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Beiträge, die mit ART getaggt sind

7 days till release....

I'll likely do some touch-ups to the blog during this week. I did it kind of like how they release movies, where they start releasing teasers only _after_ they've 100% finished the movie. I've been working non-stop for 2.5 weeks, so this is an unexpected reprieve...giving myself a designated time to slow down.

#blog #webdev #indieweb #art #rss

Hablar de Palestina
Dar a conocer su lucha de resistencia
desde sus propias voces.
Ciclo de 4 programas, dos de contexto y dos contemporáneos.
Hablar y no dejar de hablar de Palestina.
🇲🇽 🤍 🇵🇸

#art #artist #arte #video #exhibition #palestine #palestina #gaza

Beschouwing kamerpresentatie Ruud van Empel bij Museum Belvédère. Tot 30 maart 2025.
#beschouwing #kunststukjes #blog #tumblr #MuseumBelvédère #RuudvanEmpel #fotoobjecten #kamerpresentatie #collage #montage #fotografie #kunst #art #makingnature

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📷 by Artist: #NicolasBruno in Loc.: #Northport 🇺🇸 - Title: "Immersi" - #Art #Streetart #Artist #Photography #Fotografie #PhotoArt #Surreal ➡️ #APhotoLove - Video: https://inv.nadeko.net/VZNrxXpJsqc?listen=false&t=122
Photography and Art. A color photograph of a man and a woman in a covered fountain. The surreal photo is a composition of photo and self-made sculptures. The picture shows a foggy gray landscape with a field of grain in which an old stone well with a roof stands. The well is surrounded by water and a wooden bucket lies in a puddle in front of it. Two people are standing in the well, holding each other tightly. You can see the upper bodies of the couple, a young man in dark clothing, while the brown-haired woman is wearing light-colored clothing. Water flows from the fountain. A few birds fly high into the gray sky, as if they want to escape the dreary place. The overall mood of the picture is mysterious, characterized by loneliness and silence.
Info: Nicolas Bruno, an artist who transforms his dreams and nightmares into surreal imagery. His photography is also a way of regaining control of the narrative of his sleep paralysis experiences. 
PhotoInfo: Nikon D810, Nikon 50mm
Digital Photography and self-made sculptures

❄️ Artist: #DavidZinn in City: #AnnArbor MI USA 🇺🇸 01/2025 - Title:
🟡 "Philomena has a strict no
hitchhikers policy with many
exceptions." 🐷🪽🐶
🔴 "Philomena hat eine strikte
Tramperverbots-Politik mit vielen
#StreetArt #Art #Chalkart #Artist #SidewalkChalk #Pigasus #Flying #WhenPigsFly #GoodMorning ! ☕
Streetart. A small pink pig with wings (called Philomena) and a small brown dog were drawn with chalk on a gray sidewalk. The dog sits on the pig's back and flies around with it. The two cute travelers look up at the viewer. Title: "Philomena has a strict no hitchhikers policy with many exceptions."

15 months of protest art for Gaza https://hyperallergic.com/985555/15-months-of-protest-art-for-gaza/

#art #illustration #Gaza #Palestine #NYC
#protest #solidarity

The Bus To Byers Green - Canvas Print


The one, the only, bus to Byers Green. Fares please!

#PhotoOfTheDay #Vintage #BlackAndWhite #Photography #BelieveInFilm #Bus #BnW #CanvasPrint #Art

Black and white portrait photograph showing a vintage double decker bus.  The image is shown as a canvas box print.

Da meine Hündin erkrankt ist und die Rechnung vom Tierarzt leider höher ausfällt, verkaufe ich einige meiner A6 Aquarelle für je 40€ plus Versand. Damit kann ich hoffentlich einen Teil der Rechnung bezahlen. Wer eins kaufen möchte, schreibt mich an. Dankeschön 🙏🏻
#MastoArt #art #illustration #TraditionalArt
Grinsender Fuchs, kleiner grüner Druide mit Maske, bunter Papagei mit Cocktail, schwimmender Otter, süßer Esel

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🟤 More... Favorite photos?
📷 by Artist: #TomJuenemann in Loc.: #Gablenz #Rackotzbrücke (Saxony) Germany 🇩🇪 01/2025 - Title: "Rackotzbrücke" - #Art #Streetart #Artist #Fotografie #Nature #Bridge #Photography #Travel ➡️ #APhotoLove
Photography.  A color photo of an old arched bridge over a lake in an autumnal landscape. The bridge is bent upwards and, together with the reflection in the water, forms a circle. The sun's rays falling from above change the lighting conditions in this circle. All around are autumnal deciduous trees on the bank. A beautiful nature shot and the photo has a wonderful atmosphere
Info: The 19.80-meter cantilever arch bridge was built by a landowner beginning in 1866 as part of a garden ensemble and is also known as the Devil's Bridge. The bridge was featured in the Hollywood film "Matrix Resurrections" and the 2017 German film "Der Zauberlehrling".

🐝 Artist: #FredRushCollins in City: somewhere in #Bayonne France 🇨🇵 10/2024 - Title: "Living is easy with eyes closed" 🙈 (Das Leben ist einfach, wenn man die Augen verschließt.") - #Art #Streetart #Mural #Artist #SprayArt #Bee #Abeille
("Le Jour où la connerie est tombée du ciel, rares sont ceux qui avaient un parapluie.") #GoodMorning !
Streetartwall. A small mural of a bee with a message was sprayed onto a bricked-up window. The background is a rectangle in pink. It shows a flying, cute cartoon bee with big eyes looking at the viewer. Above it is a thought bubble with the text: "Life is easy with eyes closed". 
Info: This probably means that you live much more simply and at the expense of others if you don't want to see what's going on around you and don't care about anything or anyone else.
The Artist: "The day bullshit fell from the sky, only a few people had an umbrella."

❄️ Artist: #DavidZinn in City: #AnnArbor MI USA 🇺🇸 01/2025 - Title:
🟡 "Emile's new friend is a little clingy,
but evergreen." 🌿🐀
🔴 "Emile's neuer Freund ist ein wenig
anhänglich, aber immergrün."
#StreetArt #Art #Chalkart #Artist #SidewalkChalk #Mouse #Ivy #Window #Friendship #GoodMorning
Streetart. A little mouse (called Emile) and a brick-sized hole have been drawn in chalk on a red brick wall. Emile, the mouse, wears a green woolen sweater and looks out of the hole. She reaches for a real green plant tendril growing towards the wall. The lower leaf in her hand looks like a little heart. Title: "Emile's new friend is a little clingy, but evergreen."

🪼 Artist: #SFHIR / #HugoLomas in City: #Madrid #Fuenlabrada / C/ de Leganés, 44 Bajo 2/ Spain 🇪🇸 01/2025 - Title: "Sirena" - #Art #Streetart #Mural #Artist #SprayArt #Siren #Mythology - Website: https://sfhir.com/
Streetartwall. A mural with the image of a mystical female creature playing a lyre was sprayed/painted on the exterior wall of a four-storey modern building. In the middle of the wall is a row of windows. The Mural shows a modern version of a siren from the Greek legend of Orpheus. The graceful lady has a pale but young face, white hair that turns pink in length and blows in the wind. She wears a tight white dress, a golden bracelet and stands turned to one side. She plays an upright lyre and is accompanied by pink fish swimming around her. She looks determined and proud. 
Info: In Greek mythology, the sirens lured sailors with their hypnotic song in order to kill them. The Greek hero Orpheus fought the sirens' song with his lyre and turned them to stone. The mural continues the story fictitiously. The siren returns, stronger than ever, having taken over Orpheus' powers and gazing majestically at passers-by.

⚡Artist: Michel Velt in City: #Groningen -
Netherlands 🇳🇱 painted on the 15/01/2022 - photo from 2024, Title: "Dit is Suzanne" - #Art #Streetart #Mural #Artist #portrait
This is for @AmiW,
thanks for following back ;-)
"Dit is Suzanne", portrait wall art

👉 more sights from an afternoon on the Southbank Riverwalk, Jacksonville, Florida

👉 mirror mosaic underneath the Main Street Bridge
🎨 "Roux Art" by Kate Garcia Rouh

#Jacksonville #Florida #Mosaics #AmateurPhotography #Pixelfed #StreetPhotography #Art #StreetArt #Bridges #Murals #UrbanExploration #GalaxyS23+
A pedestrian walkway beneath a large blue bridge is lined with mirror and glass pieces forming a mosaic of a blue river.
Plaque dedicating the mosaic and listing the name, Roux Art, and artist, Kate Garcia Rouh .

👉 more sights from an afternoon on the Southbank Riverwalk, Jacksonville, Florida

👉 once a police substation, now a public restroom
🎨 artist unknown

#Jacksonville #Florida #Murals #AmateurPhotography #Pixelfed #StreetPhotography #Art #StreetArt #UrbanExploration #GalaxyS23+
A small rectangular building surrounded by mulch and landscaping along a popular pedestrian walkway on the shore of the Saint Johns River has the exterior walls painted with very realistic tropical jungle like scenes.
A small rectangular building surrounded by mulch and landscaping along a popular pedestrian walkway on the shore of the Saint Johns River has the exterior walls painted with very realistic tropical jungle like scenes.

google’s latest fuckery: if you write online, read this

The Google app for iOS now adds THEIR links to YOUR posts from YOUR website unless you opt-out.

Their links lead people away from your site and back to Google. Because that’s definitely what you want, right? That’s why you have a blog or portal or web site or whatever. You want people to leave your site and go back to Google.

Oh, it’s not?

If you don’t like it, you can “Opt out.” Opting out is a pain in the ass. Here’s where you go to do it. You have to enter every variation of each of your domains or it won’t work. It will take up to 30 days, during which time Google will continue to pollute your work and your writing and your website with their modifications and their added links to take people away from your site and back to themselves.

For example, here’s the list of what I need to opt-out just for this one blog:
Yes, you explicitly have to file no prefix, http:, and https: variants separately. They say so.

Making it difficult like this is 100% intentional and entirely designed to make it as annoying as possible, and also, to make sure you slip up if at all possible and forget one or more combinations.

(Tho’ I am just going to depreciate web. as a prefix right now, to bring down the load a little. Still gonna list ’em, though, because spite is why.)

Right now it’s only in the Google app for iOS and it’s probably a test to see whether they can get away with it without complaint, and how much revenue it generates. Let’s make that a combination of no and as close to zero as possible. Because otherwise they’ll roll it out everywhere, and probably derank you if you don’t go along.

Fucking hell, Google. Fuck you. Just… fuck you.

#art #t0000000000bs_ #writing

#art #mastoart #illustration #surrealism #kleinekunstklasse
Selten fahre ich mit dem Auto, aber es gibt auf der Straße und am Wegesrand immer etwas zu entdecken.
Blick aus dem Autofenster: Rechts steht vor der Leitplanke ein Arbeiter, der einen Schlauch geschultert hat, dessen rechtes Ende in einem Wasserkrug mündet, und den ein zweiter am Boden hockender Arbeiter durstig an den Mund hält. Der Schlauch führt durch ein Loch aus dem Wasserkrug hinaus und endet als verzweigtes Wurzelwerk in den Armen eines kleinen weiß gekleideten Mädchens an der rechten Bildseite. Im Hintergrund verzweigen sich die Schläuche zu zwei Lebensbäumen mit dichtem Astgewirr. Im rechten Baum sind verschiedene Tiere wie Früchte in Medaillons abgebildet. Im linken sind Elemente aus dem Bereich der Technik zu sehen. Unter diesem Technik-Baum steht auch eine Zapfsäule, die nahelegt, dass der durstige Mann nicht Wasser, sondern Benzin trinkt.
Im Seitenspiegel ist schemenhaft eine Frau zu sehen, die die Szenerie fotografiert.
Eine Giraffe galoppiert auf der Autobahn, die im linken Teil des Bildes durch die Windschutzscheibe sichtbar ist, vor dem Auto her. Links unten kann der Betrachter auf dem Display eines festgeklemmten Smartphones die Navigation des Autos verfolgen.

#art #streetart #mastodon #winter Easter Island snow sculptures by Matt Morris at Waterloo, Canada.

Beschouwing "Wat is dat blijft", tentoonstelling werk van Johan van der Dong en Maaike Nijlunsing bij Galerie MUGA. Daar te zien tot en met 23 februari 2025.
#recensie #kunststukjes #blog #tumblr #galerieMUGA #JohanvanderDong #MaaikeNijlunsing #MuseumHeerenveen #MuseumGalerieHeerenveen #kunst #art #tijd #verval #vergankelijkheid #junkyart #arttrouvé #schilderijen #paintings #time #decay

The Snake and the Donkey (2/2)

The more the snake tried hard to make
Affection grow, the more would break
The chance of friendship, trust, and care,
His anger rising everywhere.

The donkey's tricks grew wild and free,
But soon got lost in his own glee,
And in the end, both learned that day
That love must come its very own way.

So listen, children, to this tale:
True kindness never shall prevail
When forced with anger, threat, or might,
But only through a gentle light.

#poem #fable #art

Snake Game Port is only 56 Bytes big & fits in a QR Code.

In the years since 1997, the landmark release of the Nokia 6110 and its inclusion of Snake, we have seen the game is ported to countless devices. This DOS version of Snake does have one key glitch that makes it more challenging to play than your typical versions of Snake.


#snake #game #dos #port #programming #retro #gaming #art #it #engineer #media #tech #news
Previously, Snake slither onto Raspberry Pi Pico and even a Raspberry Pi RP2040 LED array. Snake ports are so lax in terms of hardware requirements that they're even possible on any modern RGB keyboard with individually addressable keys, which I first experienced with Zaneo's Corsair (K70) RGB Snake game.


Like Tetris (1984) and Pong (1972), Snake (1997) is an all-time staple of low-spec gaming, especially on mobile devices. It's also proof that fun gameplay doesn't necessarily require the most GPU-punishing graphics on the market — even the original Pac-Man (1980) is only about 24 kilobytes. But as this project proves, fun gameplay doesn't need a full kilobyte — it seems to start around 60 regular bytes.
[ImageSource: donno2048]

Screenshot of donno2048's Snake for DOS port being played within a web DOSBox session.

If you fancy yourself a finesser, you must play this version of Snake without inputting backward inputs (as soon as you have more than three length), lest you immediately devour yourself and die. Usually, Snake doesn't make self-devouring this easy, so you have to be ultra-precise with your movements to play this DOS port of Snake adequately, which is a suitable bump in difficulty for the retro OS and hardware, even if it's a glitch.

It works perfectly fine in DOSBox and the web app, at least in terms of game speed.

Stopping back oh here since I'm trying out pixelfed. I have a blog here #blog #art #mentalhealth


⚪ Heute diese Katze. Muss sein...ein
🟤 Today this cat. Must be... a
Favorite photo.
📷 by Artist: #LaiLan aka #Littlemonster_024 in Loc.: #HongKong 🇭🇰 - Title: untitled 🥊🐈- #Art #Artist #Streetart #Fotografie #Mood #Cats #Photography #StreetPhotography #CatsOfMastodon #APhotoLove
Photography. A very funny color photo of a beige/brown striped cat standing on its hind legs and raising its front paws in the air as if it wants to start a boxing match. It is looking at something further up with its mouth open. It is standing against a wall and a sidewalk can be seen in the background. Definitely a very funny snapshot at the right moment.

Here's a ceramic hedgehog, fierce defender of whatever you store inside its belly. I'm new to this community and I'm a bit like this hedgehog. Since certain social media platforms are showing their true colors, I'm backing off and trying to find a safe place to settle, to share creative stuff, knowledge and fun without generating profit for scary billionaires. This might just be that place but I have no idea how it works yet. cheers!
#hedgehog #pottery #ceramics #art #introduction
neutral grey background with a sculpture of a brown hedgehog on four legs with a lid that is being lifted by two fingers.
The same hedgehog but without the lid being lifted.
close-up of said hedgehogs face. He's looking silly and cute.

Guerilla knitting aka 'yarn-bombing'

🎨 Artist: Ute Lennartz-Lembeck


#Art #Artwork #StreetArt
A photo of a weeping willow tree, photographed upwards from its base. The trunk and branches are encased in multi colored knitting, with stripes reaching up many meters into the branches while we still stand under an unbrella of green leaves from the tree too

#PSA / #FediTips

Just a reminder to people that when you see people posting their #Art, #Photography, #Writing / #Microfiction, or otherwise being a #ContentCreator on the #Fediverse, we can't see that you've looked at what we posted unless you interact with it. A post with no interactions could have been seen by no one, or a few thousand people, we don't know.

If you like what we are doing, and want to see more of that, be sure to click one of the buttons: #boost it, #follow them, #reply with something as simple as "I like this", or even just hit that #fave button, because the fave button is great for telling us that people looked at it and wanted to see more. We all Love that feedback!

The number one reason #ContentCreators leave the network is because they don't think people are looking at their posts, and #TheContentMustFlow, so simply acknowledging that you like their work is crucial to keeping them on the network.

You can help Fedi grow just by liking posts!
Image of Nuki Raccoon, who needs constant attention, giving you a wave, because this post felt like it needed art.

A 1930s mural in Mexico, restored and on show

A long-neglected 1930s mural in Mexico that warns about the rise of fascism has been revealed and restored – just the world faces that threat once more.


#Art #Mexico #Facism #NotForgotten #Mural