers led to 360 premature deaths and total health costs of $5.6 billion across the nation, the researchers estimated. But those figures factored in just the average power-plant pollutant emissions.

When the researchers looked at marginal power-plant emissions, the figures jumped to 490 premature deaths and $7.6 billion of total health costs...

By 2030, because of the expected increase in electricity demand for training and running AI models, data center-related air pollution could result in as many as 1,270 premature deaths and 600,000 cases of asthma nationwide on an annual basis, according to the study. All told, the pollution would cause as much as $21.5 billion per year in health-care costs, the researchers said."


#AI #Tech #Data #BigTech #Environment #Sustainability #PublicHealth #Capitalism #EnvironmentalRacism