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Beiträge, die mit BIRDS getaggt sind

Wisdom, the world’s oldest known wild bird, has laid an egg at the extraordinary age of 74. While Laysan albatrosses normally live a monogamous life of 12 to 40 years, Wisdom was tagged in 1956 at the age of five and is thought to have produced more than 30 offspring and outlived three mates. Biologists say there is no record of a wild bird living past 45, making Wisdom’s longevity an astounding feat. Read more from @BBCNews


#Birds #Midway #Albatross #Animals #Biology #Eggs

Hi Mastodon. I'm Mick, a wildlife guide based in Granada region of #Spain. I'm looking forward to connect with fellow birders, botanists & entomologists throughout the Fediverse.

Regularly out in the countryside of Andalucia & further afield posting info & images about my adventures & encounters with the natural world.

Here's a photo of a close encounter with Iberian Lynx I took a few years ago.

#intro #birdwatching #birding #birds #orchids #butterflies #moths #dragonflies #wildflowers
A couple of Iberian Lynx on a small rock ledge

The starlings are still in gang mode, much of this still going on just now. #birds #murmuration
Blue sky with some light cumulo nimbus clouds, against which a few hundred starlings are zipping across into opposite fields. This went on to and fro, side to side for a few minutes.

Nipped out for a sunny midday walk and had a massive starling murmuration fly low over our heads, whisper tweeting as they went.

I’m *several* decades old and never experienced that quite so close before. ✨


I now understand the point of the introduction toot. So allow myself to reintroduce… myself:

I’m Johno. I’m a dad. I live in Berkeley, CA, USA. I have oddly specific preferences, and I’m here to learn about other folks’ oddly specific preferences.

Interests include:


#GutenMorgen Trötenland. ☕
Angeblich soll sich Klara heute blicken lassen. Wenn dem so ist, werde ich es genießen.
Habt einen schönen #Dienstag.
#Fotografie #Photography #Vögel #Birds #BirdsOfMastodon
Ein Kernbeißer (Coccothraustes coccothraustes) steht auf dem Erdboden, hat den Kopf in Richtung Betrachter gedreht und die Augen im Licht der tiefstehenden Sonne zusammengekniffen.
Der Vogel besitzt einen großen Kegelschnabel und einen kurzen Schwanz. Die Augen sind braun. Die äußeren großen Armdecken bilden ein weißes Band. Daneben gibt es ein weißes Band im Bereich der Handschwingen, die Schwingen sind ansonsten blauschwarz. Beine und Zehen sind fleischfarben.
Der Kopf ist rotbraun. Er ist durch ein breites graues Nackenband mit dem dunkelbraunen Rücken verbunden. Der schwarze bis grauschwarze Schwanz mit breiten, weißen Endbinden ist wenig eingekerbt. Zur Mitte hin geht die Färbung in einen grau- bis hellbräunlichen Farbton über. Die Zügel, die schmale Schnabeleinfassung und der Kehlfleck sind tiefschwarz. Die Brust und die Unterseite sind zimtbraun. Der Bürzel ist gelbbräunlich bis hellbraun.

We haven't seen our family of Black-capped Chickadees in the bush since February, when Hubby broke his knee. Later, the beavers built a dam blocking the way with water.
But today we managed to get there. Took me half an hour of yodeling and then they arrived to greet us and take some peanuts from my hand 🥰 .
The photo is from a year ago, but it is the same chickadee. Makes me so happy 😊 .

A small bird with a black cap and bib, white cheeks, buffy sides, and grey wings and back. It sits on an outstretched hand. The background is blurry brown and orange.


While waiting for the ferry, I spotted this gull eating a starfish, looked like chocking at first…

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#Wildlife #Birds #BirdsOfMastodon #Nature #Photography #Washington #PNW #Seattle #Artprints #WallArt #HomeDecor #Lifestyle #Puzzle #GreetingCards #Gifts #FediGiftShop #Giftideas #Christmas #Holiday #Thanksgiving #WomensArt #MastoArt #FediArt
Closeup capture of a Gull while eating a yellow starfish. The pink tongue of the gull is hanging out and saliva dripping. Portrait shot.

Angel wing is a cosmetic deformity that affects the wings of geese and other aquatic birds. It occurs when the last joint of the wing twists, causing the wing feathers to point away from the body instead of lying flat against it.
This can be due to an unhealthy diet, such as feeding geese bread or crackers, which can cause nutritional deficiencies.
#WildAustralia #angelwing #geese #birds #birdsofaus #dustytravelsoz
A group of geese wandering in a park. A number of the geese suffer from a deformity called angel wing which can be cause by a diet of hi carbs (bread, crackers etc) . The wings grow outwards from their body. It impedes their flight, and  they become prey for predators.

I think I've mentioned before how sometimes pictures can sit in my 'in progress' folder for longer than is reasonable. Ones I'm just not sure about. Eventually I get to the point where I'm fed up of seeing the files, so it's either delete or post. Today I decided POST! 😆

#sillyScribbles #birds #silly #nonsense
A photo of a bird ornament on a black surface, against a dark backdrop. It is facing the camera, and is made of a red velvety fabric, with a diamond encrusted gold crown and a sequined breast. It's legs are golden and glittery. It is quite something. I have added five simple drawn figures, bowed down in its glory, facing it from the left and right. In the top left is scribbled the words "I, for one, welcome our new shiny overlords".

We have a pair of jays busying themselves in the garden. They’re enjoying the easy meal of fat balls in the feeders, but are also retrieving acorns that they’d buried in the lawn a few months ago. They must have good memories. Fascinating to watch.

#Birds #Nature
Photo of an Eurasian jay, with its distinctive blue shoulder patch, hopping about on a leaf-scattered grass lawn. It has its head tilted to one side and is peering intently at the ground, having moved a few leaves around.
Slightly blurred photo of same jay a few moments later. It has turned slightly away from the camera and is now grasping a brown acorn in its stout black bill. A few seconds before it had drilled into the lawn to pull the acorn out of its hiding place.

#GutenMorgen Trötenland. ☕
Die Möwenbande hat gestern nichts von meinem Matjesbrötchen abbekommen. Nur dieser kleine Wicht konnte erfolgreich ein paar Krümel abgreifen.
Euch einen schönen #Montag. Kommt gut in und durch die neue Woche.
#Fotografie #Photography #Vögel #Birds #BirdsOfMastodon
Ein Haussperling (Passer domesticus) sitzt aufgeplustert auf einem Metallrohr und schaut nach rechts. Am Schnabel kleben kleine Krümel.
Der Vogel ist an Brust und Bauch aschgrau gefiedert. Kopf, Rücken und Flügeloberseiten sind bräunlich.

A beautiful calm misty morning, livened up somewhat by the mass of gulls, crows and ducks squawking, cawing and quacking at great volume.

#photography #Scotland #birds
A natural sepia tone photo taken on a misty morning as the sun rises over the river. There are silhouettes of 4 flying gulls prominent in the photo, with more floating on the rippling water alongside a couple of ducks. There is mist shrouding the trees and buildings in the distance.

Lastly, the floofiest, borbiest stonechat I ever did see!

#birds #borb
Photo of a European stonechat perched on a branch in a lichen-encrusted hawthorn tree. The stonechat has just been preening and its feathers are all floofed up - peachy-buff breast, dark cap and back, and clean white collar.

The #cranes are finally on the move! I counted about 625 sandhill cranes migrating past during a half-hour #bike ride around the neighborhood.

The close photo is from Bosque del Apache; the one of the flock is from my patio.

#BikeTooter #birds #NewMexico
A shot of the middle of a migrating flock of sandhill cranes. They're large grey birds with long necks that they keep stretched straight out in front while flying, long straight bills, and long broad wings. They're flying in no particular pattern, but close enough to each other that in some cases their wingtips appear to overlap.
A lone sandhill crane flying from right to left, its wings caught on a downstroke, long neck stretched out in front and long legs trailing behind. In the distance, visible under the crane, is  an out-of-focus mountain.

A large flock of redwings just passed through the garden. I guess colder weather really is on the way.

Not a great photo from the window, but hopefully they’ll be back. We’ve plenty of apples to go round.

A photo taken in dimpsy light of a couple of redwings perched in the almost leafless upper branches of a beech tree. The light is poor so the birds and branches are little more than silhouettes against the grey sky. It’s too dark to make out their red underwing patches but the speckled breasts and white eye stripes show up.