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Beiträge, die mit PHOTOGRAPHY getaggt sind

A clump of Sea Thrift sits on the Helvick harbour wall glowing in the setting sun.

The out of focus yellow building in the background overlooking Dungarvan bay is the old Villiers-Stewart summer house from back in the day when they owned all the land around here.

#waterford #photography #bloomscrolling
A clump of sea thrift is brightly lit by the setting sun with a handful of flowers just opening. The flowers are growing n top of a wall with some sea and foreshore visible out of focus in the background under a greyish sky. A yellow house is also visible on the edge of the steeply rising headland on the right.

#WomensNonfiction 5.
Portrait of Myself - by Margaret Bourke-White

Autobiography from a pioneering photographer who was present, camera in hand, for several important moments of the 20th century. Like honestly, this woman was everywhere, from Black Tuesday to WWII to Gandhi's death. She also writes passionately about industrial photography, which I never thought I'd care about.
Plus she kept alligators on her balcony in the Chrysler Building.
#WomensHistoryMonth #books #bookstodon #photography
Black and white photo of Margaret in the 1930s, positioning her camera while kneeling on an eagle statue on the 61st floor of the Chrysler Building, high above the skyline.

Midge orchids near Monga, NSW - probably Corunastylis ostrina* (purple midge orchids) which are more common nearby at Mongarlowe, although there are several very similar dark midges found in this area. Have only ever seen a couple of these tiny summer-flowering orchids at this location. *Still Genoplesium ostrinum in NSW and other places.

#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Summer #InTheField
Midge orchids flowering near Monga, NSW - probably Corunastylis ostrina (purple midge orchids).

Bringing you daily(ish) film photos
A change of scene. A few photos from Cazorla, before we return to the second abandoned Cortijo.

Camera: Leica IIIg
Film: Ilford Delta 400 @ 200
Developer: Spur Acurol-N 1+50 10min @20C

Photo GPS location: http://www.google.com/maps/place/37.909119,-3.000300

#photography #believeinfilm #filmphotography #analogphotography #filmisnotdead #blackandwhite #bnw #cazorla
A black-and-white photo of two iron benches in the foreground. To the left is the oldest of the three squares in Cazorla. Beyond that, houses rise vertically on an almost vertical cliff, seemingly defying gravity.

I was on my way to Hopi, in AZ, and I spent the night in Winslow. Went walking in the morning with my camera and came across these two guys looking like they had had quite a night. to my surprise and amusement, one of them said, "wanna take a picture of a couple of Indians?" I obliged, and we chatted. The coolest thing is that these two party animals were from nations who traditionally have, shall we say some animosity towards each other. One was Hopi, the other Navaho. Olympus E M5 #photography
Two men, one Hopi, wearing a plaid shirt, felt hat, jeans, and sneakers with a day pack between his feet, and one Navaho, wearing a t-shirt and jeans with a water bottle to his left. They are sitting in front of a door that is half boarded up and half security screen in an alley in Winslow, Arizona. Neither Jackson Browne nor a girl in a flatbed Ford were anywhere to be seen.

Weight of all land mammals 🌍

30% Humans 👨🏼‍🦰👩🏽👨🏾👵🏿👴🏻

67% Human Livestock 🐄🐂🐏🐖🐐 and pets 🐩🐈🐇

3% Wild animals 🐘🦏🦛🐆🐅🦓🦍🦒

We slaughtered the megafauna

Now we are causing the #ClimateCrisis & the 6th #MassExtinction ☄️

Welcome to the #Anthropocene

#saveourplanet #Climate #ClimateAction #ClimateChange #Photo #Photography #photos #emissions #Planet #Earth #world

Musky Cap (Caladenia moschata) at 1200m in Namadgi NP, ACT. Montane forms of this widespread species can flower right through to mid/late December in mild seasons - well after flowering has finished in most populations at lower altitudes around Canberra.

#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Summer #InTheField #Nature #BloomScrolling #Canberra
Musky Cap orchid (Caladenia moschata) flowering in Namadgi National Park, ACT.

Farbe, Textur, Kombinationsfotografie. - Color, texture, combination printing.

Day 16 #ArtAdventCalendar
#Fotografie #Photography
Montage: Zwei Boote liegen in einem Rapsfeld, dahinter eine Gruppe von Bäumen. Der Himmel ist blau, mit leicht verwischten Wolken. 

Montage: Zwei Boote liegen in einem Rapsfeld, dahinter eine Gruppe von Bäumen. Der Himmel ist blau, mit leicht verwischten Wolken.

Highland sun orchids (Thelymitra alpina) near Corin Forest, ACT. Most sun orchids at this location are single, scattered plants but sometimes 2 or 3 do grow together in small clumps - usually on roadside verges.

#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #InTheField #Thelymitra #Nature #BloomScrolling
ighland sun orchids (Thelymitra alpina) near Corin Forest, ACT. Most sun orchids at this location are single, scattered plants but sometimes 2 or 3 do grow together in small clumps - usually on roadside verges

Blue Jay

Here is a photo of a blue jay (Cyanocitta cristata) that I took in October 2023. I haven't seen any of these birds in a few weeks, I know that they are still around though. Perhaps they are deeper in the forest. My guess I'll see them more when it starts getting really cold, especially it snows. Yes, it occasionally snows in Louisiana.

"The oldest known wild, banded Blue Jay was at least 26 years, 11 months old when it was found dead after being caught in fishing gear. It had been banded in the Newfoundland/Labrador/St. Pierre et Miquelon area in 1989 and was found there in 2016." - allaboutbirds.org

#photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #bird #birdwatching #birdphotography #birdsofmastodon #BlueJay
This blue jay perches on a black metal shepherd's hook with its back facing the camera. The bird has its head turned towards the camera obviously aware that I'm there.  Its black beak has the shape of a pointed wedge.  There is a black mark at the base of the beak shaped like a wide letter "H."  The crest on top of its head is flattened and blue, but its face is white with black markings.  Its back and wings are blue, and the flight feathers are elaborately decorated with checkers of blue, white, and black.  Its tail feathers are blue with horizontal black stripes at mostly even intervals, its breast is white, and its legs and feet are gray.

"Large, crested songbird with broad, rounded tail. Blue Jays are smaller than crows, larger than robins. White or light gray underneath, various shades of blue, black, and white above." - allaboutbirds.org

Red beard orchids (Calochilus paludosus) in open forest near Genoa, VIC. Plants at this location usually flower slightly later than other nearby heath land populations closer to the coast. Only found a handful of flowers out in late spring this year.

#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Spring #InTheField #BloomScrolling #Nature
Red beard orchids flowering near Genoa, VIC.