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Beiträge, die mit FUTURE getaggt sind

Palantir’s Call to Arms Is Also a Sales Pitch


The Technological Republic is a terrible book: badly written, tedious, and — when they can be gleaned in between the jargon, clichés and repetitions — full of bad ideas, ranging from the merely dubious to the execrable and disturbing. This book is dismal on the level of both form and content. It heralds a dark and depressing future.


#Palantir #dystopia #future #bigtech #karp #war #thetechnologicalrepublic #press
Illustration: Deena So'Oteh for Bloomberg

How the Brain Detects Novelty to Predict the Future


A new study shows that the cerebral cortex acts as a “memory machine,” constantly detecting novel stimuli to refine its predictions of the future. By imaging the auditory cortex of mice, researchers found that neurons track sensory inputs over time, forming “echoes” that help distinguish new information.

#neuroscience #brain #future #press

"They have come together with a single mission statement: to make humans aquatic."

Lisa Bachelor for The Guardian: https://longreads.com/2025/02/04/a-flooded-quarry-a-mysterious-millionaire-and-the-dream-of-a-new-atlantis/

#Longreads #Journalism #Wales #Sea #DeepSea #Ocean #Underwater #Research #Future
Headline: A Flooded Quarry, a Mysterious Millionaire and the Dream of a New Atlantis 

Tagline: Lisa Bachelor for The Guardian

A logo in the bottom right reads “Longreads Editor’s Pick”

About the devolution of the economy and the planned obsolescence

About the devolution of the economy and the planned obsolescence

Those who studied the political economy taught in the USSR remember well that “Socialism is a transitional period from capitalism to communism”; “The task of socialism is to build the material and technical base for communism”. Today this goal has been achieved. The material and technical base for communism has not only been built, but has long since been rebuilt.

If half a century ago people lived in conditions of shortage of essential goods, today the material-technical base of the planet has become so developed that the level of production already exceeds the level of possible consumption. It would seem that people can now relax and live peacefully and happily, devoting most of their time to self-development, creativity, relatives and family. As Syroezhkin from the movie “The Adventures of Electronik” sang: “Robots work hard - a man is happy!

Scientists have calculated that in order to maintain the standard of living at which we now find ourselves, a person only needs to work one or two hours a day - that is, one day a week - provided that things are not made deliberately obsolete. But in order to maintain a high rate of sales and production of goods, their quality and shelf life are now deliberately reduced.

Twenty years ago, technology had already reached the point where cars, computers, telephones, and all household appliances could be made to work for decades without breaking down. Many cars produced in the forties and fifties of the last century (such as cars “Victory”) drove for 50-60 years. A quarter of a century ago, the company “Volkswagen” released cars with a guaranteed engine mileage of one million kilometers, but quickly removed them from production, because having bought them, people did not need to buy a new car for a long time. Therefore, the resource of engines produced today cars around the world artificially reduced to 200 000 thousand kilometers. The level of technology and science has long allowed to make cars so that they work without breakdowns for 100 years or more! But they are deliberately made today so that after 6 years they start to break down and after 15 years they are on the dump. The same situation is in all spheres of goods produced today.

I recently gave a lecture in Germany. Germans who had moved there from the USSR told me that some of them still have washing machines and refrigerators that they brought with them in 1991, whereas the refrigerators that are sold now work for exactly five years and break down as soon as the warranty runs out. The organizer of my seminars told me that his friend works in a company that makes parts for Siemens and Bosh, and they order parts that will last exactly five years - although they can make these parts to last not five but 50 years or more.

A woman who works as a technologist in a very famous stocking and tights company said that a few years ago the director of the company gave them an assignment to start making these products in such a way that externally their quality remains the same, but their shelf life is shorter. Older women know well that tights used to be worn for half a year or more; now they start to tear after a week. The same principle is now being applied to the production of clothing.

Twenty years ago, Timberlend, Reebok and Nike were at least four times more reliable and durable than they are today. One pair of Reebok sneakers I wore for several years very intensively daily all summer and fall. Now they only last for one season. I've worn out and thrown away two pairs of mid-calf boots this winter, although about ten years ago I wore the exact same model for two years. Lighting fixtures can be made to last practically forever, and that's no secret. But I've replaced several light bulbs in the kitchen alone this year. Kettles and household appliances, all electronic equipment are made today so that they fail after two years, and people now continue to work 7-10 hours a day in order to continuously buy new appliances, cars, computers, telephones, clothes and shoes to replace the good things bought earlier, which have prematurely fallen into disrepair, spending all their energy for this purpose.

Artificial increase in sales (i.e. artificial overproduction of goods) is also connected with the creation of “fashion trends”, stimulating people's greed, unhealthy ambitions and “sense of prestige”. People are forced to buy more and more new things to replace the old, already “not prestigious”, “unfashionable”.

There is no need to say what load it creates on Nature. In fact, mankind now can be compared to a huge combine harvester, which goes around the planet and processes the resources of Nature, which it has been accumulating for millions of years, turning them into garbage. The modern economy is a garbage economy, producing garbage.

What causes this to happen?

-Because states are still focused on GDP (Gross Domestic Product) growth, old-fashioned - just as in times of commodity scarcity - considering GDP growth as an unambiguous good. In reality, when the level of production of goods reached an evolutionary peak, covering all the necessary needs of people, the criterion of evaluation had to be changed. By maintaining coverage of all human needs, GDP should have begun to decline as technology continued to advance. There should have been a reorientation of the economy to a new evolutionary path of societal development. But since the leaders of the countries have not done it so far, the economy of the planet instead of its evolution has followed the path of devolution: instead of decreasing the GDP while maintaining the satisfaction of all the needs of the population by improving the quality and increasing the duration of the goods produced, freeing women from work and reducing the length of the working week, enterprises began to decrease the quality and duration of the goods produced in order to maintain and increase the GDP.

But this is a dead-end way of societal development, and humanity will not be able to follow it for a long time because the Earth's resources are limited. Not to mention that because of the work of factories and plants, there is less and less ecologically clean land, clean drinking water and clean air every year.

Trash devolutionary economy is an outmoded demonic economy based on pitting the interests of one group of people against the interests of others. Whereas spiritual (evolutionary) economy is based on the concern of each member of society for the welfare of others.

The progress of mankind should lead not to an increase, but to a REDUCTION in the production of low-quality non-food products(!!!) The sales of all non-food products should decrease, not increase!!!! And countries should be evaluated not by the quantity of plastic or iron goods produced, - not by the high level of gross domestic product (GDP), but by the quality of relations between people in them!!!!!

The evaluation of the success of a state by its GDP has been imposed on all states by bankers who want to rule the states and humanity as a whole through the financial and credit system.

That is why in Europe 30% of all produced foodstuffs are destroyed - in order not to allow lowering prices and reducing the profits of a handful of international bankers. This approach benefits only the parasites of the social organism. No one else benefits: neither our Earth, nor our rulers, nor ordinary people.

Spiritual progress is caring for the good of others. And care for the welfare of others is to produce quality durable goods, healthy food. If a businessman intentionally lowers the quality of goods or foodstuffs for the sake of his personal gain, to bring more money to his family, - if he opposes the interests of his family to the well-being and health of others - he will not be able to develop spiritually, because he goes against the interests of G-d and destroys spirituality. It is quite obvious to those who are spiritually developed: caring for the welfare of others improves the quality of our entire life!

Therefore, if we are really reasonable, adult people, and even more so if we claim to be spiritual beings, we should use the growth of technology to increase the quality of manufactured goods (not to decrease it), to reduce the quantity of production - which will reduce the load on the same consumption of energy carriers by tens and hundreds of times. Because now 90% of fuel is spent simply to move people to their place of work and back home; to transport raw materials and various goods and to dispose of them.

That is why the world's leading economists are increasingly raising the issue of shorter working hours and monthly unconditional income for citizens instead of keeping them busy producing and disposing of garbage.

Humanity is ready to embrace an evolutionary, ecological type of economy, where technology will work for the good of the planet by producing quality durable goods that will free up people's time, allowing them to turn this world into a wondrous garden.

+ Ending the depression through planned obsolescence

#capitalism #GDP #efficiency #management #planning #economy #technology #energy #workersrights #humanity #socialism #study for #future

#press #news #politics #climatekollaps #climatechange no #students & #teacher for #future in #germany #bayern #capitalism #fascism #communism #okonomie #gemeinwohl #gemeinwohlökonomie
#berufsverbot für #lehrer *in weg. polit. Überzeugung

"Das Ministerium fährt fort: „‚Profitmaximierung‘ ist eine den Begrifflichkeiten der kommunistischen Ideologie zuzuordnende Wendung. Die kommunistische Ideologie ist mit der freiheitlichen demokratischen Grundordnung nicht vereinbar“"


My #fedivision (#vision inspired by the #fediverse): Within the next 20 years people will begin to transfer the structure of the fediverse and how it is managed to the real world.

Citizens will be able to choose the country they wanna live in just the way they today choose the software (#friendica #mastodon #misskey ...), the server and the app they use to socially interact with each other. If they don't like how their server (formerly known as country) is governed they can pack their things and move to another one with close to zero transaction cost.

Today users can voluntarily give money to admins to pay communication infrastructure like #servers and cost's for #administration & #moderation. Today we all are obliged to pay #taxes (except for clever antisocial actor's) in our countries. In the future we can decide where (if at all) our money goes to. There will be admins and servers that have special real world agendas (green energy, strengthening local communities, raising awareness for minorities, air taxis ...) And there might even be servers that pay their users for being there. This money will be demanded from #companies or other non-social actor's like #billionaire's for not de-federating them. They will pay the fee's as it will be their only way to socially interact with or show commercials to others.

In 20 years admins and moderators will be what #politicians and #bureaucrats are today. Servers are what countries are today. Just like #Wikipedia is today what the Encyclopædia Britannica was 20 years ago.

#EncyclopaediaBritannica #moderator #Politics #future #utopia

Threads of generations. Today's cartoon by Javad Takjoo. Subscribe to our daily cartoon here: https://cmdailycartoon.substack.com/

#life #future #past #generations
Cartoon showing an old man walking hand in hand with a young boy. Both have pencils for legs, drawing lines on a giant sheet of paper as they walk, The older man draw a line that stretches back, while the young boy's line has just started.

Yes.. I was just musing a bit on the terms. There's wordplay in #Regrowth in that it also means starting anew i.e. create a wholly alternative system to that of world-destroying #Hypercapitalism

The #capitalism seed sprouted a horrendous meat-eating fungus. Need to replant a new organic system to take over and collectively kindle a seedling to regrow #humanity into healthy #sustainability-first direction. So there's a #future for mankind, and not #extinction.


All those who take to judging Lenin today are united by an absolute misunderstanding of the meaning of his teachings, the reasons for his popularity among the people and the motives behind the creation of the USSR. Simply put, none of them has ever read Lenin and is not going to read him (although now is the right time, given the situation in the world economy). Especially for them - on a mundane, primitive level - I will outline the logic of the Bolsheviks in 1916.

1. The development of capitalism inevitably leads to crises. Crises are always resolved through war.

2. With each successive crisis, imperialist wars will become more and more destructive.

3. In imperialist wars, the class structure of societies is most brutally exposed: the poor and powerless are the first to perish, while the rich sit in the rear and do not perish.

4. Russia, as a backward capitalist state, has no chance of winning a world war. As a semi-colonial power, Russia is dependent on external creditors, and therefore with the lives of its soldiers constantly saves the allies on the Western front. Even in case of Entente's victory over Germany, it was Russia that would inevitably become the next “patient of Europe” (see the Crimean War). Russia's technological lagging behind England, the USA, France and Japan (see Russo-Japanese War) is such that it leaves practically no chance for the state to survive. The speed with which the Entente accepted Nikolai's abdication and then rushed to take the Tsar's inheritance, fully confirms these assumptions.

5. In order to prevent another world war (in which one day everyone will die - both Russians and non-Russians), it is necessary to create another, alternative world economic system (USSR).

6. To protect this world economic system from the inevitable aggression of capitalism, its creators must make a qualitative leap in science, technology, education, medicine. Every citizen of the new state must feel his or her involvement in it and be motivated to defend it. The tsarist government was unable to create such motivation among the people in World War I (see “The German will not reach the Urals”).

7. To build a new world economic system within the borders of the RSFSR would be absurd. It would not have survived. It required an ideology that would unite all the nationalities inhabiting the Russian Empire. This ideology could not be neither Russian nationalism, nor Orthodoxy, nor imperialism as such. Neither by force, nor by persuasion to drive Turkestan, the Caucasus, Siberia, the Far East, Ukraine, etc. under the imperial roof was no longer possible (Denikin, who was attacked by Georgians N. Zhordania near Adler, will not lie). Only justice could become the ideology uniting “Russians-Uzbeks-Latvians”. The state framework - only the Union of equal peoples. A union, not an empire.

8. The new world economic system will inevitably be strangled and suffocated in a blockade (there is no peaceful coexistence of two systems) if it does not take offensive actions. Hence the mondialist thesis of permanent revolution. Attention, orthodox Stalinists: this thesis was never rejected even by Stalin. Stalin only said that first we must build the state and only then get involved in any revolutions. Actually, it was on the basis of these differences that Trotsky earned his ice pick. Rejection of the idea of fighting capitalism on foreign territory (in WWII the Allies did not open a second front until the Comintern was abolished), eventually led to the fact that the USSR had to fight on its own territory. “Coexistence of two systems” turned out to be a scam for suckers.

9. The destruction of the USSR did not cancel out any of the above problems. Capitalism is entering a crisis unprecedented in history, the way out of which it habitually seeks through war.

#Russia #USSR #soviet #history #capitalism #crisis #Lenin #Stalin #bolsheviks #marxism #study #knowledge for #future

A God who is busy with all human affairs and looks like a man is only the imagination of people who are not too deep in fantasy. He is needed at their level of faith, as they need a place to concentrate and plead, as mediators - priests. Millions of people still require religion, otherwise they would be deprived of any faith at all and therefore of the moral foundations without which states and cities cannot exist. That is why, while people are still very ignorant, we guard the ancient beliefs, although we ourselves have rid ourselves of prejudices and superstitions. Few people, even among wise rulers, know that the morality of the people, their education in dignity and respect for ancestors, labor and beauty is more important than anything else for the fate of people and the state. More important than fighting machines, elephants, armored warriors, five-row ships... All this collapses when the morality and education of the people fall. Little and big people fall into drunkenness and wild amusements. Faith, honor and dignity drown in wine, love for the fatherland and traditions of their ancestors disappear. Thus perished many kingdoms of Mesopotamia. Persia, the doom of Egypt, Hellas, Carthage and the new, formidable with its legions of Rome. The main thing on which man stands is not weapons, not war, but morality, the laws of behavior among other people and the whole nation.
Thais of Athens

#religion #faith #morality #study #knowledge for #future

« Progress lies not in enhancing what is, but in advancing toward what will be. »

― Kahlil Gibran

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/747589419847090176/progress-lies-not-in-enhancing-what-is-but-in

#quotes #KahlilGibran #progress #advancing #future

A Last Moment Of #Warmth Before The #AntiTrans #Storm hits.

The next few years will be hard for #transgender #people. I reflect on my own feelings of warmth after my #wedding to Zooey, #Christmas with my #wife and #family, and the feelings of an uncertain #future.

#Women #Transgender #LGBTQ #LGBTQIA #Media #RoleModels #Representation #Culture


#Futurist & #media #influencer Tim Ventura interviews #physicist & #author Klee Irwin:

❛❛ I also think that I was contacted by our #descendents from the #future … The exchange of #meaning in the form of #consciousness can occur across time. ❜❜ 1:34:30/2-hrs. 2025 Jan 05

The #KrononautMoon Project includes #quantum #signaling in #definitions of Time Travel.

🔗 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=beNHjb1am6o 2025 Jan 05
🔗 https://Mastodon.social/@timventura/113774776959961670

#Time #Timelessness #TimeTravel #spacetime #communication #Kronodon

What beliefs, fears, or habits are holding you back from embracing the life you deserve? It’s time to let go. #embracingfailure #mentalhealth #wellness #personalgrowth #blog #death #life #lifetransformation #noregrets #lovelife #love #future #selfdoubt


The Soviet Union was created on December 30, 1922

The Soviet Union was created on December 30, 1922! It remains one of mankind's greatest achievements.
Here is a 🧵 with some of the highlights:

USSR provided free education to all citizens resulting in literacy rising from 33% to 99.9%.
Soon after formation, adult education schools popped up in every town and every village.

USSR doubled life expectancy in just 20 years. A newborn child in 1926-27 had a life expectancy of 44.4 years, up from 32.3 years thirty years before. In 1958-59 the life expectancy for newborns went up to 68.6 years. the Semashko system of the USSR increased lifespan by 50% in 20 years. By the 1960's, lifespans in the USSR were comparable to those in the USA.

Quality of nutrition improved after the Soviet revolution, and the last time USSR had a famine was in 1940s.

By 1983, they had become completely food sovereign and eating better than Americans (according to the CIA)

The CIA has also declassified documents admitting that there was collective leadership even in Stalin's time.

USSR built solar power plants as early as 1930!

The Soviet Union declared the US apartheid campaign against their own black citizens were genocide.

USSR moved from 58.5-hour work weeks to 41.6 hour work weeks (-0.36 h/yr) between 1913 and 1960.

USSR averaged 22 days of paid leave in 1986 while USA averaged 7.6 in 1996.

In 1987, people in the USSR could retire with pension at 55 (female) and 60 (male) while receiving 50% of their wages at a at minimum. Meanwhile, in USA the average retirement age was 62-67 and the average (not median) retiree household in the USA could expect $48k/yr which comes out to 65% of the 74k average (not median) household income in 2016.

GDP took off after socialism was established and then collapsed with the reintroduction of capitalism.

The Soviet Union had the highest physician/patient ratio in the world. USSR had 42 doctors per 10,000 population compared to 24 in Denmark and Sweden, and 19 in US.

USSR defeated a smallpox epidemic in a matter of 19 days.

#Russia #USSR #soviet #russian #history #humanity #humanrights #workerrights #communism #socialism #marxism #study for #future #Россия #СССР #история

Туда же, с их согласованной эмиссией:
#eu #europe #european #future #humor or not

« Reason lives on the systematization of the past, but Faith is the promise of the future. »

― Christopher Dawson

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/770696099225812992/reason-lives-on-the-systematization-of-the-past

#quotes #ChristopherDawson #faith #reason #future #past #systems

About American exceptionalism

How ‘the mother of all bubbles’ will pop
But every hero has a fatal flaw. America’s is its sharply increasing addiction to government debt. My calculations suggest it now takes nearly $2 of new government debt to generate an additional $1 of US GDP growth — a 50 per cent increase on just five years ago. If any other country were spending this way, investors would be fleeing, but for now, they think America can get away with anything, as the world’s leading economy and issuer of the reserve currency.

#USA #US #american #economics #bubble-economy #finance #crisis #future in #poverty

Arrogance always faces punishment.


"All that remains of Bashar Al-Assad's army lays strewn across streets, courtyards, and parks throughout Syria.

In the end, even the hardened soldiers of Al-Assad's military had had enough of the vile and hated Assad regime.

I'm nervous for the future of Syria. Let's hope the Syrian rebels have moderated from their radical history of extremism.

Syria has a future again!"
#AureFreePress #News #press #headline #Syria #democracy #future

"In the future if we can solve the problem of producing resources enough for everyone."

The future is now. The problem is solved. We produce enough for everyone and more but fail to distribute it and that is a great cause of pessimism for me about far future dreams like exploring the solar system, or expanding beyond the planet.

We can look at a solved problem and pretend it isn't solved because ... ?

Well you explain it to me. #resources #space #future

There has to be some way to stop this.

Just has to be!

OpenAI strikes content deal with Tom’s Guide owner Future


#OpenAI #Future #Content #Journalism #AI #Tech

A New Beginning...


#drixpell #drix #course #3d #beginning #blender #software #design #designer #future #modeling #journey #blog #2024 #stage #project #love #style #art #digital #digitalart #3dmodeling #3dart #blender3d #visualart #graphic #graphicdesign #notice



#Israel #Palestine #StandingTogether #thirdnarrative #respecteachother #ambiguitätstoleranz #beyond_ideology #peoplearepeople #future #listen #fightpolarization

"He wasn’t kidding. Donald Trump really does want to rule as an extremist strongman, with contempt for the planet, for America’s allies and for the rule of law. He’s made that crystal clear this week, announcing one bombshell appointment after another, each one a declaration of intent."

~ Jonathan Freedland

#Trump #fascism #cruelty #chaos #future


Melissa Ryan offers readers today a helpful reading list for those seeking resources as we, in this period prior to the man's inauguration ask, "How do we prepare for the road ahead? How and where can we fight back? What do we need to know?"

The list has twelve book titles.

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation


"Russia appears to be doing what every other entity that helped Trump get elected is doing, as they try to collect on their support: exerting what levers of pressure they have to get their objectives.

It turns out they likely have more levers of pressure — some of which are more powerful now, before Trump’s win is certified — and larger demands than most of the people who helped Trump get elected."

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation

"Russia has been engaged in a good deal of dick-wagging with Trump since the election. …

Trump is going to be a tool of Russia."

~ Marcy Wheeler

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation


"I will not spend a lot of time here blaming whoever caused this tremendous loss. People everywhere are already doing that.

Assigning blame is useless unless viable solutions are offered and implemented.

That said, here are my top three reasons why we lost the election:"

1. Racism
2. Sexism
3. Misinformation and disinformation

~ Pamela Hilliard Owens

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation


"In this ecosystem, what matters is what resonates, regardless of how outrageous, and getting riled up is rewarded by the algorithm. Again, there is the interaction of such visceral instincts with the more factual grievance of the system not working in their interests."

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation

"For many outside of progressive, liberal, and left-leaning circles, social media platforms rife with conspiracy, disinformation, and hate are what people are seeing daily – and where they develop their sense of the world they live in. Social media is now the media."

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation

"Politics isn’t about politics anymore.

That significant numbers instead see it as a vehicle to channel their fears and resentment-driven emotional instincts – beyond facts – is the existential challenge facing democracy today. ...

The tech revolution has changed everything."

~ Hardeep Matharu

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation


“He’s good and bad. People say he’s a dictator. I believe that. I consider him like Hitler. But I voted for the man.”

#Trump #Republicans #fascism #future #disinformation

~ Scranton, Pennsylvania, voter Matt Wolfson
