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Beiträge, die mit PRIVACY getaggt sind

#UnplugTrump - Tipp27:
Tesla-Fahrzeuge erfassen ständig ihre Umgebung, überwachen das Fahrverhalten und übertragen Daten in die USA. Ob europäische Alternativen wirklich datenschutzfreundlicher sind, ist schwer zu prüfen. Fast alle Autos kannst du aber offline stellen und für Navi/Stau ein TomTom oder trackingfreies Android nehmen. Die beste Wahl: Fahrrad fahren und Open-Source-Car-Projekte wie AGL (Automotive Grade Linux) unterstützen.

#NoTesla #SurveillanceCars #Privacy #AGL #LinuxCars
Tesla mit Kameras auf dem Dach.

_The Evening Post_, 27 February 1925:
A #Wellington periodical recently published #photographs showing a number of infantile paralysis #patients who are under treatment at the Wellington Hospital. At yesterday’s meeting of the Hospital Board, exception to the photographs being published was taken by Mr. C. H. Chapman, who wanted to know who gave permission for the photographs to be taken. He voiced his strong disapproval of such photographs being permitted to be taken, and said he hoped that whoever had taken them would never be permitted to do so again. The chairman (Mr. F. Castle) said as far as he knew no member of the board gave authority. Mr. C. M. Luke stated that his committee intended to bring up the matter at its next meeting.

#OnThisDay #OTD #PapersPast #Children #Hospitals #Polio #Poliomyelitis #Privacy #NewZealand
Black-and-white photo: Children in the children’s ward of Wellington Hospital. ca. Christmas 1928. Photographer unidentified. Description: Most of the children are in their beds, but there are some standing on the floor. There are some toys in the middle of the ward, and balloons hanging from the ceiling. There are panels above some of the beds which have excerpts from fairy tales and nursery rhymes on them. Citation: Evening post (Newspaper. 1865-2002): Photographic negatives and prints of the Evening Post newspaper. Ref: EP-1337-1/2-G. Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington, New Zealand. https://natlib.govt.nz/records/23184648

Anti-#Surveillance Mapmaker Refuses Flock Safety's Cease and Desist Demand - https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2025/02/anti-surveillance-mapmaker-refuses-flock-safetys-cease-and-desist-demand #privacidad #privacy

EFF to California's Supreme Court: Protect the #Privacy of Internet Users' Communications | Electronic Frontier Foundation - https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2025/02/eff-californias-supreme-court-protect-privacy-internet-users-communications

Encryption backdoors are like leaving the door open for a totalitarian society... I don't see why people are unable to understand this...

"If they're going to cave into Zuck's demand to facilitate spying on Instagram users, do we really think they'll resist Kier Starmer's demands to remove Signal – and any other app that stands up to the Snooper's Charter – from the App Store?

It goes without saying that the "bad guys" the UK government claims it wants to target will be able to communicate in secret no matter what Apple does here. They can just use an Android phone and sideload a secure messaging app, or register an iPhone in Ireland or any other country and bring it to the UK. The only people who will be harmed by the combination of the British government's reckless disregard for security, and Apple's designs that trade the security of its users for the security of its shareholders are millions of law-abiding Britons, whose most sensitive data will be up for grabs by anyone who hacks their accounts."


#CyberSecurity #UK #Apple #Encryption #Backdoors #Privacy #Totalitarianism #iCloud

"The furor after Apple removed full iCloud security for U.K. users may feel a long way from American users this weekend. But it’s not — far from it. What has just shocked the U.K. is exactly what the FBI told me it also wants in the U.S. “Lawful access” to any encrypted user data. The bureau’s quiet warning was confirmed just a few weeks ago.

The U.K. news cannot be seen in isolation and follows years of battling between big tech and governments over warranted, legal access to encrypted messages and content to fuel investigations into serious crimes such as terrorism and child abuse.

As I reported in 2020, “it is looking ever more likely that proponents of end-to-end security, the likes of Facebook and Apple, will lose their campaign to maintain user security as a priority.” It has taken five years, but here we now are.

The last few weeks may have seemed to signal a unique fork in the road between the U.S. and its primary Five Eyes ally, the U.K. But it isn’t. In December, the FBI and CISA warned Americans to stop sending texts and use encrypted platforms instead. And now the U.K. has forced open iCloud to by threatening to mandate a backdoor. But the devil’s in the detail — and we’re fast approaching a dangerous pivot."


#USA #FBI #CyberSecurity #Encryption #Privacy #UK #CISA #Apple #Backdoor

उत्तराखण्ड सरकार का साहित्यिक पुरस्कार विवादों में।


#uttarakhand #dehradun #india #news #press #LiteraryAward #AwardControversy #CasteBias #WritersRights #LiteraryJustice #literature

Enjoy tracker free reading with us. #privacy #privacymatters

दिल्ली मेट्रो की बड़ी कामयाबी, गोल्डन लाइन पर सबसे गहरी टनल का काम पूरा।


#newdelhi #delhi #india #news #press #metro #railway #tunnel #DelhiMetro #GoldenLine #UndergroundMetro #DMRC #UrbanTransport #PublicTransport

Enjoy tracker free reading with us. #privacy #privacymatters

#UnplugTrump - Tipp26:
Viele bekannte VPN-Dienste haben fragwürdige Datenschutzrichtlinien oder unterliegen US-Gesetzen. Bevorzuge europäische Anbieter wie Mullvad oder ProtonVPN, die strenge No-Logs-Richtlinien versprechen – auch wenn deren Einhaltung letztlich eine Frage des Vertrauens bleibt.

#VPN #NoUS #Privacy #Mullvad #ProtonVPN
VPN-Tunnel - dargestellt als Kreis. Im Inneren kleiner werdende Kreise mit einer Straße, die am Ende zu einem Sicherheitsschloss führt.

Hat jemand Erfahrung mit #camocopy ? Wirbt damit, verschiedene KI Modelle in Europa zu hosten, bzw. als Proxy zu den amerikanischen Modellen zu fungieren.


#UnplugTrump #AI #GPT4All #Ollama #Privacy #FOSS

>"Kaufe lokal steuerbare Alternativen"

Gibt es Listen der lokal steuerbaren Alternativen?

#UnplugTrump #NoCloud #HomeAssistant #SmartHome #Privacy

दिल्ली विधानसभा में हंगामा: सीएजी रिपोर्ट पेश, कई विधायकों का निलंबन।


#newdelhi #delhi #india #news #press #politics #aap #bjp #CAG #CAGReport #ExcisePolicy #LiquorPolicyScandal #Corruption #kejriwal

Enjoy tracker free reading with us. #privacy #privacymatters

Aktuell stellt Elon #Musk die US-Behördenlandschaft auf den Kopf und greift ohne Kontrollen auf sensible Daten des Staates zu. Ginge sowas eigentlich theoretisch auch in Deutschland? Das hat mich am Wochenende der #Deutschlandfunk im Gespräch gefragt. Die Antwort darauf ist beruhigend: Nein, das ist nicht der Fall. Warum das so ist, kann man an dieser Stelle in der Mediathek des DLF nachhören: https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/rettung-der-sozialen-medien-kampagne-save-social-will-politik-herausfordern-100.html #cybersecurity #datenschutz #privacy #doge

#UnplugTrump - Tipp25:
Viele IoT-Geräte (bspw. smarte Steckdosen, Thermostate, Kameras) senden Daten an (US-)Hersteller-Server. Kaufe lokal steuerbare Alternativen oder setze auf Open-Source-Lösungen wie Home Assistant.

#NoCloud #HomeAssistant #SmartHome #Privacy
Haus mit Leitungen/Kabeln zu einer Steckdose, Temperaturmesseinheit und einer Kamera. Symbolisiert ein Smart Home.

La Comisión Europea fue sorprendida incumpliendo sus propias normas de protección de datos y, por primera vez, fue condenada a pagar daños y perjuicios a un usuario por la infracción. La indemnización de 400 euros (415 dólares) puede ser insignificante en comparación con las multas impuestas a las grandes tecnológicas por las autoridades europeas, pero sigue siendo una victoria para los usuarios y mucho más que un simple detalle en el expediente de la comisión - https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2025/02/courts-fine-against-european-commission-unlawful-personal-data-transfer-small #privacy

How the #UK is Weakening Safety Worldwide


#Apple #ADP #politics #backdoor #cybersecurity #privacy #blog

New Social Security chief was being investigated when Musk team tapped him

Leland Dudek, a data analyst working in a small anti-fraud office, was suspected of sharing unauthorized access to information with representatives of Musk’s U.S. #DOGE Service. Now he’s the acting #SocialSecurity commissioner.

"his actions raised enough alarm that he... violated #privacy & #tax laws that sr officials placed him on paid leave as they launched their investigation"

#Musk #News
Text from article:
Leaders of the Social Security Administration had just opened an investigation into a career employee they believed was improperly sharing information with Elon Musk’s cost-cutting team when President Donald Trump elevated the employee this week to acting commissioner, according to three current or former government officials with knowledge of the events.

The agency’s leadership team became aware in recent weeks that Leland Dudek, a data analyst working in a small anti-fraud office who had been unknown to many of them, was sharing unauthorized access to information with representatives of Musk’s U.S. DOGE Service, according to the three, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to describe an internal matter.

It’s not clear what data Dudek shared, but his actions raised enough alarm that he may have violated privacy and tax laws that senior officials placed him on paid leave as they launched their investigation. The officials, including attorneys in the general counsel’s office, also were notified late last week that Dudek had sent harassing emails to employees in the agency’s personnel and security divisions to rush them to let several engineers hired by DOGE start work and gain access to agency computer systems. The officials pushed back, saying that they had not completed background investigations into the new hires.

Accountability for #Elon, Emil, and Ed

"There are three main kinds of claims directly concerning Musk among the 60+ #lawsuits against the administration... The lawsuits allege violations of:

1. The Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA)...

2. Potential violations of restrictions on disseminating sensitive information, especially under the #Privacy Act...

3. Violations of the Appointments Clause"

#Musk #Coup #Corruption #Trump #Politics #USPol #News #USNews #US #USA
Subheadings and text from article:
A Few Legal Updates and Summaries
1. A Brief Primer on Litigation Involving Elon Musk

I haven’t written much about Elon Musk, who has been the subject of a lot of recent litigation—much of it overlapping, some of it, in the opinions of district courts, a little premature. I think a lot of us have followed the legal twists and turns in too much detail, and a lot of us in too little. I thought it might be helpful to briefly sketch out and summarize the current legal landscape in thumbnail form for everyone. It’s labyrinthine, but it can be simplified quite a bit for purposes of taking stock of what’s happened and what’s on the horizon.

There are three main kinds of claims directly concerning Musk among the 60+ lawsuits against the administration. Many have been brought by consortiums of Democratic state attorneys general, which in itself may raise a legal issue of standing. The lawsuits allege violations of:

1. The Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA), on the grounds that advisory committees must have open and accessible meetings and a balanced representation of viewpoints.

2. Potential violations of restrictions on disseminating sensitive information, especially under the Privacy Act, based on DOGE’s access to all manner of citizens’ private data.

3. Violations of the Appointments Clause in Article II, based on a functional analysis of Musk’s broad power and authority.

IRS Bars Musk Ally From Seeing Personal Information

A document setting the terms of work at the IRS by Gavin Kliger, a software engineer on Elon Musk’s team, only allows him to see anonymized taxpayer information.

"The #IRS will not allow a member of Elon Musk’s team to view individual #tax returns while he works at the agency...

Gavin Kliger, a 25-year-old... [White House] pushed for Kliger to have broad visibility of IRS data"

#Musk #Politics #Privacy #News #US
Headline from NYT:
I.R.S. Bars Musk Ally From Seeing Personal Information

A document setting the terms of work at the I.R.S. by Gavin Kliger, a software engineer on Elon Musk’s team, only allows him to see anonymized taxpayer information.

DOGE Sparks Surveillance Fear Across the US Government

...Trump’s employee purges are making workers worry about how their #data could be abused.

"a barrage of menacing messages... included personal details...

the kinds of encounters that workers across the US #government say they have had w/ #technology...

as Musk’s #DOGE org is rapidly burrowing into various govt agencies & depts... sensitive info "

#Musk #Coup #Corruption #USPol #Privacy #Security #News #USA

DOGE Sparks Surveillance Fear Across the US Government

The US government has increased the use of monitoring tools over the past decade. But President Donald Trump’s employee purges are making workers worry about how their data could be abused.

by Paresh Dave, Dell Cameron, and Alexa O'Brien
Feb 21, 2025 6:30 AM

The UK's Investigatory Powers Act has way too much power. By forcing Apple to remove its encryption for UK users, it threatens the #privacy of everyone.

We at Tuta would never build a backdoor - and our #opensource code is proof of that.

👉 https://tuta.com/blog/uk-demands-apple-backdoor-encryption
Apple removes cloud encryption for UK users - but there's a grain of hope.

I've missed a couple of updates on here, but I'm back to announce the release of v0.22.0 of #FreeTube !

This is a fairly large release as this marks the release of our new video player. The migration from Video.js over to Shaka will allow us to support new features such as higher resolutions and better scrubbing in live videos.

Check out the full patch notes below. You can download the new release over on our website.



#opensource #privacy

Concerned about Microsoft Windows 11 Recall? You should be.

Recall allows Microsoft’s Windows 11 Copilot+ devices to screenshot every action a person takes on their PC.

What can you do? Switching to Linux is the clear answer, but some don't know what distro to try.

DistroSea.com is a website that lets you run and test 60+ Linux distributions straight from your web browser.

Have fun!

Source: https://distrosea.com/

#Linux #Computer #Windows #DOS #OPSEC #InfoSec #Privacy #Surveillance

‘The bot asked me four times a day how I was feeling’: is tracking everything actually good for us?


Gathering data used to be a fringe pursuit of Silicon Valley nerds. Now we’re all at it, recording everything from menstrual cycles and mobility to toothbrushing and time spent in daylight. Is this just narcissism redesigned for the big tech age?


Illustration: Carl Godfrey/The Guardian

"t can be challenging to sift through the flood of headlines and updates. We’re here to help make sense of that flood—starting with what we see happening with data during the first 30 days of the administration, including weakened oversight of U.S. surveillance, the elimination of consumer data protection tools, and improper access and misuse of data.

As the Trump administration concludes its first 30 days in office, three worrying trends emerge at the intersection of technology and democratic governance. New America’s Open Technology Institute has long championed democratically accountable tech policymaking, and over the past month, we have tracked federal actions that run counter to this objective:

- The weakening of oversight of U.S. government surveillance
- The elimination of institutions that protect American consumers and their data
- Systematic efforts to access some of America’s most vital data systems without regard for individual privacy or data security"


#USA #Trump #Surveillance #ConsumerRights #Privacy #DataProtection #CyberSecurity

"For 37 years, Congress has completely failed to pass another consumer privacy law. Which is how we got here – to this moment where you can target ads to suicidal teens, gambling addicted soldiers in Minuteman silos, grannies with Alzheimer's, and every Congressional staffer on the Hill.

Some people think the problem with mass surveillance is a kind of machine-driven, automated mind-control ray. They believe the self-aggrandizing claims of tech bros to have finally perfected the elusive mind-control ray, using big data and machine learning.

But you don't need to accept these outlandish claims – which come from Big Tech's sales literature, wherein they boast to potential advertisers that surveillance ads are devastatingly effective – to understand how and why this is harmful. If you're struggling with opioid addiction and I target an ad to you for a fake cure or rehab center, I haven't brainwashed you – I've just tricked you. We don't have to believe in mind-control to believe that targeted lies can cause unlimited harms.

And those harms are indeed grave."


#USA #AdTech #DataBrokers #DataBrokerage #Privacy #BigTech #MassSurveillance #DataProtection

Cornered by the UK’s Demand for an #Encryption Backdoor, #Apple Turns Off Its Strongest Security Setting - https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2025/02/cornered-uks-demand-encryption-backdoor-apple-turns-its-strongest-security-setting #cifrado #privacy #privacidad

typically, Apple bent over the gov't requests, as I feared. possibly the next step will be to force Apple into working with the gov't like how China forces.

few lessons from here:

1. Apple are not your friends when it comes to privacy, and they never will be

2. encrypt and backup with your own keys and independently of the big tech platforms

3. campaign against such surveillance requests by govts


#Privacy #Security #Apple #iOS #Mac #UnitedKingdom #Tech #Technology

≪ Der Frühling kann jetzt (meinetwegen) kommen ≫

Alles, was ich mir für das Winterhalbjahr vorgenommen hatte, konnte ich auch fertigstellen - sogar noch ein klein wenig mehr 😉

Im Rahmen meiner Bemühungen meine Datensicherheit und die Privatsphäre so gut wie mir möglich ist zu schützen, habe ich heute das letzte „Projekt“ fertiggestellt:

Die Synchronisation der Lesezeichen, und sogar der geöffneten Tabs, ohne Firefox-Sync oder ähnliche externe Dienstleister zu nutzen. Geholfen hat mir dabei das Tool “floccus” (https://floccus.org)

Neben der Passwortsynchronisation über KeePassXC hilft es mir den Browser LibreWolf (auf Android Firefox und KeePass2Android ) auf meinen Endgeräten zu nutzen, ohne mir Änderungen und Ergänzungen irgendwie anders zukommen lassen zu müssen.

Vielleicht mache ich mir im nächsten Winter einmal die Mühe und nehme mir die Zeit, Firefox zu härten (https://brainfucksec.github.io/firefox-hardening-guide), aber solange ich all das bereits mit LibreWolf nutzen kann, eilt das ja nicht 😆

Das Sommerhalbjahr kann also mit vielen Fahrradtouren, Wanderungen und neuen Fotos kommen 😀

Danke an @leChris für den Hinweis auf floccus.

#floccus #KeePassXC #Android #KeePass2Android #Passwortsynchronisation #Lesezeichen #LibreWolf #Datenschutz #Privatsphäre #Privacy
Screenshot meiner “floccus” Profile.

#FreeTube is an Open Source YouTube client for Windows, Mac, and Linux focused around #privacy and convenience.

This account is ran by Preston, the main developer of FreeTube and is where I'll likely post updates and information regarding the project. You can learn more about FreeTube using the site link in my profile where you can find out how to interact with the project and participate in the discussion.

Whether you're a user or a contributor, we'd love to have you stop by and check it out.

Trump Guts Crucial OPM Team as Elon Musk Gains Even More Power

The Office of Personnel Management has just limited access to certain government records on #ElonMusk and his #DOGE minions.

"The Trump administration has fired members of the “privacy team” at the #OPM, a move that will hinder #public access & scrutiny over #government records related to the #security clearances of #ElonMusk & Doge."

#Musk #Coup #Trump #Corruption #Politics #Privacy #USPol #News #US #USA
Headline and text from article:

Headline: Trump Guts Crucial OPM Team as Elon Musk Gains Even More Power

The Office of Personnel Management has just limited access to certain government records on Elon Musk and his DOGE minions.

by Hafiz Rashid
February 18, 2025 / 4:32 p.m. ET

Text: The Trump administration has fired members of the “privacy team” at the Office of Personnel Management, a move that will hinder public access and scrutiny over government records related to the security clearances of Elon Musk and his team at the Department of Government Efficiency.

CNN discovered the terminations when it made a freedom of information act (FOIA) request to OPM looking for those records, particularly regarding DOGE workers who were granted access to classified or sensitive information. An OPM email address responded to CNN’s request and said, “Good luck with that, they just fired the whole privacy team.”

"The #PrivacyAct prohibits an agency from disclosing someone’s records—even within the agency—unless that person approves in writing or the agency meets one of the law’s 12 exceptions. Most of the exceptions deal with fairly specific circumstances...

But there are also two broad, vague exceptions..."

#ElonMusk #Musk #Doge #Lawsuit #Resistance #Resist #Privacy #Law #Legal #Data #Information #Government #Politics #US #USPol #USA #News #USNews
Sub-heading and text from article:

What Is the Privacy Act?

The Privacy Act is a law that limits how the federal government can collect, use, and share information about US citizens and other people in the United States.

The law’s core features include letting people access government records about them; letting people correct those records if they contain mistakes; requiring agencies to limit information collection, publish lists of records databases, and protect data from hackers; and restricting how agency employees and third parties can access records.

Those restrictions on accessing data are at the heart of the ongoing DOGE saga.

The Privacy Act prohibits an agency from disclosing someone’s records—even within the agency—unless that person approves in writing or the agency meets one of the law’s 12 exceptions. Most of the exceptions deal with fairly specific circumstances, such as congressional oversight, law enforcement investigations, court orders, census work, statistical research, and National Archives preservation. But there are also two broad, vague exceptions: Agencies can share records with their own employees who “have a need for the record in the performance of their duties” or with third parties for “a routine use” (defined as one that is “compatible with the purpose for which [the data] was collected”).

Top #SocialSecurity Official Leaves After #Musk Team Seeks Data Access

The departure of the acting commissioner is the latest backlash to #DOGE efforts to access sensitive data.

"abrupt departure of a senior federal official who refused to provide Musk’s lieutenants with access to closely held #data. Musk’s team has been embedding with agencies across the federal #government & seeking access to private data"

#Privacy #ElonMusk #Coup #Trump #Politics #News #USA #US
News headline:
Top Social Security Official Leaves After Musk Team Seeks Data Access

The departure of the acting commissioner is the latest backlash to the Department of Government Efficiency’s efforts to access sensitive data.

दिल्ली की रेखा सरकार की पहली कैबिनेट में दो बड़े फैसले, आयुष्मान योजना में 10 लाख का मेडिक्लेम फ्री।


#newdelhi #delhi #india #news #press #bjp #aap #medical #health #ayushman #CAG #CAGReport #corruption

Enjoy tracker free reading with us. #privacy #privacymatters

Da ich mich immer ein wenig unwohl fühle, wenn mehrere Daten von mir konzentriert an eine einzige Stelle gehen ( #Mozilla #Firefox ), obwohl #OpenSource und ein transparenter Umgang mit dem Thema #Datenschutz, habe ich heute Morgen auf den noch ein wenig privateren #Browser #LibreWolf umgestellt.

So bequem die Möglichkeit der Synchronisation zwischen mehreren Endgeräten auch sein kann, die Daten der #Lesezeichen, #AddOns, vielleicht sogar die #Passwörter und neuerdings auch E-Mail-Masken und obendrein auch noch die Telefonnummer-Maske sowie einem #VPN in die Hände EINES Anbieters zu geben - lieber nicht ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Die Integration von #KeePass war zwar ein wenig herausfordernd, aber jetzt habe ich mich auch hier noch ein wenig besser absichern können 😀

🔗 https://librewolf.net/
#Datenschutz #Privacy #Privatsphäre