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Beiträge, die mit Ttrpg getaggt sind

:dragn_owo: 🎲

EDIT: Someone told me the first picture was AIGen, so, here a second one as compensation.

#Dragon #RPG #TTRPG
Four dragons sating at a table, playing a tabletop RPG.
The picture is labeled “Houses & Humans.”
Four dragon sitting at a table with characters sheets, dices a soda cans on it, playing the “Houses & Humans” tabletop RPG.

Blue dragon (GM): You leave the party and your wife says “Why did you joke about my hairs?”.
Yellow dragon (pointing at the red one): You're so dead.
Red dragon (shaking dices in one hand): Come on high roll! Avoid an argument!

Hallo #Fediverse, ich bin #neuhier und entwickel gerade ein eigenes #ttrpg.

Ja, ich weiß. Ja, noch eins 😅. Nach dem Wizards Disaster und der neuen #dnd version, möchte ich für meine Gruppe ein neues System entwickeln, weil ich nichts passendes gefunden hatte.

Ich dachte ich dokumentiere hier ein wenig meinen Entwicklungsprozess. Wen das interessiert, kann mir gern folgen.


#pnp #pnpde

Prophecies (and high knowledge characters) are a common pain point for a lot of players and GMs. Come explore methods performers, would-be prophets, and charlatans have used for centuries to create convincing insights and predictions.

#TTRPG #Blog

A short article on the thoughts and the inspiration of my solo journaling RPG A Woman's Day on today, International Women's Day!


Get the game for free on https://ranarh.itch.io/a-womans-day

#feminism #blog #indiegames #ttrpg #rollenspiel

TTRPGs for Trans Rights - West Virginia 529 items for FIVE DOLLARS til june 1st!


#TTRPG #ttrpg #itchio #itch #itchbundle

Wer es noch nicht mitbekommen hat: Es gibt endlich mal wieder eine Blogparade im #pnpde-Bereich!
Das Thema: Drama. 💘
Wie man mitmacht: Artikel schreiben, meinen Startartikel verlinken, fertsch.
Und für alle, die nur lesen wollen, hab ich in meinem Artikel sieben Drama-Rollenspiele für den Frühling gesammelt.

#Rollenspiel #ttrpg #blog

So last night I started making a DnD character sheet for me, like me the actual human, so I can manage my energy using spell slots because I can visually see them and mark them off.

I'm putting daily activities as spells based on how much energy they take.

It also means I can use the levels of exhaustion to remind myself that I'm functioning at disadvantage.

#TTRPG #DND #LongCovid

Aaargh! I've made a huge rod for my back. This world building folder redo is so convoluted. All my existing maps are hand drawn ( and crudely at that) same with the town and city scale maps.

I need to work macro to micro scale. I need a world map that roughly matches the regional maps I have, my regional maps need to dictate logically where the towns and cities go. I realise in collating these old hand drawn maps I was a little free and loose with scale. Towns and cities are too far apart. So I'm creating more hamlets and market towns in between.

The creation myth relies on geography and the pantheon of gods. I keep finding myself needing to call upon something I haven't updated yet... while all along shoe horning in a weekly games session with colleagues after work! So the maps etc I generated for those also have to "make sense" in the grand scheme of things!! #DnD #RolePlaying #GamesMaster #DungeonMaster #TTRPG

Looking for some ideas for merchants for you #ttrpg ? Perhaps one of these will catch your eye.



Good move from the mods at rpg.net! Even more relevant today than when it happened in 2018.

#uspol #ttrpg #rpg #gaming #resist #humanity #GoodVsEvil
A forum admin posts reads "New Ban: Do Not Post In Support of Trump or his Administration
The following policy announcement is the result of over a year of serious debate by the moderation team. The decision is as close to unanimous as we ever get. It will not be the subject of further debate. We have fully considered the downsides and ultimately decided we have to stay true to our values. We will not pretend that evil isn't evil, or that it becomes a legitimate difference of political opinion if you put a suit and tie on it.
We are banning support of Donald Trump or his administration on the RPGnet forums. This is because his public comments, policies, and the makeup of his administration are so wholly incompatible with our values that formal political neutrality is not tenable. We can be welcoming to (for example) persons of every ethnicity who want to talk about games, or we can allow support for open white supremacy. Not both. Below will be an outline of the policy and a very incomplete set of citations.
We have a community here that we've built carefully over time, and support for elected hate groups aren't welcome here. We can't save the world, but we can protect and care for the small patch that is this board......"

There's a "Dungeons & Dragons" livestream happening on Jan. 30 to raise funds for those affected by the Los Angeles fires. Critical Role is hosting "Freaky Thursday," which will be streamed on Beacon, Twitch and YouTube at 7 p.m. PT. It will feature the characters played by Ashley Johnson, Marisha Ray, Taliesin Jaffe, Travis Willingham, Sam Riegel, Laura Bailey, and Liam O’Brien and game master Matthew Mercer. The group has set a fundraising goal of $180,000. Here's more from @RollingStone on what to expect.


#Gaming #VideoGames #DungeonsAndDragons #DND #TTRPG #CriticalRole #LAFires #Wildfires #FreakyThursday

You can create deep, rich #TTRPG settings with succinct descriptions and minimalist #worldbuilding. Come explore some ideas about simple worldbuilding that leads to complex living worlds that inspire play imaginations.


#Blog #RPGAdvice

First firsts :)

Hi I'm Nise and are looking for a miniature painting and TTRPG Bubble.

I started painting minis around 4 years ago and i hope to find a wholesome and growing community for learning, discussing and having fun!

I play different TTRPGs like DnD, Shadowdark and other PtbA Adventures. I love fantasy RPGs ;)

I will write in English and German :)

#paintingminiatures #miniaturepainter #newonpixelfed #ttrpg #fantasy

Attention Citizens:

Research & Development would like to remind you that unauthorized time shifts do NOT count towards overtime.

If you feel that the regular flow of time has been broken, slowed, accelerated, or [CLASSIFIED], then alert local authorities as immediately as may be possible.

This message brought to you by the Office of for the Preservation of Normalcy.


#ttrpg #time #work

You can create deep, rich #TTRPG settings with succinct descriptions and minimalist #worldbuilding. Come explore some ideas about simple worldbuilding that leads to complex living worlds that inspire play imaginations.


#Blog #RPGAdvice

Since I just set my old toots to expire, it's time for a pinned #introduction toot!

My name is Dana. I live in Minnesota. I'm a #trans person in tech. I'm solidly Gen-X. I like science and tech and SF&F and #ttrpg games. I got a TINY patch in the linux kernel like 20 years ago and am still bringing it up.

Turns out the place I got my D&D pdf archive is still up! It's here:


It's got #dnd, #Traveller, #FATE, #GammaWorld, and a lot more. 100+ #rpg systems. If it's a #ttrpg system from a previous decade it's probably there. Go take a look y'all something for everyone I think


This is the post that lots of people have been reading and sharing. In short, my thoughts about the dark edge that many games marketed as Ghibli-inspired are lacking. Which seems to resonate with a lot of other Studio Ghibli fans.

#Anime #TTRPG #Blog

I didn't just write a defense of rules light games. I rebut common criticisms of rules heavy games too! The only hot take here is TTRPGs are wonderful and variety is great! Come see why I think rules heavy games don't deserve the heat.

#TTRPG #Blog

I didn't just write a defense of rules light games. I rebut common criticisms of rules heavy games too! The only hot take here is TTRPGs are wonderful and variety is great! Come see why I think rules heavy games don't deserve the heat.

#TTRPG #Blog

Instead of a hot take, have an earnest defense of rules light games against common criticisms. I make those games. I started TTRPGs with those games. I earnestly love them. So let's talk about what makes them great and address the critiques!

#TTRPG #Blog

Back with another stock character for Old School Essentials! I'll admit this one's a little slapdash. Ran out of time near the end of the post. Having a buffer really improves the quality of these things. I'll be working on that this week.


#charactercreationchallenge #oldschoolessentials #ttrpg #ttrpgs #blog

OMG, mysteries can be such a pain, right? And so much advice people give and the systems they suggest don't seem to help. So here's my attempt to help de-mystify mysteries and give you the tools to make it easier!


#TTRPG #Blog

But wait! THERE'S MORE! A third part to the mysteries advice. Come explore #RPGThoughts about collaboration and hooking less involved players, handling NPC deception, setting emotional stakes, and adapting to player-driven flexibility.

#TTRPG #Blog

Wait, you thought that intro was all the advice I had for mysteries? Oh no, dear friends. There's more! Come find out why active investigations are better than automatic clues, how to use red herrings, how to handle dead ends, and more!

#TTRPG #Blog

Thanks for the great #ttrpg #media tips so far! I look forward to going through the suggestions. Interestingly, most replies come from #Mastodon. Of course, a moral guardian is a must! Imagine if there were people who find #Wotc #DnD #corporate #fantasy as well as revisionist #OSR repulsive. Thx.

RE: https://bsky.app/profile/did:plc:xdjqpqlccq57rplc6ulr73rp/post/3lej6jbxkjc2i

Prophecies can be such a hard thing to handle at the gaming table. Let's make it easier! Come explore methods performers, would-be prophets, and charlatans have used for centuries to create convincing insights and predictions.

#TTRPG #Blog #GMTips

One more advice article today! Intrigue and politics can be overwhelming and hard to handle for a lot of GMs and players. Let's explore some ideas that help make intrigue easier and more predictable to handle!

#TTRPG #Blog

One more advice article today! Intrigue and politics can be overwhelming and hard to handle for a lot of GMs and players. Let's explore some ideas that help make intrigue easier and more predictable to handle!

#TTRPG #Blog

This is the post that lots of people have been reading and sharing. In short, my thoughts about the dark edge that many games marketed as Ghibli-inspired are lacking. Which seems to resonate with a lot of other Studio Ghibli fans.

#Anime #TTRPG #Blog

Something I often talk about is a weird paradox that newbies often seem easier to teach TTRPGs to. I collected a bunch of my thoughts about why that is here. What do you think? This is something that fascinates me. Love to hear your thoughts.

#TTRPG #Blog

This is the post that lots of people have been reading and sharing. In short, my thoughts about the dark edge that many games marketed as Ghibli-inspired are lacking. Which seems to resonate with a lot of other Studio Ghibli fans.

#Anime #TTRPG #Blog

I can't stop blog posting. I have such a backlog of stuff to get out.

This time come check out me rambling about how dice labels are cool and how they work in Motif.


#TTRPG #Blog #IndieDev #RPGDesign

A list of tabletop gaming stuff that's been working for me over the past year (or so). Mostly incoherent thoughts.


#ttrpg #ttrpgs #blog

I now understand the point of the introduction toot. So allow myself to reintroduce… myself:

I’m Johno. I’m a dad. I live in Berkeley, CA, USA. I have oddly specific preferences, and I’m here to learn about other folks’ oddly specific preferences.

Interests include:


Paizo's lore is a part of their success over the years. Too bad it's Islamophobic. Hope you give me the chance to defend that accusation in the following video
