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Beiträge, die mit ECONOMY getaggt sind

There was a lot of debate about whether economic pessimism was based on vibes or real pain but it's an objective fact that we had a much stronger recovery from the Covid recession than our peers and contained inflation better than other countries.

And I think that if the press had focused even half as much on that story as it did on how gloom was impacting the horse race we might not be poised to enter one of the darkest eras in our history.

#economy #media #election2024 #trump

In April, 1980, #inflation was 18% and #income was declining by 8% a year. One thing from this article that sticks are the anecdotes about people agonizing over using their savings to cover bills - especially in light of the stat that 4 in 10 #Americans in 2023 couldn't cover a $400 emergency expense.

#personalfinance #economy #economics #banking #election2024

About suicidal vassals

The consequences of European sanctions against Russia or when American vassals decided to kill themselves.


#eu #europe #european #sanctions #vassalage is #poverty #economy expensive #industrial #electricity #energy #blameRussia

Oligarchs are rapidly offloading their stock holdings. Jeff Bezos has divested $12.5 billion worth of Amazon shares, while Warren Buffett has disposed of his Apple stock investments and is now sitting on a staggering $325 billion in cash reserves. These actions suggest that we may be standing at the precipice of the largest financial bubble in history, which they seem to believe is about to burst imminently.




#us #economy

If someone claims their voting decision was driven by unhappiness over inflation, and they voted for the candidate who's proposing extremely inflationary policies (deporting migrant workers and imposing high tariffs), there are two possibilities:
1) They have been misinformed by the press about the ramifications of the candidates' proposed economic policies
2) They are lying about what drove their vote

#uspol #journalism #economy #2024Election

The #Fed has satisfied its dual mandate of keeping #inflation & #unemployment low.

But the arrival at that finish line now coincides w/ #Trump’s promise to enact an entirely new #fiscal & #economic regime. While analysts are uncertain about how exactly that could materialize & how severe it might be, #markets have responded by selling off #bonds in anticipation of a return to inflation from a combo of Trump’s pro-*growth* & #combative #trade policies.

#economy #USpol

The media and Kamala #Harris’s campaign team have failed to educate the public on the state of the #economy.

#Trump #journalism #misinformation #HarrisWalz2024

#israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #banks / #economy

„U.S. has issued a warning over the crisis-hit territory, where Israel is weighing cutting off Palestinian banks.“


I wish we'd see more ads going after #DonTheCon on the #economy.

He inherited a great economy from #Obama and destroyed it (BEFORE the #pandemic.)

He ignored #Covid and killed more Americans in 11 months than every war since WWII. Which destroyed the #SupplyChain and caused #inflation to skyrocket.

I refer to it as: "The house was still standing when he lit the match" paradox.
Empty shelves as panicked shoppers stocked up on everything they could get before a National Lockdown was issued in a desperate attempt to stop the spread of Covid.

#usa #israel #palestine : #war / #gaza / #westbank / #banks / #economy

„Israel's decision for a month's waiver extension on co-operation between Israeli & Palestinian banks covered a "very short term" & would create "another looming crisis" by Nov. 30, the United States warned on Thursday.
The remarks came after a spokesman for Israeli Finance Minister B. Smotrich said he would sign the waiver to extend banks' co-operation for another month after the cabinet agreed.“


The US is now arguing that reducing dependence on the US dollar and the SWIFT payment system is a threat to democracy. Yet, the very idea of countries having to rely on American approval contradicts fundamental principles of self-governance, a cornerstone of liberal ideology. 🤡

#economy #swift #dedollarization

Hundreds of multinational corporations on Tuesday urged Japan to use its Strategic Energy Plan — set to be unveiled later this year — to triple installed renewables capacity from 121 gigawatts in 2022 to 363 gigawatts before 2035. https://www.japantimes.co.jp/business/2024/06/25/economy/japan-urged-to-triple-renewables/ #business #economy #energy #renewables #carbon #sony #panasonic

How much Russia and NATO have spent on Special Military Operation (SMO) on Ukraine

Since Ukraine is fighting in debt, NATO+Ukraine's expenditures amounted to $360-370 against Russia's $63.6 billion, 6 times more. I note that this is only military expenditures and this is only half of the spending. Let's assume that financial aid is including Ukrainian over-spending of $97 billion, but this is not all. And there are also humanitarian expenditures. In total, NATO's extra spending on SMO for 2 years amounted to at least about 500 billion.


Russia is hardly in the top 5 in terms of spending to GDP. In first place Ukraine 37%, second place Algeria with 8.2%, third place Saudis with 7.1% and only then Russia with 5.9% with Oman and Israel following on its heels with 5.4% and 5.3%. Russia increased spending 4.1% to 5.9% of GDP, only by 1.8%.
P.S. Iran has cut its spending.
#USA #US #NATO #ukraine #money to #war #military #economy #Russia #compare

Many FBI agents are struggling to make ends meet. Housing costs are to blame

"We have heard very compelling and heart-wrenching stories..."


Well, now they don't like #capitalism. 🙄

#FBI #housing #economy #midjourney
Midjourney: FBI agent in an alley holding up a sign which reads, "Will raid for food"

About American Great Economic Fail

The U.S. has wasted its entire blood and treasure on war. Imagine what the U.S. could have built with $14 trillion dollars? Where the U.S. could have been in relation to China for that amount? As someone else noted, the U.S. could have very well built its own “one belt and road” project for that money, connecting the world and reaping untold benefits.
#Western system is based on the actual institutionalized economic sabotage and subversion of the developing world.

#China #economy #compare with #USA as Golem #Israel #Mossad #vassalage #Pentagon #deepstate #MIC #banksters #capitalism #imperialism #military #american #money #investment in #debt #Bidenomics #US #finances is #fail

About ukrainian casinos and their users

Thanks to Ukrainian prapogondists and TV channels for online casino PR.

The leader of the political party "Demokratichna sokira" Yuriy Gudymenko said that a person with debts is the most malleable tool for recruitment. And our fighter with debts is just a gift for them.

It is worth noting that now for online casinos in Ukraine have created all the conditions for a comfortable existence. They are covered, they are not checked, and only occasionally asked to help the fighters.

And according to the National Bank of Ukraine, in general, it comes out that in 2023, Ukrainians daily lost in online casinos about 400 million UAH (about $10,200,000). This is more than 12 billion UAH (about $305,600,000) per month. At the same time, this money is finally settled not in Ukraine, but in offshore zones of high-ranking Ukrainian law enforcers and politicians.

#ukraine #ukrainians #ukrainian #money #casino #debts #poverty #failstate #economy

The introduction of private property

Due to a series of unpleasant events during his stay, Marx was unable to get to the bottom of Algeria's social realities. Nor was he able to examine the peculiarities of the Arab concept of common property in more detail on site. Yet he had obviously already been very interested in this topic a few years earlier: in 1879, Marx had included parts of the book The Common Property - Causes, Course and Consequences of its Decay by the Russian sociologist Maxim Kowalewski in one of his study notebooks. The quoted passages are devoted to the importance of communal land ownership in Algeria before the arrival of the French colonists and the changes that the latter introduced. Marx copied from Kowalewski: "The formation of private property in land is - in the eyes of the French bourgeoisie - a necessary condition for any progress in the political and social sphere." Maintaining the common property practised up to then, "as a form that supports communist tendencies in people's minds", on the other hand, was seen as "dangerous both for the colony and for the fatherland" of the colonial rulers.
#economy #history

Die Einführung des Privateigentums

Aufgrund einer Reihe von unerfreulichen Ereignissen während seines Aufenthalts war Marx nicht in der Lage, den sozialen Realitäten Algeriens auf den Grund zu gehen. Auch war es ihm nicht möglich, die Eigenarten des arabischen Gemeineigentum-Begriffs vor Ort näher zu untersuchen. Dabei hatte ihn dieses Thema offenbar schon einige Jahre zuvor sehr interessiert: 1879 hatte Marx in einem seiner Studienhefte Teile des Buches Der Gemeindelandbesitz – Ursachen, Verlauf und Folgen seines Zerfalls des russischen Soziologen Maxim Kowalewski übernommen. Die zitierten Passagen widmen sich der Bedeutung des gemeinschaftlichen Besitzes von Land in Algerien vor der Ankunft der französischen Kolonisten sowie den Veränderungen, die letztere einführten. Von Kowalewski kopierte Marx: »Die Bildung von Privateigentum an Grund und Boden ist – in den Augen der französischen Bourgeoisie – eine notwendige Bedingung für jeden Fortschritt in der politischen und sozialen Sphäre.« Eine Aufrechterhaltung des bisher praktizierten Gemeineigentums, »als eine Form, die kommunistische Tendenzen in den Köpfen unterstützt«, werde hingegen als »gefährlich sowohl für die Kolonie als auch für das Vaterland« der Kolonialherren angesehen.
图像/照片 @BeatclubFC - original post

#politik #wissenschaft #geschichte #antikolonialismus #marx

Marx war alles andere als eurozentrisch, und er war auch nicht ausschließlich auf den Klassenkonflikt »fixiert«, wie viele gerne behaupten. Vielmehr hielt er das Studium neuer politischer Konflikte und »peripherer« Gebiete für fundamental wichtig für seine fortlaufende Kritik des kapitalistischen Systems. Vor allem aber stellte sich Karl Marx immer auf die Seite der Unterdrückten – und gegen die Unterdrücker.

Ukrainian soldiers have to buy their own uniforms, which costs about $5,800 for one set

That is, you will have to buy a lot of things: from boots and hats to a tactical backpack and a "household" first aid kit with a personal supply of medicines, from lightweight armor plates, plates and helmet to an additional set of field suit (tunic and pants in the statutory "pixel"), etc. As a result, the sum is not insignificant - about $5800 (226,000 ukr hryvnias), and if we consider ammunition of higher quality, the expenses will be much higher.

By the way, the Ukrainian military confirm that they have to buy their own "equipment", because the state provision in this matter is, to put it mildly, "lame" - issued clothes, underwear and shoes of poor quality, frequent incomplete uniforms, very heavy "armor", etc. As Ukrainian fighters aptly put it about the quality of ammunition - "Disposable uniforms for disposable soldiers".

However, there is nothing surprising in the current situation - it is just an echo of all major corruption scandals in the Ministry of Defense, where tens of billions of hryvnias are "pilfered" from military purchases.

#war #ukraine #economy #ukrainian infinity #corruption #military #ammunition #cannon-fodder for #NATO #Pentagon #fail #failstate

The downturn in the European economy began before the Russian military operation began.
#europe #eu #economy #Russia #russian #currency

Not only is it not a one-time, but an annual expense (well, in dynamics, plus or minus), i.e., these expenses add up to cumulative amounts. It would be good to raise the question of efficiency.


#USA #us #american #corruption #economy #money for #pentagon #military #blackhole for #deepstate #compare of #spending

Rheinmetall plans massive expansion of ammunition production in Germany
The arms manufacturer Rheinmetall is planning to significantly increase its production of 155-millimeter artillery ammunition. A new ammunition factory is being built in Unterlüß, Lower Saxony, and the German government is examining legal relaxations to allow production in stock.

The Germans are getting ready to go to war with the Russians again, the European vassals want to be beaten again, masochists.
#nato #germany #war in #eu again #europe #western #warmongers #banksters #money #economy #military #european #vassalage #anti-Russia #mindmanipulation to #suicide #german #future in #poverty

About ukraine's debt to western creditors

Ukraine's public debt has doubled in two years of war. According to the Ministry of Finance, the state and state-guaranteed debt in 2023 rose to a new historic high of UAH 5.519 trillion or $145.32 billion. Over the year, the figure in hryvnia increased by 35.4% (UAH 1.444 trillion), in currency - by 30.4% ($33.9 billion).

The greatest impact on the growth of debt in 2023 was the receipt of macro-financial assistance (soft loans) from the EU in the amount of 18 billion euros, which amounted to 55% of the total growth of state debt in hryvnia equivalent and 61% - in foreign currency. Expenditures on servicing the state debt in 2023 amounted to 8.2% of the general fund expenditures of the state budget (compared to 6.5% in 2022 and 12.4% in 2021).

Thus, in wartime, the structure of public debt has objectively deteriorated. Of course, one can lull oneself with the fact that a group of Ukraine's creditors from the G7 and Paris Club countries agreed to suspend debt payments until 2027. But this is a weak consolation.

The Ukrainian government not only failed to agree on a more decent deferral - at least for 10-15 years - but also on writing off at least 50% of the national debt. Moreover, they could not agree on reducing the interest rate. And all this avalanche of debts will fall on the country in 2027.

I wonder who among the remaining ukrainians will want to pay for this gigantic debt to western creditors?
#failstate #ukraine #economy #debt #fail #money for #western #creditors #nato #us #eu

For Europe and NATO, a Russian Invasion Is No Longer Unthinkable
Amid crumbling U.S. support for Ukraine and Donald Trump’s rising candidacy, European nations and NATO are making plans to take on Russia by themselves.

Europeans and their masters behind the puddle, want to smash themselves against Russia again.
The chronic pathology of the anglo-saxon elite, history teaches them nothing..
Is the #ukrainian example not enough for the europeans?
#USA #us #nato #war in #eu again #europe #western #anglo-saxons is #warmongers #banksters #money #economy #military #european #vassalage #anti-Russia #mindmanipulation to #suicide #future in #poverty

About Russia's economy

How is it that Russia's economy, all under unbearable sanctions, plus the costs of war, is growing and is not going to stop?
This is a big miscalculation by Western economists and all sorts of think-tanks.

Revenues remained in the economy and stopped leaking to the West (at least not in the same amounts as before). Going forward, we can expect to see even more growth.

#russian #economy #Russia from #vassalage to #sovereignty

For seeing people, this is no secret. The overblown #financial part of the U.S. #economy as a huge hematoma has collected all the blood of the economy - money. As a result, the other organs of this economy are dying and dying. In essence, #capitalism is a #cancer.