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Beiträge, die mit HISTORY getaggt sind

I want every #US citizen and #USPol representative to watch this.

Understand #USA and #Israel are the only countries on earth justifying #genocide when there is none or ever has been any justification for genocide.

Remember this is the raw truth of what #America is and its collapse will come from within. What you sow will be #Trump ed by what you reap. #History will not remember USA kindly.

#CeaseFireNow #ArmsEmbargo #Palestine #Lebanon #UN #UNSC #ICC #ICJ #Zionism


historically for a political idea to become strong someone has to be willing to die for it. war is a struggle for resources. When the powerful hoard resources, people have nothing left to lose, so they have nothing to lose #politics #power #change #history #nativeamerican #israel #hamas #russia #ukranian

Spiritual Solace


When this hectic and often cruel world of ours gets too much you need to take yourself away. This is St Oran's Chapel on the Isle of Iona, Scotland. I took this shot here in the cemetery looking north on a breezy summer's day. Here, on the island, you feel adrift but protected from all that 21st century life assails you with. True spiritual solace.

#PhotoOfTheDay #History #Photography #BelieveInFilm #Monochrome #Vintage #BnW #FilmPhotography #Scotland
Grainy black and white film photograph showing an old stone chapel seen from within a graveyard.

Well done on these authors stepping up to help Australia's appallingly ignorant politicians! Sadly, I suspect the politicians who need this material the most will be those least likely to read it.

#auspol #Australia #gaza #humanrights #Israel #history


#recommendation If you are interested in the work of Forensic Architecture and their ongoing research on #gaza, here's the direct link to the project website "Cartography of Genocide"

#data #analysis #science #history
#warcrimes #investigation

🔖 https://forensic-architecture.org/investigation/a-cartography-of-genocide

BASIC Co-Inventor Thomas E. Kurtz has Passed Away.

It’s with sadness that we note the passing of Thomas Eugene Kurtz, on November 12th. He was co-inventor of the BASIC programming language back in the 1960s. The legacy of his work lives on in the generation of technologists.

>10 PRINT "Rest in Peace"
>20 GOTO 10


#memoriam #ThomasKurtz #rip #basic #programming #language #tech #science #history #it #engineer #media #news
The origins of BASIC lie in the Dartmouth Timesharing System, like similar timesharing operating systems of the day, designed to allow the resources of a single computer to be shared across many terminals. In this case the computer was at Dartmouth College, and BASIC was designed to be a language with which software could be written by average students who perhaps didn’t have a computing background. In the decade that followed it proved ideal for the new microcomputers, and few were the home computers of the era which didn’t boot into some form of BASIC interpreter. Kurtz continued his work as a distinguished academic and educator until his retirement in 1993, but throughout he remained as the guiding hand of the language.
[ImageSource: Computerhistory.org]

“Thomas Eugene Kurtz (Feb. 22 1928–Nov. 12, 2024) was an American mathematician, computer scientist and co-inventor, with John Kemeny, of the BASIC programming language and Dartmouth Timesharing System.”

December 21, 1919 the country’s first mass deportation of political dissidents in the 20th century

“One by one the deportees marched, flanked on each side by the uniformed men, curses and threats accompanying the thud of their feet on the frozen ground.” ~ Emma Goldman

#deportation #immigrants #history #usa

paywall free: https://archive.ph/2024.11.07-145941/https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/11/11/when-america-tried-to-deport-its-radicals

The Broader Push to Rewrite #History.

Israel's assault on #Palestinian #heritage goes beyond fabricated #archaeological narratives—it’s a #systematic effort to erase history and consolidate control. Here are more key aspects of the campaign:

#Looting of #WestBank #Antiquities :

For decades, #Israel has #exploited the occupied territories' rich archaeological sites, #smuggling thousands of #artifacts to build its #colonial narrative. The new bill seeks to #institutionalize this #theft, granting #extremist officials unchecked authority over excavation and #HeritagePreservation in Palestinian areas.

The Role of the Israeli Antiquities Authority:

Under the guise of #AcademicResearch, the #IsraeliAntiquitiesAuthority frequently removes artifacts from the West Bank, exhibiting them in Israeli #museums without acknowledging their Palestinian origins. This process not only strips Palestinians of their #cultural history but also bolsters Israel’s claim to the land.

Settler-Led Excavations:

Settler organizations like #Elad are at the forefront of #illegal excavations, particularly in East #Jerusalem. These digs disrupt Palestinian neighborhoods, displace families, and create #tourist sites glorifying biblical narratives while erasing the #multicultural history of the region.

Linking Settlements to #BiblicalClaims:

Israeli settlement expansion is increasingly tied to archaeological claims. By declaring areas with supposed biblical significance, such as #Hebron or #Shiloh as part of #Jewish heritage, the #llegalOccupation justifies #annexation and denies Palestinians access to their land.

The International Fallout:

Despite warnings from Israeli #archaeologists and global institutions, the government continues its #unilateral moves. If the bill passes, Israel risks severe isolation, as #CulturalTheft violates international conventions, including #UNESCO protection of #CulturalHeritage during conflicts.

These moves are not just an assault on history—they are an extension of the colonial project, reshaping the narrative to legitimize an occupation that erases Palestinian identity. The stakes go beyond antiquities; they encompass the right of a people to their past, present, and future.

Full article by Alaa Al-Lami:


Precambrian Earth: Co-evolution of life and geodynamics

Big article reviewing Earth-Life co-evolution in the Precambrian.

"The interaction of life and Earth was and is reciprocal, hence the term biogeodynamics...." True.


#history #geology #biology
Andrej Spiridonov

General William Tecumseh Sherman, who was on the anti-slavery side of the American #CivilWar, began his March to the Sea OTD in 1864 https://cromwell-intl.com/travel/usa/washington-lee-mansion/?s=mb #CivilWar #travel #history

No progress since Cop28 last year.

Also no progress since Cop27, or Cop20, or Cop15, or...

There is no sign of the transition away from burning fossil fuels that was pledged by the world’s nations a year ago, with 2024 on track to set another new record for global carbon emissions.

The new data comes from the Global Carbon Budget project, a collaboration of more than 100 experts led by Prof Pierre Friedlingstein, at the University of Exeter, UK, who said: “The impacts of climate change are becoming increasingly dramatic, yet we still see no sign that burning of fossil fuels has peaked. Time is running out and world leaders meeting at Cop29 must bring about rapid and deep cuts to fossil fuel emissions.”

I wish they'd just be honest and announce that they have absolutely no intention of meeting any of their goals. Ever.

🧵 1/2

FULL STORY ➡️ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2024/nov/13/no-sign-of-promised-fossil-fuel-transition-as-emissions-hit-new-high

#Politics #History #Science #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange
Screenshot from top of linked article. Headline says: "No sign of promised fossil fuel transition as emissions hit new high." Below this is a photo of steam billowing out of a power station in New Delhi, India, against the backdrop of an orange sunset.

Welcome To Canterbury


Within the Christchurch Gateway at Canterbury Cathedral, England.
The smaller wooden door to the right is opened at 4:00pm every weekend to allow dog owners to 'chase the bishop'. A tradition beginning in the 16th century in which locals with hounds would pursue members of the clergy round and round the gate entrance.

#PhotoOfTheDay #Monochrome #Photography #Canterbury #Architecture #Heritage #History #PhotographyLovers
Black and white portrait photograph showing the inside of the Christchurch Gateway at Canterbury Cathedral.  The ornately carved wooden doors are open allowing people to roam through.

If the Democratic Party *actually* stood for the rights of women and minorities, for support of unions and working people, for quality public education and public healthcare, for a healthy climate and for the safety of our biosphere – If they actually stood up for all these things instead of just *pretending* to do so, then the Republican Party would have no chance of achieving electoral majority in the United States.

But that’s not who the Democratic Party is. It’s not who they have been for at least 40 years. Rather, they are a party standing up for the military-industrial complex, for the police state, for neoliberalism, for capitalism, and for corporate ascendancy.

This election was NOT a victory for the Republican Party. It was instead a total failure of leadership by the Democratic Party, and a well-earned defeat.

Four years from now, if there is another election, we should expect nothing different from them.

We need system change.

#USA #Politics #History #Economics

A few excerpts here from a beautifully written, deeply insightful, and ultimately inspiring essay by Chris Hedges…

In the end, the election was about despair.

Despair over futures that evaporated with deindustrialization. Despair over the loss of 30 million jobs in mass layoffs. Despair over austerity programs and the funneling of wealth upwards into the hands of rapacious oligarchs. Despair over a liberal class that refuses to acknowledge the suffering it orchestrated under neoliberalism. Despair over the futile, endless wars, as well as the genocide in Gaza, where generals and politicians are never held accountable. Despair over a democratic system that has been seized by corporate and oligarchic power.

Donald Trump is a symptom of our diseased society. He is not its cause. He is what is vomited up out of decay.

Kamala Harris and the Democratic Party live in their own non-reality-based belief system. Harris, who was anointed by party elites and never received a single primary vote, proudly trumpeted her endorsement by Dick Cheney, a politician who left office with a 13% approval rating.

The smug, self-righteous “moral” crusade against Trump stokes the national reality television show that has replaced journalism and politics. It reduces a social, economic, and political crisis to the personality of Trump. It refuses to confront and name the corporate forces responsible for our failed democracy.

The American dream has become an American nightmare.

FULL ESSAY ➡️ https://chrishedges.substack.com/p/the-politics-of-cultural-despair

#USA #Politics #History #Economics #Israel #Gaza
Political cartoon by Mr. Fish. A drawing of several people, men and women, frowning as they gather around a laptop, looking intently at the screen, apparently trying to understand what happened. Caption says: "Democratic strategists trying to figure out how a brown and pink campaign lightly scented with Joe Biden that promoted an inspiring message of equality, civility, democracy, and genocide, failed to get them the keys to the White (Power) House."

Dealing with the pain from last week’s disastrous election and trying to understand it all, our Mastodon friend Geoffrey Deihl (@gdeihl) takes a look back at our nation’s sordid history…

America has always been a violent, racist country. Little wonder, being built on slavery and genocide, spawn of the brutal British Empire.

Our war for independence was no romantic story about a fight for freedom and justice. It was a revolt against a king not playing nice with his colonists. Some were fleeing religious persecution, but many were here to get rich. They had no compunction about murdering the indigenous people who saved them from starving in their first winter on these shores.

Native Americans were slaughtered, the survivors driven across the land to reservations, their resources stolen. Texas was annexed in 1845 from the brown people of Mexico under the newly invented guise of “Manifest Destiny” which argued we have moral virtue, and a divine right to that destiny.

Through this time and well before, Africans were packed into the holds of dank, leaking ships for weeks-long voyages across the Atlantic Ocean. The fifty percent that survived disease outbreaks from these barbaric conditions were sold as if animals. Eventually, slavery ripped families apart in the Civil War. The emancipation of blacks led to the Jim Crow laws in the south not overturned until 1965.

To understand what happened on November 5, we must consider history.

Geoff has written a long, angry, and well-informed essay about our shameful past and present — and near the end, he also offers several good suggestions on how to organize and take action to build a better future. I hope you’ll read the whole thing.

➡️ https://geoffreydeihl.substack.com/p/descent-into-madness

#USA #Politics #History #Economics #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange

#Blog KW 46: 2021 restituierte #Frankreich 26 aus #Dahomey (Benin) geraubte Objekte. Was bedeutet diese #Restitution für #Benin? Mati Diop zeigt in ihrem #Dokumentarfilm Dahomey (2024) verschiedene Perspektiven in Benin auf das Thema:

▶️ https://www.historischer-augenblick.de/dokumentarfilm-dahomey-2024/

#film #postkolonial #rezension #history #historians #geschichte #histodons
Collage: Bild links: Ji-Elle, CC BY-SA 4.0. Bild mitte: Ji-Elle, CC BY-SA 4.0. Bild rechts: Atelier Sossa Dede/ phot. Ji-Elle, CC BY-SA 4.0. 
Alle Bilder via Wikimedia Commons.

Secrets And Lies - Dublin Review of Books / Issue 17 / Spring 2011 academia.edu The Defence of the Realm: The Authorised History of MI5, by Christopher Andrew MI6: The History of the Secret Intelligence Service 1909-1949, by Keith Jeffery #review #books #mi5 #mi6
#deepstate #uk #britain #england #intelligence #Western #lie #history

CIA's Use Of Journalists And Clergy In Intelligence Operations Select Committee On Intelligence Of The United States Senate

CIA's Use Of Journalists And Clergy In Intelligence Operations Select Committee On Intelligence Of The United States Senate (1996) [PDF] #usa #cia #media #church
#US #american #history #mindmanipulation #intelligence #deepstate



107 years ago the Soviet militia was created.
Despite the renaming of the holiday, as well as the militia in the police, the holiday of internal affairs officers continue to be celebrated on the day when the Soviet militia was created, as actually continue to celebrate the holiday primary sources of other power structures of the Russian Federation.
#USSR #soviet #russian #Russia #history #militia #holiday

About the length of the working day

After World War II, Joseph Stalin again raises the issue of the urgent need for the widespread introduction of the 6-hour workday norm

...it would be wrong to think that it is possible to achieve such a serious cultural growth of the members of society without serious changes in the present state of labor. For this purpose it is necessary first of all to reduce the working day to at least 6 and then to 5 hours. This is necessary in order to give the members of society enough free time for a comprehensive education. For this it is necessary, further, to introduce compulsory polytechnic education, necessary for the members of society to be able to freely choose a profession and not be chained for life to one profession....
Joseph Stalin, “Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR,” September 28, 1952

After Stalin's death, the USSR leadership removed from the agenda the need to move to a six-hour day for the masses.

#USSR #russian #soviet #history #Stalin #communism #socialism #workerrights #humanrights #study for #future

It’s obvious that a second Trump administration will be worse in almost every conceivable way from what a Harris administration might have been.

But let's not fool ourselves into believing that a Harris victory would have been *good* for our climate and environment. We've been going in the wrong direction for at least 20 years under Presidents from both parties — and there's no reason to think that Kamala Harris would have charted a different course.

SEE ➡️ https://archive.ph/VnlWF

When it comes to our climate and environment, we can't blame either the Democrats or the Republicans. We have to blame both. We have to blame capitalism.

🧵 1/3

#Politics #History #Economics #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual
Screenshot from top of linked article. Headline says: "Why no president has slowed the U.S. oil boom." Below this is a photo of numerous oil wells in California.

You may not agree with everything in the essay linked below, but I expect it will make you think. Sarah Miller (@sarahmiller_22747) presents some “hard truths” about where we are now, how we got here, and what the future might bring…

For liberal America, this election season has not been fun. It has not been honest. It did not turn out well. And now that it’s over, the time has arrived for a dose of brutal honesty. Forget about Donald Trump’s real and perceived lies. We have lied to ourselves for too long.

Our country and our world are in a dire state. That state has everything to do with the climate crisis, species extinction (possibly including our own), wars with no end in sight, dysfunctional geopolitics and domestic politics, and worst of all, irrational devotion to economic growth that is literally killing us.

The energy transition demanded by the climate crisis is an area where facing up to hard truths is particularly vital. It is also the area of our misguided American experience of the last half century that I know most about. A long career of writing about the energy industry tells me that recovery from our binge of self-deception must start with admitting:

1. Trump’s presidency will not bring the great change for the worse in US energy policy that establishment environmentalists claim it will. Not, tragically, because Trump is better than they say, but because the Biden/Harris administration was much, much worse than hoped.

2. The US is not a leader in positive climate action. It has not been under Biden, and it will not be for the foreseeable future. On the contrary, both political parties seem determined — in practice, if not in words — to lead a reactionary defense of fossil fuels.

3. Climate breakdown is much more advanced than widely admitted. There’s no time left for a carefully designed transition, or even a thought-out, gradually implemented shift away from the devastating paradigm of economic growth. An economic collapse is the only evident path to slower climate destabilization.

There's a lot more in the full essay, including some suggestions of books to read, along with action steps for those of us who are ready to start off in a new direction.

➡️ https://medium.com/the-new-climate/post-us-election-the-contrarian-take-on-climate-2ba24101b2c9

#Politics #History #Economics #Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis
Graphic from the Washington Post, which shows that "America's crude oil output has increased under Democratic and Republican administrations." A bar graph charts the increase in US crude oil production in millions of barrels per day from 2005 through 2023. After staying roughly level through about 2012, oil production has since then steadily grown.

#OnThisDay, 12 Nov 1951, Celia Franca's National Ballet of Canada holds its first performance. Franca had gathered the company from across Canada in just 10 months. She goes on to co-found the National Ballet School.

#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #CanadianHistory #BalletHistory
Black and white studio photo of Celia Franca in the 1950s. She is a white woman with dark hair.

Slackware is a Linux distribution created by Patrick Volkerding in Jul 1993. It is the oldest distro still in existence. However, someone was dissatisfied with Slackware and created another distro a month later, in August 1993. This was Debian, the second oldest distro, founded by Ian Murdock. Both of these distros are still maintained, and Debian is often known as the "mother distro" because it has spawned many more distributions. #Linux #OpenSource #history

In the six years between 2016 and 2021, according to data published in the most recent Circularity Gap Report, the global economy consumed 582 billion tonnes of materials — nearly as much as the 740 billion consumed in the *entire* 20th century.

REPORT ➡️ https://www.circularity-gap.world/2024

That’s very bad! But I wonder, do you think the world has been doing better since 2021? 🤔

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that global consumption has NOT declined during the past three years. In fact, the level almost certainly has increased. But let’s just say it has remained steady.

If that’s true, it means another three years of the world annually consuming ~97 billion tonnes of materials. So the total over the past nine years is now at least 873 billion tonnes — or about 18% MORE than all the materials consumed in the entire 20th century!

Driven by capitalism’s incessant demand for profits at any cost, we are consuming ourselves to death. But who cares about that? As long as billionaires keep getting richer, that’s all that matters, right?

Business As Usual must go on.

#History #Economics #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual
Graphic says: "Overconsumption is out of control." Bar graphs show that over a short period of just nine years, from 2016 to 2024, the global economy consumed 873 billion tons of materials — or more than 115% of what was consumed in the entire 20th century.

#OnThisDay, 11 Nov 1865, Dr Mary Edwards Walker receives the Medal of Honor from US President Andrew Johnson for her services as a field surgeon in the American Civil War.

A lifelong "dress reformer", she wore trousers under short dresses and eventually switched to trousers and jackets. She was frequently arrested for her choice. "I don't wear men's clothes, I wear my own clothes."

#WomenInHistory #OTD #History #WomensHistory #WomenInWar #AmericanHistory #Histodons

Dr Mary Edwards Walker in a dress in around 1863, wearing the medal. She is a white woman with dark hair tied back.
Dr Mary Edwards Walker in later life. She is a white woman with white hair wearing trousers, a frock coat and a topper. She still has the medal on the breast of her coat.

How Israel won the West

The documentary examines how Israel has come to occupy such a privileged and protected place in the Western world.

It traces the journey of the Jewish people from biblical stories of origin through centuries of persecution and the advent of Zionism, all the way to the creation of Israel and its ensuing occupation of the Palestinian territory.



Sunday morning, recommended #documentary film.

Before the formation of the Israel Defense Forces in 1948, there were three underground #Zionist #militias - The #Haganah, the #Irgun and the #Lehi.

They differed in tactics and beliefs, and at times fought with each other - but together they terrorised #Palestinian villages and executed attacks and #bombings against the #British to force them to give up control of the land.

They blew up hotels in #Jerusalem, embassies in #Europe and #assassinated a UN mediator.

After #Israel was officiated as a state - the three #terrorist militias would create the #IDF - and their leaders would go on to form Israel’s government, become #politicians, #ambassadors and #PrimeMinisters.

And their dark #history would be forgotten.



The Turing Machine made Real, In LEGO.

A working Turing Machine was submitted to Lego Ideas, consisting of approximately 2,900 parts and a bucketload of extreme cleverness. The original machine was devised by mathematician Alan Turing in 1936. Turing's idea was a hypothetical system that could simulate any computer algorithm.


#turing #machine #history #retro #computing #lego #artist #it #engineer #media #tech #art #news
The British mathematician and pioneer of computing Alan Turing published a paper in 1936 which described a Universal Machine, a theoretical model of a computer processor that would later become known as a Turing Machine.

Physical representations on Turing's model are an interesting engineering and computational challenge, and while any algorithm can be simulated, such machines are nowhere near as performant as purpose-built silicon. The Turing Machine still does, however, represent a useful model for students of computation.
[ImageSource: Bananaman 2018]

The design consisted of an infinitely long tape with symbols that could be moved left and right, a 'head' that could read the symbols and overwrite them with new ones, a finite control that described the machine's state, and a table to link each combination of state and symbol to an instruction for what to do next.

In addition to the constraints of making the device out of Lego, there was also the challenge of fitting into the limits imposed by Lego Ideas. At the time of submission, this was 3,000 parts and The Bananaman's contraption finally managed to come in at around 2,900. The limit has since been raised to 5,000 parts.

Fans of 3D printing will no doubt be pleased to note that some of the parts (notably one of the large gears) came from a printer, but only because buying missing bits online tends to take longer and cost more. A real-world version of the model was designed and built first to make sure it worked.
[ImageSource: 6zacl8.blogspot]

The original Alan Turing machine.

First demonstrated in 1950, this is one of Britain's earliest stored program computers and the oldest complete general purpose electronic computer in Britain. Designed and built at the National Physical Laboratory, Middlesex in 1949-1950, it was based on plans for a larger computer (the ACE) designed by the mathematician Alan Turing (1912-1954) at NPL between 1945 and 1947. Previously Turing worked on the Colossus computer used in codebreaking at Bletchley Park during World War II. Pilot ACE was estimated to have cost £50,000 to design and build, but by 1954 had earned over £240,000 from advanced scientific and engineering work in various fields including crystallography, aeronautics and computing bomb trajectories.