Beiträge, die mit NATURE getaggt sind
#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Spring #InTheField #Nature #BloomScrolling #EastGippsland

#KleeBenally 'Carry On'
By #BrendaNorrell, #CensoredNews, April 9, 2024
"Klee, discussing resource extraction, and how the #NavajoTribalCouncil was created to sign #oil and #gas leases, quotes our friend, the gentle, soft-spoken farmer from Shiprock, who received his doctorate degree before passing, Larry Emerson.
"'There is no point in trying to #decolonize the Navajo government -- it was not right for us from the start. Its structure and process is a replica of the American system, and the American system appears to be edging toward the possibility of failure like the great #RomanEmpire.'
"Writing on these monsters, oil and gas extraction, and coal mining, Klee quotes #LouiseBenally of #BigMountain, his aunt, whose family spent their lives resisting coal mining, #ForcedRelocation, and the machinery of the tribal government.
"Louise said, 'The natural laws and the Indigenous Peoples were already here in a good relationship before the coming of the #colonial society who draws laws and boundaries. However, we #IndigenousPeoples will always have ties with these lands, we will continue to live that way with #nature and we will carry on.'
"Klee shares the words of his grandmother, Roberta Blackgoat, who never gave up the fight. 'The Coal they strip mine is the Earth's liver."
Although many have passed, and too many have died from broken hearts, there are those who live on, carry on.
"Klee writes, 'The remaining resisters to forced relocation have outlived the monster that was consuming our lands, stealing our water, and polluting our lungs.'
"Before passing, Klee described the monsters, the rage against the machine, and the ways of restoring balance and harmony. Klee Benally's book, 'No Spiritual Surrender: Indigenous Anarchy in the Defense of the Sacred,' can be ordered at:
at April 09, 2024
#PeabodyCoal #BigMountainResistance #LandBack #LandBackNow #IndigenousPeoples #Dineh #NoUraniumMining #DefendTheSacred #EnvironmentalRacism #CulturalGenocide #Colonialism #CorporateColonialism #BigOilAndGas #RageAgainstTheMachine #IndigenousAnarchy #EarthDefenders #WaterIsLife
No Spiritual Surrender: Indigenous Anarchy in Defense of the Sacred by
The new printing has arrived, I'm slowly working my way through the backlog of orders.No Spiritual Surrender: Indigenous Anarchy in Defense of the Sacred is a searing anti-colonial analysis rooted in frontline experience.Detritus Books
Amazing! #nature #Science
Heart cockles have windows in their shells to let in light for symbiotic algae
A team of marine biologists, ecologists and evolutionary specialists from the University of Chicago, Stanford University and Duke University has found that heart cockles have windows in their shells to allow in light needed by the algae that live ins…Bob Yirka (
#Photography #Nikon #LandscapePhotography #Landscape #Scotland #Perthshire #Trees #Forest #Nature #NatureWriting
#ActOnClimate #ClimateChange #geography #deforestation #RenewableEnergy #geografia #FossilFuels #ActNow #environment #EndFossilCrimes #ClimateCrisis #Science #warming #Nature #climate #development #gasemissions #ClimateEmergency #climatecrisis #biologia #ClimateAction #photo #photography #GlobalWarming #cartoon #pollution #news #earth #amazon #Politics
While waiting for the ferry, I spotted this gull eating a starfish, looked like chocking at first…
🎁 FREE Ground SHIPPING in the U.S. on ANY item in my Gallery. Offer ends at midnight EST, 11.24.
#Wildlife #Birds #BirdsOfMastodon #Nature #Photography #Washington #PNW #Seattle #Artprints #WallArt #HomeDecor #Lifestyle #Puzzle #GreetingCards #Gifts #FediGiftShop #Giftideas #Christmas #Holiday #Thanksgiving #WomensArt #MastoArt #FediArt
EZ Lorenz - Official Website
This is the website of EZ Lorenz. Shop for canvas prints, framed prints, posters, greeting cards, and more.EZ Lorenz - Official Website
Spór o mamidło
Widmo Brockenu, to zjawisko, z którym bardziej zaawansowany turysta górski spotkał się co najmniej raz w życiu. Zjawisko to, nazwane tak ...Codzienność gryzie
#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Spring #InTheField #Nature #BloomScrolling #EastGippsland
#inaturalist #birds #birdsofmastodon #warbler #nature #wildlife #SanJose #California #sfba #ALT4you
It's a collection of folktales about misunderstood / underappreciated animals. Bats, sharks, wolves, rats, spiders, etc. I managed to find cool stories for each, and in every one of them the animal is portrayed in a positive light.
It was one heck of a research project, and I really enjoyed it 😄
#nature #animals #bookstodon #books #AmWriting
— Rollo May
🔗 ·
#quotes #RolloMay #joy #happiness #goals #life #nature #purpose
Poligraf · The Artistic Impulse
Joy, rather than happiness, is the goal of life, for joy is the emotion which accompanies our fulfilling our natures as human beings. — Rollo Maypoligraf (Tumblr)
Single, packs of 10 and 25 for ANY occasion, you can’t buy in the big box stores.
5”x7” frameable Art Prints.
Thanks for browsing.
#Washington #Oregon #PNW #GreetingCards #Nature #Landscape #Wildlife #Moon #Music #Lighthouse #Waterfall #Seattle #Flowers #Trees #Christmas #Gifts #Giftideas #FediGiftShop #WomensArt #ArtForSale #Photo #MastoArt #FediArt #Lightning #Gratitude #ArtPrints
Es gibt so viele kleine Dinge, die uns glücklich machen können: ein gutes Buch, ein gemütliches Treffen mit Freunden, ein Spaziergang in der Natur... Selbst der Herbstnebel hat seinen eigenen Zauber, wenn man genau hinsieht. 🌫🍂
Also, lasst uns den Tag genießen, lachen und die schönen Momente im Alltag schätzen. Denn Lachen ist nicht nur gut für die Seele, sondern auch für das Immunsystem. Bleibt positiv und macht euch einen wunderbaren Sonntag!🤗 🍀
#fotografie #nature #landscape #nebel #wald
#birds #nature #antigenocide #CEASEFIRENOW #Israeli #Flags #Genocide #Gaza
Chef de projet informatique avec une expérience variée (#PO, #PM, #dev, Resp. informatique), je suis passionné par la #technologie et l’#innovation. J’accorde une grande importance au design #UX/#UI, à l’#accessibilité et à la #sécurité.
En dehors du travail, j’adore partir à l’aventure, et pq pas à #vélo dans la #nature et les villes.
Entre deux #voyages ou projets, je bidouille des choses que j’oublie de #documenter et de #partager dans mon #blog (#jekyll #staticpages)
As non-profs, they need support.
Here is more about the magazines.
And, do read some of the amazing stories Hakai Magazine has published.
@hakaimagazine #magazine #journalist #nature #oceans #marinelife #culture
Hakai Magazine
Hakai Magazine explores science, society, and the environment in compelling narratives that highlight coastal life and phenomena.Hakai Magazine
I used to swim here often, but the parking is now atrocious.
#Australia #Sydney #Nature #AboriginalLand #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #History #Leisure #Relaxation #Swimming #Exercise
This stunning ocean pool is Sydney's best, reckons this water lover
Wylie's Baths made history when it opened in 1907, here's why it's this author's favourite place to swim.Winnie Stubbs (Time Out)
See video on Birdtube
#birding #naturephotography #birds #wildlifephotography #australia
#australianwildlife #visitqueensland #discoverqueensland #bird #wildlife #birdstagram #birdwatching #instabird #animal #birdphotography #birding #instabirds #naturelover #birdlover #birdlovers #BirdsofMastodon #nature
— Robin Wall Kimmerer
🔗 ·
#quotes #RobinWallKimmerer #nature #interbeing #DivineIntelligence #unity #oneness
Poligraf · The Artistic Impulse
The land knows you, even when you are lost. — Robin Wall Kimmererpoligraf (Tumblr)
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#arts #artshare #paintings 🎨 #NicholasRoerich #books #nature #life #interbeing #unity #oneness
― Robin Wall Kimmerer
🔗 ·
#quotes #RobinWallKimmerer #nature #interbeing #land #earth
Poligraf · The Artistic Impulse
The story of our relationship to the earth is written more truthfully on the land than on the page. It lasts there. The land remembers what we said and what we did. — Robin Wall Kimmererpoligraf (Tumblr)
Sick cockatoo sightings spark psittacine beak and feather disease warning
Avian experts warn people not to feed birds amid a highly contagious and incurable virus that causes feather loss and beak deformities, ultimately resulting in a "long, slow death".ABC News
#nature #naturephotography #wildlife #bird #waterbird #water #NorthernIreland @RSPB
Here is an eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) doing its best to maintain balance while eating at a bird feeder.
I don't post all of the photos that I post here to my Pixels gallery, but I post the photos I like best. Some don't make the cut. I usually wait a couple of days and see how I feel about it then.
You can check out my gallery at:
photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #wildlife #nature #EasternGraySquirrel
Coy Pearson - Official Website
This is the website of Coy Pearson. Shop for nature art, wildlife art, bird art, and more. Designs are available to purchase as canvas prints, framed prints, posters, greeting cards, apparel, and other products. Retired soldier.Coy Pearson - Official Website
This is a chipping sparrow (Spizella passerina) one of the species that I photograph the most.
I've had several inquiries about how to get a print of some my photographs. This is a hobby for me, so I haven't been equipped to handle those requests. But I enjoy what I'm doing and want to share my photographs.
So, I set up an account and website with pixels. My website is:
If you want a print of one of my photographs, you can get it there, If I haven't loaded it, let me know which one it is, and I'll gladly load it there for you.
#photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #wildlife #nature #bird #birds #birding #birdsofmastodon #birdwatching #birdphotography #ChippingSparrow
#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Spring #InTheField #Nature #BloomScrolling #EastGippsland #FlyingDucks