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Beiträge, die mit PHOTOGRAPHY getaggt sind

Glänzendes Fell ganz ohne Bürsten und Durst stillt er auch noch.

Der Pferdebrunnen in der Obernstraße erfüllt viele Bedürfnisse, auch wenn ich da noch nie Pferde dran gesehen habe.

Mal eine etwas andere Ansicht zum #silentsunday

#SanisSicht #photography
Hundekopf unten am Brunnen mit etwas Wasser darunter. Dahinter die Sögestraße mit Weihnachtsbeleuchtung.

Even if I couldn't capture Uranus in my "planet parade" iPhone video this evening, it is easily visible in a long exposure image with the same camera.

Neptune, however, remains a little challenging for such a tiny sensor 🙂

#SpaceScience #Astronomy #Photography
An annotated iPhone night mode image showing stars on the night sky. The sky is fairly blue as it was still twilight, but the Pleiades and Hyades star cluster are visible, as are the planets Jupiter and Uranus.

'Collagen' sind nicht wirklich mein Thema. Die einzige hier ist aus 2006 und hängt an der Wand 😃
Man hat mich dort schon für entweder gefährlich oder aber total bescheuert gehalten, wie ich reihenweise *plates* fotografiere. Krumm, schief - aber meins!

#FotoVorschlag #Photography #BackInTime
Eine Hochformat Collage lauter US-Nummernschilder.

【 Fotocollage 】 #FotoVorschlag

🐿️ Eichhörnchen—Fotograf 📷

Aufgenommen im Rombergpark Dortmund. Bilder von mir aufgenommen. Keine künstliche Intelligenz, keine Fotomontage, nur Bildbearbeitung. Die Walnüsse durften die Hörnchen natürlich behalten. 😊

#foto #photo #photographie #fotografie #photography
#germany #deutschland
#eichhörnchen #squirrel #tiere #animals #dortmund #rombergpark

BROOME, WA / KM 32,864

We reach Broome in the early afternoon and head straight for Cable Beach. The warm waves wash over us for our first ocean swim since the East Coast. At Gantheaume Point, where the red pindan cliffs meet the sea, we search for the fossilised dinosaur footprints. The sun starts to set and the sky transforms into a canvas of vibrant colours. Camel tours stroll along the rising tide, casting elongated shadows on the sand.

#Roadtrip #Australia #WesternAustralia #Photography #Travel
Silhouettes of people riding camels along a beach at sunset, with the ocean in the background and reflections on the wet sand.

picture a day: feb 1 https://cjs-wunderkammer.ghost.io/picture-a-day-feb-1/

#photography #blog #tree #sunlight #sunset #ShittyCameraChallenge

Kirkefjord is a small fishermen village not far from Reine in the Lofoten Islands. It's a very impressive place, really moody.

How I took this photo ? Canon 1Ds Mark III EF35 mm 1/100e f18 Iso 200 Raw Manual Not IA natural light no filter

#photo #photography #landscape #landscapes #landschaft #lofoten #nature #natur #natura #helloworld #magicishere #fjord #mountains #montagne #norvege #norway #canon #canonphotographers #canonphotography

We absolutely love the Lofoten Islands! 🩵

The scent of the Atlantic, the white beaches, the incredibly beautiful mountains, the small scale of the landscape, the endless motifs, the light of the midnight sun and the strength of nature – it's all just incredible!

We can't wait to come back, because this is our home away from home!

#beAnywhere #maremountain #hiking #photography #landscapePhotography #Lofoten #Norway #Norwegen #norge #home #mountains #nature #atlantic #amazing #stunning #love
man with a camera taking a photo of the beautiful landscape on the Lofoten Islands.

A photograph from one of the most remote places in the UK, the Fisherfield Forest - about a 20km round trip hike from the nearest road. Perhaps rather alarmingly for an area named "forest", the landscape here is mostly treeless with only one tiny fragment of original woodland remaining on a steep sided mountain. A vestige of the past.

#mountains #landscape #LandscapePhotography #nature #NaturePhotography #photography #scotland #uk
a small lochan high in the remote mountains of scotland reflects beautiful clouds and blue skies. erratic boulders are strewn across the foreground while the background features a shapely mountain with a steep and wandering ridgeline. soft evening light dances across the scene.

#FotoVorschlag 📷
'Bauch Beine Po'
Er hat zwar keinen Bauch, dafür zeigt er viel Bein und Po und noch ein wenig mehr.
#Fotografie #Photography #Monkeys
Ein Kapuzineraffe (Cebinae) balanciert auf einem Ast. Er wendet dabei Kopf und Hintern dem Betrachter zu. Der Schwanz ist nach oben gestreckt und nur zum Teil zu sehen. Das Tier ist eindeutig männlich.

Was die wenigsten wussten: Seit der Antike wird Breakdance gern als Bauch, Beine, Po - Übung eingesetzt.

#fotovorschlag #photosuggestion #foto #fotografie #photo #photography #shitpost #holgersfotos
Eine Statue aus Marmor. Es sieht so aus, als würde die dargestellte Person eine Breakdance-Übung aufführen, in wirklichkeit soll aber eine Person dargestellt werden, die nach hinten gestürzt ist.


J'ai profité d'un week-end à Munich pour visiter quelques stations de métro, sur les conseils et en compagnie d'une locale de l'étape qui a su me guider vers les lieux les plus intéressants de la ligne U1. Au contraire de Paris, où les stations sont, à l'exception de quelques unes, [...]


#photography #blog #BlackAndWhite #BlackAndWhitePhotography #Monochrom #Muenchen #NoirEtBlanc #SonyA7III #architecture #landscape #subway

El pit-roig (Erithacus rubecula) és un ocell resident i hivernant a Catalunya. A l'hivern augmenta molt la seva presència perquè rep individus que venen del nord d'Europa fugint del fred. Es un dels ocells més matiners a cantar. El seu cant melòdic i dolç es pot sentir a trenc d’alba, fins i tot abans.

#ocells #birds #bird #pitroig #petirrojo #europeanrobin #birdwatching #wildlife #aves #nature #natura #naturaleza #photo #photography #wildlifephotography #natgeo #birdsoftheworld #photonature
El pit-roig (Erithacus rubecula) és un ocell resident i hivernant a Catalunya. A l'hivern augmenta molt la seva presència perquè rep individus que venen del nord d'Europa fugint del fred. Es un dels ocells més matiners a cantar. El seu cant melòdic i dolç es pot sentir a trenc d’alba, fins i tot abans. A la foto és pot veure un pit-roig en una zona boscosa enfilat a una branca.

⚪ Heute diese Katze. Muss sein...ein
🟤 Today this cat. Must be... a
Favorite photo.
📷 by Artist: #LaiLan aka #Littlemonster_024 in Loc.: #HongKong 🇭🇰 - Title: untitled 🥊🐈- #Art #Artist #Streetart #Fotografie #Mood #Cats #Photography #StreetPhotography #CatsOfMastodon #APhotoLove
Photography. A very funny color photo of a beige/brown striped cat standing on its hind legs and raising its front paws in the air as if it wants to start a boxing match. It is looking at something further up with its mouth open. It is standing against a wall and a sidewalk can be seen in the background. Definitely a very funny snapshot at the right moment.

Picture a Day: Jan 31 https://cjs-wunderkammer.ghost.io/picture-a-day-jan-31/

#photography #blog #abstract #BlackAndWhite #macro #Olympus #TG3

I come bearing depictions of the Melbourne zoo red pandas for the mastodon red panda enjoyer community. I even got you a red panda blep

#redpanda #redpandas #melbourne #photography
Close up of a red panda sticking their head through a tree fork. They’re sticking their tongue out
Close up of a red panda asleep on a branch. Their tail is in front of their face
A red panda in a tree
Close up of a red panda sticking their head through a tree fork. They’re sticking their tongue out

And before you ask, Brad, the answer is yes. I was laying on the ground to take this shot.

I credit both drinking and yoga for my highly developed photographic skills.

#Fensterfreitag #WindowFriday #photography
A monochrome view looking up from the ground at a handful of tall buildings along Market Street in downtown San Francisco. 

On the left is the Shacklee building... a modern building with folds and large panes of mirrored glass. Here, the interior angle of one of those folds has reflections of the tallest building directly across the street.

Directly overhead, the sky is gray and glaring. A marine layer of clouds (fog) has covered the city.