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Beiträge, die mit BLOG getaggt sind

Missing data slowing you down?

😱 Discover how R's complete.cases() can help you filter out incomplete rows and keep your analysis on track. Includes practical examples you can try today! 🧼✨

👉 https://www.spsanderson.com/steveondata/posts/2024-12-19/

#R #RStats #Programming #Clean #Data #Blog #BaseR #RProgramming
A code snippet in R creating a vector `x` with missing values (`NA`) and using `complete.cases(x)` to check which elements are non-missing, outputting `TRUE TRUE FALSE TRUE TRUE FALSE`.

Os recuerdo que ayer hubo nueva actualización en el #blog. ¡Siguiendo con la serie sobre Géneros de Videojuegos, nos toca ver los videojuegos deportivos!
Poco a poco vamos añadiendo contenido al curso de #GameDev :)


The final In-Process blog post for 2024 is out! Featuring news on our new email service, end of year office hours, an update on the NVDA contributor documentation survey, and best practises for add-on developers as we move towards NVDA 2025.1.

(Please note, for those who have signed up, this issue of In-Process was NOT sent to email subscribers as we have another special email coming out tomorrow and didn't want to inundate you).

Read it all here: https://www.nvaccess.org/post/in-process-19th-december-2024/

#Blog #News #NVDA
Envelope with "Sender: " then NV Access logo, with sunburst designs all around

Trying out a new theme for the blog, let me know what you think

#Blog #OpenWeb #IndieWeb

Fedora Asahi Remix 41

Ieri, in un annuncio, gli sviluppatori hanno rilasciato una nuova release con alcune fantastiche funzionalità sia per gli utenti regolari che per i giocatori.


#UnoLinux #gnu #linux #gaming #opensource #mastodon #blog

I can't stop blog posting. I have such a backlog of stuff to get out.

This time come check out me rambling about how dice labels are cool and how they work in Motif.


#TTRPG #Blog #IndieDev #RPGDesign

GRC’s DNS Benchmark software is getting a new version after 15 years

The image shows a computer screen displaying the DNS Benchmark software. The foreground is dominated by a detailed graphical representation of DNS server response times, with various IP addresses and their corresponding performance metrics clearly visible. In the background, the software's interface is evident, with tabs for 'Introduction', 'Nameservers', 'Tabular Data', and 'Conclusions' clearly displayed. The software's version number (1.3.6668.0) and copyright date (2010) suggest it may be an older version of the software. The specific selection of DNS servers being tested is indicative of a purposeful activity rather than random testing.
Seems that v1, which is now 15 years old and nearly 10 million downloads, still gets downloaded over 1,000 times daily. But it has needed a fresh for a while now. IPv6 is here as well as encrypted DoH, DoT, DoQ, etc.

There is a roadmap published at the link below outlining what the planned new features look like. There will still be a free version with some new features, but there are also Plus and Pro versions that have a once-off fee, but do include all future updates.

Although it was (and still will e) written to work on Windows OS, it will be fully compatible to run under WINE on Linux.

So hopefully this will be available sometime later in 2025.

See https://www.grc.com/dns/benchmark.htm
#Blog, #DNS, #technology

New post on The Digital Renaissance: On: Narcissism, ‘Tech Bro’-ism, & the Loneliness Epidemic


#Technology #Finance #RandomThoughts #Business #Philosophy #Blog #IndieWeb

Die wunderbare Serie „Auf einen Kaffee oder Tee“ von @annekatweiss hat jetzt endlich ihren wohlverdienten Platz auf meinem #Blog gefunden – als einzelne Seite im Bereich der #Fortbildung - mit Online-Archiv.

So lässt sich die Sammlung älterer Ausgaben schneller finden und besser teilen!

Mögen es noch viele Ausgaben werden! #FediLZ #Aufeinenkaffeeodertee


Als Ergänzung zu meinem Beitrag „Schulentwicklung mit digitalen Tools organisieren“ habe ich für eine #Fortbildung und für meinen #Blog eine mitwachsende und strukturierte Tool-/Linksammlung bei @TaskCards angelegt.

Vielleicht kann das jemand brauchen - zum Nachschlagen, für eigene Schulentwicklungsprozesse oder zum Weitergeben. #FediLZ #Schule #Schulentwicklung

Titelbild mit der Überschrift "Schulentwicklung mit digitalen Tool". Untertitel "Tool- und Linksammlung zum Lesen und Weitergeben".

Funny enough this was one of my comfort games, where you get to look after little cave goblin. sorta of.#Gaming #blog #Indie #IndieGames #Gameswww.ghastlymirror.xyz/blog/longing...

💡 NVIDIA RTX 5090 promette prestazioni straordinarie, con 32 GB GDDR7


#amd #blog #news #nvidia #picks #rtx #rtx5000 #rtx5090 #tech #tecnologia

@saskia has taken a look back at 2024 - including all the things the Newsmast Foundation has managed to accomplish.

We can't quite believe we managed to fit it all into one year 💪


#SocialMedia #Fediverse #YearInReview #2024 #Blog #SocialWeb

#Blog KW50: 1964 prangerte Gremliza in den „Notizen“ die #NS-#Vergangenheit der #Uni #Tübingen und der #Professoren an. Welche Entwicklungen standen im Vorfeld der Publikation? Wie wirkte sich dies auf die weitere studentische #Auseinandersetzung aus?

▶️ https://www.historischer-augenblick.de/professoren-im-zwielicht/

#historians #histodons #history #geschichte #Historiker #Aufarbeitung #lokalgeschichte @histodons
Programm „Ringvorlesung: Das deutsche Geistesleben und der Nationalsozialismus“, in: UAT 197/9 (C). Bild im Format angepasst.

Today, another highlight from the eligible case studies submitted for the #OpenResearch Award.

👉 Increasing the #academic value and recognition of the #European #Law #Blog

🔗 https://www.europeanlawblog.eu/

Legal blogs like the European Law Blog (ELB) are invaluable for staying updated on #EU law developments.

The Editorial Board:
• Established a #NonProfit foundation;
• Redesigned ELB’s platform;
• Assigned DOIs to posts;
• Adopted a CC BY #OpenAccess license.
logo European Law Blog

#Blog #Liander krijgt 54%
#Energie #Gas #Elektriciteit #Vastrecht #Belasting

New blog post is out. This was supposed to be about YA novels, but it ended up being mainly about transphobia. That's been very much on my mind of late, particularly after the US election result in November. Give it a look and let me know what you think, and sorry about the lack of content over the past couple weeks or so. https://open.substack.com/pub/hailymerry/p/some-thoughts-on-ya-novels-and-why?r=4m0f50&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true #blog #substack #trans #transphobia #books #YA

Edge Hill Mood.

I love a good “mood” as much as the next artist/designer/moodleader but this one I’m very proud of.
Thank you, Groove Armada, et al.

#blog #playlist #music #mood


HamClock provides real time space weather, radio propagation models, and other info useful to radio amateurs

The image shows a global HamClock map, primarily focusing on the Southern Hemisphere. In the foreground, there is a detailed display of propagation data, including colours for different frequency bands. There are also smaller panes showing information for a local location as well as a DX location. Top left is a amateur radio call sign ZS1OSS visible.
This is a highly customisable application that draws in all sorts of technical information that can help radio amateurs. Each pane can be changed to show relevant information.

What I really like is the frequency / band projections to any specific DX location. One really has to read the manual, though, to get full use out of the app. For non-hams though, it is still a very interesting app, being able to show time and distance to any location, as well as weather conditions at those locations.

The app runs on Linux (your desktop, a Raspberry Pi, etc) and is accessed via your web browser (any OS). If it does not start properly, especially on a desktop, just make sure nothing else has already got that network port in use, e.g. in my case SyncThing was hogging it, and I moved SyncThing to port 8083. You can also start HamClock with a ‘-w port’ to specify what web port it should use.

To exit the app, or look at diagnostics, etc, you can long-click for 3 seconds on the padlock symbol to get a pop-up actions menu.

See https://www.clearskyinstitute.com/ham/HamClock
#Blog, #amateurradio, #hamradio, #technology

Francis Bacon provides “a tight and fitting set of lessons for development into a strong and well-thought-of worker in any area of endeavor” #blog #amwriting #literature


I guest-blogged to update this article on "How to test your Unmanaged Django Model in the year 2024". (The original article was written for Django 1.2 in 2010). Let me know what you think about this approach.


#Django #Python #testing #blog

In #India🇮🇳, our Ride Pal helped an #elderly woman with both #digital and physical #shopping! The elderly is #grateful to have a Ride Pal, who thinks beyond giving #rides.

Our Ride Pal wrote a #blog, illustrated it with #pictures, and created a lovely #video!

#PalUpNow! #teenagers🚀 #student #co...
Ride Pal Sreeja pals up with a senior lady | #palupnow #elderly #love #joy #teenagers #girlpower
Ride Pal Sreeja pals up with a senior lady | #palupnow #elderly #love #joy #teenagers #girlpower

📢 New Zettelkasten Post: Peter Thiel Reveals How Scared Oligarchs Are Of The People – Caitlin Johnstone

Read it here: https://neuralmarkettrends.com/zettelkasten/

#Zettelkasten #Blog #AI #Automation

Rage of the Dragons Neo is a fantastic modern port of a cult classic arcade fighting game, too bad online matchmaking is dead.

#fighting #game #videogame #pc #steam #xbox #playstation #nintendo #blog #review


📊 Tired of NA values messing up your calculations? Master the na.rm parameter in R to clean your data and get meaningful insights. This guide is packed with examples and tips for handling missing data. Check it out and comment with your favorite R tricks!

👉 https://www.spsanderson.com/steveondata/posts/2024-12-17/

#R #RStats #Programming #DataViz #Code #Blog
Alt text: "A code editor window showing R programming examples of na.rm usage. The code demonstrates vector operations with and without na.rm=TRUE, including sum() and mean() functions. The window has the classic macOS-style red, yellow, and green buttons at the top. The code is syntax-highlighted with comments in grey-green, functions in light blue, and values in red, making it easily readable against the dark background."

🧹 Missing values in your R data? Learn how to handle them with na.rm! This guide shows you how to clean your data and get accurate results with practical examples for vectors and data frames. Try it out and share your thoughts!

👉 https://www.spsanderson.com/steveondata/posts/2024-12-17/

#R #RStats #Programming #Data #Tips #Blog
Alt text: "A code editor window showing R programming examples of na.rm usage. The code demonstrates vector operations with and without na.rm=TRUE, including sum() and mean() functions. The window has the classic macOS-style red, yellow, and green buttons at the top. The code is syntax-highlighted with comments in grey-green, functions in light blue, and values in red, making it easily readable against the dark background."

You Can Now Search the Internet With ChatGPT

The image shows a computer screen displaying a weather forecast for Boston, MA on October 31, 2024, using the ChatGPT 40 interface. The dark mode interface shows the current temperature is 78°F and mostly sunny. In the foreground is a detailed weather report for the next week, including highs and lows, along with weather descriptions. The background shows a standard web browser interface with the URL bar displaying "chatgpt.com". A small, almost unnoticeable, "Share" button is present in the top right corner. There is an alert for a severe weather statement in effect until 8:00 PM EDT. This detail is important as it highlights a safety concern that's not immediately obvious from just looking at the overall sunny forecast. The subtle text and information regarding the 1946 and 1974 temperature records further demonstrate the attention to detail for creating a rich weather history.
ChatGPT search has been out now for about a month and a half, following a Halloween announcement from OpenAI. With this new feature, the company finally rolled out an official competitor to AI search engines like Perplexity, Google’s AI Overviews, and Microsoft Bing (powered by Copilot).

OpenAI originally announced its search plans back in July, with a service called SearchGPT. While SearchGPT was a prototype and launched with a waitlist to try it, ChatGPT search took its place, with OpenAI rolling SearchGPT’s main features into its new search feature. The feature originally launched to paid subscribers only, but now, all users can access it.

We all know that AI can hallucinate, so it is good to now have another good AI search tool that can be used for comparative purposes. Also, for those you actively avoided Google’s tool, this will offer a more neutral alternative option.

See https://lifehacker.com/tech/openai-chatgpt-web-search-now-available and the web address for SearchGPT is https://chatgpt.com/category/uncategorized/feed
#Blog, #AI, #search, #technology

💡 IRIS 2, il sistema satellitare europeo in risposta a Starlink


#blog #iris #news #picks #satelliti #spacerise #spacex #starlink #tech #tecnologia #ue

💡 Grok 2: migliori prestazioni e costi API ridotti


#api #blog #chatbot #gpt #grok #grok2 #ia #news #nvidia #openai #picks #tech #tecnologia #xai

Deep linking in SwiftUI allows users to navigate directly to specific content within an app using UR.https://wesleydegroot.nl/blog/Deep-linking-in-SwiftUI #blog #programming #iosdev #swiftlang