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Beiträge, die mit NATURE getaggt sind

Purple donkey orchid (Diuris punctata) still flowering in mid-November on the edge of Croajingolong NP, VIC. Lightly blotched forms are possibly hybrids with Diuris meridionalis ms (blotched donkey orchid) but still haven't sighted this rare species at this location.

#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Spring #InTheField #Nature #BloomScrolling #EastGippsland
Purple donkey orchid (Diuris punctata) still flowering in mid-November on the edge of Croajingolong NP, VIC.

I knew Klee's grandmother, #RobertaBlackgoat -- and supported her with #MutualAid and telling her side of the story in the early days of the web. Rest in Power, Klee!
💔 :anarchoheart2:

#KleeBenally 'Carry On'

By #BrendaNorrell, #CensoredNews, April 9, 2024

"Klee, discussing resource extraction, and how the #NavajoTribalCouncil was created to sign #oil and #gas leases, quotes our friend, the gentle, soft-spoken farmer from Shiprock, who received his doctorate degree before passing, Larry Emerson.

"'There is no point in trying to #decolonize the Navajo government -- it was not right for us from the start. Its structure and process is a replica of the American system, and the American system appears to be edging toward the possibility of failure like the great #RomanEmpire.'

"Writing on these monsters, oil and gas extraction, and coal mining, Klee quotes #LouiseBenally of #BigMountain, his aunt, whose family spent their lives resisting coal mining, #ForcedRelocation, and the machinery of the tribal government.

"Louise said, 'The natural laws and the Indigenous Peoples were already here in a good relationship before the coming of the #colonial society who draws laws and boundaries. However, we #IndigenousPeoples will always have ties with these lands, we will continue to live that way with #nature and we will carry on.'

"Klee shares the words of his grandmother, Roberta Blackgoat, who never gave up the fight. 'The Coal they strip mine is the Earth's liver."
Although many have passed, and too many have died from broken hearts, there are those who live on, carry on.

"Klee writes, 'The remaining resisters to forced relocation have outlived the monster that was consuming our lands, stealing our water, and polluting our lungs.'

"Before passing, Klee described the monsters, the rage against the machine, and the ways of restoring balance and harmony. Klee Benally's book, 'No Spiritual Surrender: Indigenous Anarchy in the Defense of the Sacred,' can be ordered at: https://detritusbooks.com/products/no-spiritual-surrender-indigenous-anarchy-in-defense-of-the-sacred
at April 09, 2024


#PeabodyCoal #BigMountainResistance #LandBack #LandBackNow #IndigenousPeoples #Dineh #NoUraniumMining #DefendTheSacred #EnvironmentalRacism #CulturalGenocide #Colonialism #CorporateColonialism #BigOilAndGas #RageAgainstTheMachine #IndigenousAnarchy #EarthDefenders #WaterIsLife

Phys.org: Heart cockles have windows in their shells to let in light for symbiotic algae

Amazing! #nature #Science


'Scotland’s tired landscapes declared hidden ardour in the sun. Brown became bronze, yellow turned to gold, and rust to shining copper.'

#Photography #Nikon #LandscapePhotography #Landscape #Scotland #Perthshire #Trees #Forest #Nature #NatureWriting
A colour photo of a woodland. The trees have lost most of their leaves and the sea of bracken is dying back but in the sun the colours are so vibrant.


While waiting for the ferry, I spotted this gull eating a starfish, looked like chocking at first…

🎁 FREE Ground SHIPPING in the U.S. on ANY item in my Gallery. Offer ends at midnight EST, 11.24.

#Wildlife #Birds #BirdsOfMastodon #Nature #Photography #Washington #PNW #Seattle #Artprints #WallArt #HomeDecor #Lifestyle #Puzzle #GreetingCards #Gifts #FediGiftShop #Giftideas #Christmas #Holiday #Thanksgiving #WomensArt #MastoArt #FediArt
Closeup capture of a Gull while eating a yellow starfish. The pink tongue of the gull is hanging out and saliva dripping. Portrait shot.

Widmo Brockenu widziane zza chmury, na której powstało. Widać też postać, która rzuca cień #blackandwhite #bw #nature #mountains #ski #blog #codziennosc #writefreelypl #writeblog(malutka kropka to głowa).
Czarno białe zdjęcie obrazuje tworzenia tzw. widma Brockenu,  widziane zza chmury, na której powstaje. Widać też postać, która rzuca cień na chmurę. 

The black and white photo illustrates the formation of the so-called Brocken spectrum, as seen from behind the cloud on which it is formed. A figure can also be seen casting a shadow on the cloud.

We have a pair of jays busying themselves in the garden. They’re enjoying the easy meal of fat balls in the feeders, but are also retrieving acorns that they’d buried in the lawn a few months ago. They must have good memories. Fascinating to watch.

#Birds #Nature
Photo of an Eurasian jay, with its distinctive blue shoulder patch, hopping about on a leaf-scattered grass lawn. It has its head tilted to one side and is peering intently at the ground, having moved a few leaves around.
Slightly blurred photo of same jay a few moments later. It has turned slightly away from the camera and is now grasping a brown acorn in its stout black bill. A few seconds before it had drilled into the lawn to pull the acorn out of its hiding place.

Copper beard orchid (Calochilus campestris) variations north of Mallacoota, VIC. Good numbers of this widespread and variable species out in roadside heathland at the start of November - with a nice range of beard styles on show!

#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Spring #InTheField #Nature #BloomScrolling #EastGippsland
Copper beard orchids flowering near Mallacoota, VIC - spring 2024.

I submitted the manuscript for my next book!

It's a collection of folktales about misunderstood / underappreciated animals. Bats, sharks, wolves, rats, spiders, etc. I managed to find cool stories for each, and in every one of them the animal is portrayed in a positive light.

It was one heck of a research project, and I really enjoyed it 😄

#nature #animals #bookstodon #books #AmWriting

« Joy, rather than happiness, is the goal of life, for joy is the emotion which accompanies our fulfilling our natures as human beings. »

— Rollo May

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/734275441325752320/joy-rather-than-happiness-is-the-goal-of-life

#quotes #RolloMay #joy #happiness #goals #life #nature #purpose

Moin, ihr Lieben! 👋 ☕ Es ist #Sonntag, und das Wetter zeigt sich heute von seiner grauen Seite. Doch lasst euch davon nicht die Laune verderben – die liegt ganz in unseren Händen!

Es gibt so viele kleine Dinge, die uns glücklich machen können: ein gutes Buch, ein gemütliches Treffen mit Freunden, ein Spaziergang in der Natur... Selbst der Herbstnebel hat seinen eigenen Zauber, wenn man genau hinsieht. 🌫🍂

Also, lasst uns den Tag genießen, lachen und die schönen Momente im Alltag schätzen. Denn Lachen ist nicht nur gut für die Seele, sondern auch für das Immunsystem. Bleibt positiv und macht euch einen wunderbaren Sonntag!🤗 🍀

#fotografie #nature #landscape #nebel #wald
Herbstwald im Nebel. Äste mit bunten Blättern  und ein mit Laub bedeckter Waldweg. Dichter Nebel im Wald.


Chef de projet informatique avec une expérience variée (#PO, #PM, #dev, Resp. informatique), je suis passionné par la #technologie et l’#innovation. J’accorde une grande importance au design #UX/#UI, à l’#accessibilité et à la #sécurité.

En dehors du travail, j’adore partir à l’aventure, et pq pas à #vélo dans la #nature et les villes.

Entre deux #voyages ou projets, je bidouille des choses que j’oublie de #documenter et de #partager dans mon #blog (#jekyll #staticpages)

Hakai Magazine, based in #Canada, is joining another independent #journalism publication, bioGraphic -- part of the 171-year-old California Academy of #sciences
As non-profs, they need support.
Here is more about the magazines.

And, do read some of the amazing stories Hakai Magazine has published.

@hakaimagazine #magazine #journalist #nature #oceans #marinelife #culture

This morning I watched a crow chase a rat down the street.
I don't know what that means 🤷‍♀️😄


« The story of our relationship to the earth is written more truthfully on the land than on the page. It lasts there. The land remembers what we said and what we did. »

― Robin Wall Kimmerer

🔗 · https://poligraf.tumblr.com/post/742077072175972353/the-story-of-our-relationship-to-the-earth-is

#quotes #RobinWallKimmerer #nature #interbeing #land #earth

Sick cockatoo sightings spark psittacine beak and feather disease warning #nature https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-11-09/sick-cockatoos-spark-psittacine-beak-and-feather-disease-warning/104577296

dzięcioł duży / great spotted woodpecker / Dendrocopos major
#ptaki #birds #birdwatching #nature

Birdfeeder Raider

Here is an eastern gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis) doing its best to maintain balance while eating at a bird feeder.

I don't post all of the photos that I post here to my Pixels gallery, but I post the photos I like best. Some don't make the cut. I usually wait a couple of days and see how I feel about it then.

You can check out my gallery at:


photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #wildlife #nature #EasternGraySquirrel
"The image shows a squirrel raiding a bird feeder. The squirrel is perched on top of the bird feeder, which is filled with seeds. It's gripping the metal hanger of the feeder with its front paws and appears to be eating or trying to access the seeds inside. The bird feeder is a cylindrical mesh container with a metal lid and base. The background is a white wall, and there is a watermark on the right side of the image that reads "© Swede's Photographs."

This image captures a common but amusing scenario where a squirrel, known for its agility and resourcefulness, is accessing food meant for birds. It highlights the adaptability and cleverness of squirrels in finding food sources." - Copilot

Sparrow and Blue Sky

This is a chipping sparrow (Spizella passerina) one of the species that I photograph the most.

I've had several inquiries about how to get a print of some my photographs. This is a hobby for me, so I haven't been equipped to handle those requests. But I enjoy what I'm doing and want to share my photographs.

So, I set up an account and website with pixels. My website is:


If you want a print of one of my photographs, you can get it there, If I haven't loaded it, let me know which one it is, and I'll gladly load it there for you.

#photo #photography #photographer #photographylovers #wildlife #nature #bird #birds #birding #birdsofmastodon #birdwatching #birdphotography #ChippingSparrow
"The image shows a sparrow perched on a tree branch. The bird has a light brown and white plumage with a distinctive reddish-brown streak on its head. The background is a clear blue sky, and the branches of the tree are visible around the bird. The bird appears to be calmly resting on the branch, and the photograph captures the details of its feathers and the texture of the tree bark. The image is interesting because it highlights the natural beauty of the bird and its surroundings, showcasing a moment of tranquility in nature. The photograph is signed with "© Swede's Photographs" in the bottom right corner." - Copilot

Roadside flying duck north of Mallacoota, VIC. Still only finding the occasional scattered large duck orchid (Caleana major) in locations between Genoa & Mallacoota where there are usually larger colonies. Might just be a bit dry this spring to see a lot up and out.

#Orchids #OzPlants #Biodiversity #Ecology #Botany #Photography #Spring #InTheField #Nature #BloomScrolling #EastGippsland #FlyingDucks
Large duck orchid (Caleana major) north of Mallacoota VIC - spring 2024