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Beiträge, die mit NATURE getaggt sind

New server, new introduction!

I'm Erik, warhammer.social refugee, Frisian midlifer, lover of #MiniatureHobby and #TabletopGaming of varied sorts since the early 90s. I currently run the school #WarhammerAlliance and have been responsible for successfully seeding #BloodBowl in the northern Netherlands. I like fostering game enthousiasm.

I will retoot things that take my interest, ranging from #gaming to #politics to #humanity to #nature. Always making efforts towards the positive.
girl (captioned 'me') pinning other girl's head (captioned 'anyone with toy soldiers') against the wall with a tuba (captioned 'have you tried Blood Bowl yet?')
mordheim ruin WIP: medieval timber frame townhouse with an extremely sharp gable. everything is made out of coffee stirrers, cardboard and some resin bits
MG TC scale model turned into a post apocalyptic racer with PHAT tyres, bright colours and extra servings of rust. license plate reads K0-FF-33 because I went cold turkey on that stuff before painting it, on account of it triggering arrhythmias too often
girl (captioned 'me') pinning other girl's head (captioned 'anyone with toy soldiers') against the wall with a tuba (captioned 'have you tried Blood Bowl yet?')

Please leave the leaves. And make a vow: no more leaf blowers!

#Nature #Bees #Biodiversity
Cutaway drawing of a bumblebee queen hibernating inside a leaf-covered nest in the corner of a yard beneath the snow.
Text says:

Transtemporal Window


The language of the forest is a language of time. It is of being, not existing. As this transtemporal window opens we feel the connection of our consciousness as we become one with the universe.

#PhotoOfTheDay #Consciousness #Photography #Dreamscape #PhotographyIsArt #Nature #ArtPrints
Colour adjusted portrait photograph showing sunlight glaring through the upper branches of a tree within a forest.

Spiders are somehow hacking Fireflies to lure more Victims.

What happens when an unfortunate bug ends up in a spider’s web? It gets bitten & wrapped in silk and becomes a meal. But if the web belongs to an orb-weaver and the bug is a male firefly, it seems the trapped firefly (once bitten) ends up imitating a female’s flash pattern & luring other males to their doom.


#spider #firefly #hacking #nature #science #media #tech #news
Fireflies communicate with flash patterns (something you can experiment with yourself using nothing more than a green LED) and males looking to mate will fly around flashing a multi-pulse pattern with their two light-emitting lanterns. Females will tend to remain in one place and flash single-pulse patterns on their one lantern.

When a male spots a female, they swoop in to mate. Spiders have somehow figured out a way to actively take advantage of this, not just inserting themselves into the process but actively and masterfully manipulating male fireflies, causing them to behave in a way they would normally never do. All with the purpose of subverting firefly behavior for their own benefit.
[ImageSource: Newatlas]

It all started with an observation that almost all fireflies in webs were male, and careful investigation revealed it’s not just some odd coincidence. When spiders are not present, the male fireflies don’t act any differently. When a spider is present and detects a male firefly, the spider wraps and bites the firefly differently than other insects. It’s unknown exactly what happens, but this somehow results in the male firefly imitating a female’s flash patterns. Males see this and swoop in to mate, but with a rather different outcome than expected.

The research paper contains added details but it’s clear that there is more going on in this process than meets the eye. Spiders are already fascinating creatures (we’ve seen an amazing eye-tracking experiment on jumping spiders) and it’s remarkable to see this sort of bio-hacking going on under our very noses.

« Art thy not content that thou hast done something conformable to thy nature, and dost thou seek to be paid for it? Just as if the eye demanded recompense for seeing, or the feet for walking. For as these members are formed for a particular purpose... so also is man formed by nature to acts of benevolence. »

— Marcus Aurelius

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/735826466346024960/art-thy-not-content-that-thou-hast-done-something

#quotes #MarcusAurelius #benevolence #nature #purpose

Otter Cub.

One of two adorable little bundles of energy we have been watching this week.

This one was about to get some sleep with its family, on a bed of seaweed.

#otter #wildlife #nature #scotland
A photo of an otter cub resting with its family, beside a loch in Scotland.

Otter Family

Snuggled together after hunting out in the loch behind. A beautiful sight, and a treat to watch.

#wildlife #otter #mull #scotland #nature #photography
An otter family comprising of a mother and her two cubs,  snuggled together on a bed of seaweed beside a loch.

This phenomena is what we used to call #ageing and no one thought anything if it, but nowadays it seems to surprise the #tabloid #media all the time. "He looks unrecognisable." "You won't recognise her after 20 years." The #redtops now think the #laws of #nature are a surprise to us.

The Aspen Proposal suggests that a key element of a sustainable future involves understanding and meeting real human needs.

In a recent paper by Jason Hickel and Dylan Sullivan, they analyze a needs-based approach to development that creates good quality lives for 8.5 billion people using only 30% of the current global throughput of energy and resources.


Bottleneck? What bottleneck?


#biodiversity #sustainability #Nature #spirituality #humanity #poverty #ClimateChange
A robin on the ground with a mouthful of worms.

Masked owls, wild devils and giant crayfish: inside the ancient forests of Tasmania’s Takayna
Teeming with wildlife under lush canopies, this area in Australia’s island state is one of the world’s most remarkable – and one most in need of protection
#nature #biodiversity #conservation

« No form of Nature is inferior to Art; for the arts merely imitate natural forms. »

― Marcus Aurelius

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/735362617799000064/no-form-of-nature-is-inferior-to-art-for-the-arts

#quotes #MarcusAurelius #art #arts #nature #forms

The German newspaper Morgenpost states that a group of orcas hunt whale sharks using a „perfidious“ plan of action because they first immobilise it by impacting it with their heads, then turn it to get to its organs.

Such judgements and categorisation based on purely human standards and values are used probably as clickbait but at the same time contribute to frame and influence our perspective on certain animals.

#whales #nature #journalism


Sometimes I feel like an alien on this planet. At other times I feel alienated from those who populate it 🤷‍♂️.

I find comfort in being in the moment & nothing brings me closer to calm than #photography and #gardening.

#bees #BloomScrolling #nature #MacroPhotography #MastoArt #AltText
Extreme closeup photograph of a bee sitting on the petals of a Rudbeckia flower next to the flower's conical center. Rudbeckia have yellow and maroon petals that radiate from a center filled with dark brown florets. I wasn't able to ID this bee species but it has the typical bee features and yellow, brown, black colors. The bee is facing the camera with its body behind it. Only the area in the same focal plane as the bees face and head are in focus.

Una papallona zebrada o reina zebrada (Iphiclides feisthamelii) amb les ales completament intactes. Al mostrar-se molt territorials, és freqüent que pateixen cops i fregaments amb la vegetació, així com en els enfrontaments aeris amb altres congèneres.

#butterfly #insects #macro #macrophotography #photo #photography #entomology #biology #wildlife #biodiversity #natura #nature #naturaleza #lepidoptera

Les flors del Card girgoler (Eryngium campestre) són visitades i pol·linitzades per una ampla varietat d'insectes. Aquí podem veure dos exemplars de vespa de l'espècie Scolia hirta.

#wasp #insects #macro #macrophotography #photo #photography #entomology #biology #wildlife #biodiversity #natura #nature #naturaleza #eryngium

A new model accurately predicts the migration of humpback whales – and may help them survive climate change

« Observe always that everything is the result of a change, and get used to thinking that there is nothing Nature loves so well as to change existing forms and to make new ones like them. »

― Marcus Aurelius

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/735358621974757376/observe-always-that-everything-is-the-result-of-a

#quotes #MarcusAurelius #change #nature #forms #newness

« The idea of return is based on the course of nature. The movement is cyclic, and the course completes itself. Therefore it is not necessary to hasten anything artificially. Everything comes of itself at the appointed time. This is the meaning of heaven and earth. »

— Hexagram #24 from the I Ching

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/743528434662293504/the-idea-of-return-is-based-on-the-course-of

#quotes #iching #return #nature

« For evil has no positive nature; but the loss of good has received the name “evil.” »

― Augustine of Hippo

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/768247339917901824/for-evil-has-no-positive-nature-but-the-loss-of

#quotes #AugustineOfHippo #good #evil #nature

I regularly pop into the garden to see if I convince any of the local birds to pose for me. The observant amongst you will realise that the large number of feathers, fungi, flowers & clouds on my timeline means they quite frequently refuse. Today I went out deliberately to take a photo of a cloud & BOOM. Bird action.

#photography #bird #Scotland #nature
A photograph of a small bird, fairly sure it's a coal tit, sitting on a sunlit branch of an evergreen tree that stretches horizontally across the frame. The bird has a black head except for a triangular flash of white on the side. It's front is pale cream. The background is blurred green and grey of the tree and sky beyond, and on the right are green needles on a small branch jutting up from the main one that the bird is sitting on. The bird is looking up and to the right, in a rather dignified pose.

When the leaves are all gone
The colours are found
Not up in the trees
But low to the ground

#Mosstodon #Nature #Forest #lichensubscribe
Green moss and purple lichen on a paper birch tree

I gotta say, I wasn’t one of those ‘interested in nature and science since I was two years old’ types (I work with loads of people like that). But their enthusiasm for marine life is contagious. Now I’m fascinated too.

Here’s a sea angel, a type of sea snail that doesn’t have a shell


#Marine #Ocean #SeaAngel #Slugs #Nature
A photo of a sea angel. A type of sea snail that looks somewhat angelic

Purple donkey orchid (Diuris punctata) still flowering in mid-November on the edge of Croajingolong NP, VIC. Lightly blotched forms are possibly hybrids with Diuris meridionalis ms (blotched donkey orchid) but still haven't sighted this rare species at this location.

#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Spring #InTheField #Nature #BloomScrolling #EastGippsland
Purple donkey orchid (Diuris punctata) still flowering in mid-November on the edge of Croajingolong NP, VIC.

I knew Klee's grandmother, #RobertaBlackgoat -- and supported her with #MutualAid and telling her side of the story in the early days of the web. Rest in Power, Klee!
💔 :anarchoheart2:

#KleeBenally 'Carry On'

By #BrendaNorrell, #CensoredNews, April 9, 2024

"Klee, discussing resource extraction, and how the #NavajoTribalCouncil was created to sign #oil and #gas leases, quotes our friend, the gentle, soft-spoken farmer from Shiprock, who received his doctorate degree before passing, Larry Emerson.

"'There is no point in trying to #decolonize the Navajo government -- it was not right for us from the start. Its structure and process is a replica of the American system, and the American system appears to be edging toward the possibility of failure like the great #RomanEmpire.'

"Writing on these monsters, oil and gas extraction, and coal mining, Klee quotes #LouiseBenally of #BigMountain, his aunt, whose family spent their lives resisting coal mining, #ForcedRelocation, and the machinery of the tribal government.

"Louise said, 'The natural laws and the Indigenous Peoples were already here in a good relationship before the coming of the #colonial society who draws laws and boundaries. However, we #IndigenousPeoples will always have ties with these lands, we will continue to live that way with #nature and we will carry on.'

"Klee shares the words of his grandmother, Roberta Blackgoat, who never gave up the fight. 'The Coal they strip mine is the Earth's liver."
Although many have passed, and too many have died from broken hearts, there are those who live on, carry on.

"Klee writes, 'The remaining resisters to forced relocation have outlived the monster that was consuming our lands, stealing our water, and polluting our lungs.'

"Before passing, Klee described the monsters, the rage against the machine, and the ways of restoring balance and harmony. Klee Benally's book, 'No Spiritual Surrender: Indigenous Anarchy in the Defense of the Sacred,' can be ordered at: https://detritusbooks.com/products/no-spiritual-surrender-indigenous-anarchy-in-defense-of-the-sacred
at April 09, 2024


#PeabodyCoal #BigMountainResistance #LandBack #LandBackNow #IndigenousPeoples #Dineh #NoUraniumMining #DefendTheSacred #EnvironmentalRacism #CulturalGenocide #Colonialism #CorporateColonialism #BigOilAndGas #RageAgainstTheMachine #IndigenousAnarchy #EarthDefenders #WaterIsLife

Phys.org: Heart cockles have windows in their shells to let in light for symbiotic algae

Amazing! #nature #Science
